Never Late, Never Away

Never Late, Never Away Chapter 2425

Never Late, Never Away Chapter 2425

Never Late, Never Away Chapter 2425

Never Late, Never Away Chapter 2425

Caspian was observing everything from a distance at that moment.

“So you’re Joan Watts? Huh, you have a pretty face,” murmured the man.

“What do you want?” demanded Joan immediately.

“Well, that depends on you,” replied the man.

“I don’t think I know any of you,” muttered Joan.

The men standing around her scoffed.

It didn’t matter if she knew them or not because they were simply paid to carry out those tasks.

“My gosh, woman. Why did you butt into the rich family’s business?” asked the man directly.

What the hell did I butt into? Joan didn’t understand what was going on and was staring at the men in confusion.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Feigning innocent even at a time like this?”

Joan simply couldn’t recall who she offended or which rich family she pissed off.

“Just get straight to the point,” demanded Joan, who had finally lost all her patience.

“Well, to tell you the truth, we didn’t actually call you here to deal with a serious issue,” replied the man to deliberately get under Joan’s skin.

Joan simply couldn’t understand what was being played out in front of her. She couldn’t even begin to guess it.

Why isn’t she out yet? Caspian, who was hiding in the corner, was starting to worry.

Finally, he saw the men brought Joan out of the parking lot.

“Move! Don’t shout or make any sudden moves,” growled the man as he shoved her harshly and led her to the car in front of them.

“Hold it right there!” roared Caspian as he dashed out of his hiding spot.

The men were surprised to see Caspian’s sudden appearance.

“You f*cking lied to me?”


A loud slap landed on Joan’s cheek immediately.

She held her reddened face while her eyes burned with hatred.

“Step aside, dude. This has nothing to do with you, so butt out,” shouted the man nonchalantly.

“I won’t let you take that woman away!” Caspian growled.

Hah, he thinks he can be a hero? The man strode over to Caspian with an arrogant expression.

“Do you want to die, punk?” threatened the man.

Truth was, Caspian was ready to lay down his life. If Jessica came in time, he would be rescued. If not, he would spend his last breath protecting Joan.

“Let her go. I will take her place,” said Caspian firmly.

The man standing in front of Caspian scoffed. He looked at the latter in distaste before spitting, “No can do, punk!”

“The Owens family sent you, didn’t they?” taunted Caspian deliberately.

Hearing that, the man was momentarily stunned and at a loss for word.

“What are you bullsh*tting about? The Owens family? I have no idea who they are,” replied the man. He was avoiding Caspian’s eyes the entire time he spoke.

Seeing how nervous the man was acting, Caspian knew right away that what he said was the truth.

“You should know that Joan is Larry Norton’s partner. You know what kind of a man Larry Norton is, don’t you?” said Caspian.

Everyone in the city knew just how powerful Larry was. He was notorious for being aloof, aggressive, and cruel when conducting business, never showing mercy to anyone. These hooligans actually had the audacity to provoke the man. They’re definitely doomed now.

However, it was not possible for the hooligans to not know that Joan was Larry’s ex-wife. The reason why they had no fear was that the head of the Owens family had already given his orders, making him the one who would bear all the responsibilities.

“Just shut up and scram, would you? I don’t have time to chat with you,” said the man before he shoved Caspian rudely.

In response, Caspian swung his leg over, tripping the man and making him fall to the ground. The man’s subordinates, who were right behind him, were all left flabbergasted.

“Get him!” ordered the man on the ground. He let slip of his foreign accent as he put pressure on his chest.

Upon hearing his orders, the men attacked simultaneously and pounced at Caspian.

They had more men on their side, so it didn’t matter how strong Caspian was. He simply couldn’t fight that many muscular men all on his own.

“Do you really think you could take us on? Hah! Didn’t think so. Let me tell you something. There isn’t a man in this world that I am too afraid to punch. How dare you attack me? You must have a death wish,” taunted the man before he walked over and kicked Caspian.

“Stop it! I am the one you’re after. This has nothing to do with him. Let him go,” shouted Joan at the side. She looked extremely worried at that moment.

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