Never Late, Never Away

Never Late, Never Away Chapter 2586

Never Late, Never Away Chapter 2586

Never Late, Never Away Chapter 2586

Never Late, Never Away Chapter 2586

“Send him off in my place please.” Joan pointed at Jake and said.

In the living room back home. “Abelyn’s friends are back,” Larry said to Joan in a low voice.

“I know.”

“What do you plan to do?” he asked.

“Go with the flow and ask them about it when the time is right.”

Things won’t be as simple as it seems. Larry stared at Joan worriedly.

A week flew by. Joan headed straight for the villa they were staying at without a second’s hesitation after Faye found out their address.

Knock… Knock… Knock…

The few people in the living room jumped in fright when they heard the fervent knocking.

“Are we expecting a guest?” A middle-aged woman asked.

“No,” another answered.

Joan didn’t give up when nobody answered the door. After a long while, somebody finally gave in.

“Who is it?”

Joan kept quiet and continued knocking fervently on the door.

“Are you crazy?” The middle-aged woman opened the door and cursed.

However, she received a nasty surprise when she saw that it was Joan.

“W-Why are you here?”

“I’m here to see your… photos.” Joan walked past her into the living room.

Everyone else in the living room was dumbstruck. Who would have thought she would dare to come here alone?

“What are you doing here?” A man stood up and asked in a hostile manner.

“Please show me the photos taken by my photographers.” Joan went straight to the point.

She wanted to see for herself what they meant by poor-quality photos.

“Ms. Watts, what is the meaning of this? Why would we keep a bunch of bad-quality photos?” A man said matter-of-factly.

They threw it away? How cunning to destroy evidence. Joan peered at them menacingly.

“Why are you doing this? Who instructed you to do it? Is it Abelyn?” She asked the man sitting on the sofa softly.

They shied away from Joan’s gaze Abelyn’s name was mentioned. At that moment, everything clicked.

“My photographer went through so much to take nice pictures for you without so much as a complaint, but you guys slandered our studio’s reputation!” she bellowed.

The air went still as everyone ignored her.

“If there is nothing else, you may leave.” Someone stood up.

Are they chasing me off? Perhaps because they are guilty as charged? Or are they hiding something from me?

“I need an explanation from all of you!” Joan said firmly.

“What explanation? Your photographer ruined everything. We don’t have anything to do with it.”

“My photographers didn’t ruin anything. It was all you!” Joan shouted.

“How could you say that? Do you have proof?”

Shameless b**tards! Joan was so angry that she took a step back helplessly.

“If you’re trying to find fault here, I’m sorry, you’ve got the wrong place.” A woman spoke up.

Then, a man stood up and walked towards her with a dangerous glint in his eyes.

What does he want? A fight? Joan collected herself as helplessness flashed in her eyes.

“Get out. Or else…”

Joan was scared when she heard those words.

What a bunch of hypocrites. Talking with their fists instead of being the civilized gentlemen they presented themselves to be.

Joan decided to back out after much hesitation. She didn’t want to die just yet.

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