Never Late, Never Away

Never Late, Never Away Chapter 2542

Never Late, Never Away Chapter 2542

Never Late, Never Away Chapter 2542

Never Late, Never Away Chapter 2542

The next day, Joan woke up rather early. She spent some time fixing the first meal of the day in the kitchen. After that, and with some time to spare, she stayed in the dining room as she waited for Lucius to rise.

“Good morning! Time for breakfast,” Joan greeted Lucius who had just come out of his room, rubbing his eyes.

“Mom, you’re up early. The parent-teacher conference is in the afternoon,” Lucius informed her, but not before letting out a yawn.

“Oh, it’s not about that. Go get your breakfast,” Joan urged the boy.

“Are you going to the parent-teacher conference?” Delilah asked her from her spot on the sofa after the child left the room.

“Yes, of course,” Joan answered.

Delilah looked like she wanted to tell Joan something, but she eventually resisted the idea.

Life was always full of surprises. No one would ever know what would happen in the next second. Joan, for example, had not expected that she would bump into a familiar figure at the parent-teacher conference later in the afternoon.

“Ms. Young, do you think I look nice in this?” Joan nervously asked for Delilah’s opinion.

Before she left the house that day, she had received a call from Lucius’ homeroom teacher informing her that, as a parent representative, she would be giving a speech at the event.

“It’s fine. You better get going now. There’s no time to fuss. You know you look good in anything,” came Delilah’s rather impatient response.

“No, you have to tell me, Delilah. Do I look nice in this or not? I don’t want to embarrass Lucius in front of the class,” Joan mumbled anxiously.

He’s a child! Your appearance doesn’t really matter to him! Delilah lifted her head to study the busy woman in front of her. Eventually, she let out a sigh.

“So, what do you think?” Joan spun around a few times in front of Delilah.

“Yes, yes, you look nice in that. Get going, alright? Quit dawdling or you’ll be late!”

Without a minute to lose, Joan up and left the house with Lucius in tow, disappearing from Delilah’s line of sight.

The school was crowded. Everywhere, parents and students huddled in small groups, forming an overall peaceful and harmonious scene.

“Mom, I did really well in the test! Look, I’ve improved so much!”

“Mom, our homeroom teacher gave us this reward!”

“That’s wonderful, dear. You know you’ll always be the smartest kid to me.”

Several mothers and their children were busy chatting among themselves, seemingly having the time of their lives. It was rather enviable.

Where’s Lucius? Where did he go? Joan stood on tiptoes as she searched for her son.

“That’s strange. Where exactly has he run off to?” Joan muttered to herself as she searched high and low for the boy.

It was then that she heard a familiar man’s voice calling her. “Hey, Joan!”

Caiden? Joan turned around and came face to face with a familiar-looking man a few paces away. His appearance left her in a momentary daze.

“Mom!” Lucius was standing next to him and waving at her.

“Haven’t seen you in a while,” Joan went over to greet Caiden.

“Wow, you’re attending the parent-teacher conference with Lucius, right?” Caiden scratched his head and proceeded to strike up a conversation.

In front of Joan, he never had to play his role as a respectable leader nor maintain his image as a formidable president.

“Larry’s been busy lately, so here I am,” Joan replied.

Caiden forced a smile when Larry’s name was mentioned, but his eyes could not betray his resignation.

“How are you lately?” he asked.

“So far so good. But, I’m curious, what brings you here today?” the woman asked back.

“Oh, I own the school now.”

Joan was aware that this was a private school, so the fact that Caiden managed to acquire the property was not surprising to her.

“I heard that you’ll be delivering a speech later, as the parent representative. Is that true?” Caiden asked further.

“Oh, yes,” came the reply. The two went back and forth as awkwardness gradually stifled them.

“Caiden, I think Mom’s getting nervous. I’m going to bring her in first. Let her get familiar with the place,” Lucius cut in.

Who’s nervous, you say? Joan’s eyes widen as she stared at Lucius quizzically.

“N-No, I’m not…”

“Bye, Caiden!” Lucius bade farewell to Caiden, before dragging his mother away.

“Lucius, what’s that about? Who says I’m nervous?” Joan tapped the boy lightly on the forehead, teasing him.


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