Never Late, Never Away

Never Late, Never Away Chapter 2428

Never Late, Never Away Chapter 2428

Never Late, Never Away Chapter 2428

Never Late, Never Away Chapter 2428

“What are you apologizing for?” asked Larry as he shifted his gaze to Caspian who was lying on the bed.

“I didn’t keep Joan and the kid safe,” answered Caspian in a guilty tone.

What an idiot. He’s already wounded to this extent, but he is still worried about that.

“That’s enough. Stop overthinking it. Just focus on getting better,” replied Larry.

Truth was, Larry was rather angry with Caspian’s decisions and actions. Yes, I did order him to protect Joan, but he was not supposed to sacrifice his life.

Everything should be done in moderation and after careful consideration. Caspian lacks the ability in strategizing and solving problems without resorting to throwing punches.

“How is Joan? Is she feeling better?” asked Caspian.

“She’s fine. She’s still unconscious, so I will head over and see how she’s doing now. Get some rest,” instructed Larry before he left Caspian’s room.

“How is she, doctor? Is she alright?” asked Larry as he stared at the doctor.

“She’s in shock, so try not to let her out of the house too much for now,” informed the doctor. He then added, “Take care of her and pay attention to her emotions. Wild sways in moods would not be beneficial to her recovery.”

As he gazed at the woman on the hospital bed, Larry felt his heart ached for her.

He had gotten to the bottom of it all. The culprits had already confessed that the head of the Owens family, Keith, was the mastermind.

“Larry…” muttered Joan as she shook her head in her sleep.

“I’m here, Joan. Wake up,” said Larry. He rushed over quickly to hold her hand.

“Larry!” shouted Joan suddenly as she sat up. Her eyes flung open, and she stared blankly ahead for a moment.

“Joan, you’re okay now. Trust me. It’s all in the past,” promised Larry as he stroked her hair gently.

She couldn’t hold it in anymore. She snuggled into Larry’s arms and cried her eyes out.

“I-I thought I’d never see you again. I thought I’d die, and I thought you don’t love me anymore…”

All her suppressed anger and frustration flushed out of her lips in that instant.

“Silly girl, that will never happen. I’m here now, and everything will be better,” cooed Larry as he gently stroked her back.

“Where’s Caspian, Larry? Is he alright? He got beat up because he tried to save me,” blurted Joan as if she had suddenly recalled something.

“He’s fine. Don’t worry, and don’t overthink it. I’ve already settled everything,” replied Larry.

Meanwhile, the man in question was currently lying on the bed in the other hospital ward and was resting with his eyes closed.

Bang! The door was suddenly flung open.

Caspian was about to open his eyes to check who it was when a woman suddenly leaned on his chest and cried aloud.

What is up with this woman now? Did someone bully her? Or did she fail to bully someone?

“What’s wrong? Tell me,” said Caspian as he stroked her back to comfort her.

“Caspian, does it hurt?” asked Jessica softly while wiping her tears away.

I-Is she worried about me? Caspian was surprised. Huh, I didn’t think this woman actually cares that much about me.

“It did hurt quite a bit earlier, but I’m alright now,” answered Caspian slowly.

“Look at you. Your face, your neck, your arm, your legs… There are wounds everywhere. It must hurt so much. I told you not to go, but you insisted on being a hero. Now look at the state you’re in. Are you happy now? You’re hospitalized!” growled Jessica angrily before she pinched his arm hard.

“That’s my boss’ wife. I have to save her, even if it meant sacrificing my life,” replied Caspian.

Jessica got jealous at that.

Why must he go to this extent to protect her? She’s only his boss’ wife. It’s not like she’s his wife. Could it be that this assh*le actually have feelings for Joan? Suspicion flashed past Jessica’s eyes as she glared at the man before her.

“Just say what you want. What’s the point in glaring at me like that?” said Caspian.

“Do you really only see Joan as your boss’ wife?” asked Jessica without beating around the bush.


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