Never Late, Never Away

Never Late, Never Away Chapter 2634

Never Late, Never Away Chapter 2634

Never Late, Never Away Chapter 2634

Never Late, Never Away Chapter 2634


“You could call his office.” The receptionist handed her desk phone to Joan.

Joan was touched at her kind gesture. She thanked the receptionist profusely.

The phone in Jake’s office began ringing a short while later.

“Yes?” he asked coldly.

“Jake, it’s me, Joan. Can I talk to you about something? I’m in your office lobby right now,” Joan blurted in a hurry.

Joan? He lifted his head and stared at his office door moodily.

“There’s nothing more for us to say to each other.” Jake was about to hang up after that statement.

“Wait! There are still things that I want to talk to you about,” Joan interrupted.

“You can say them now. Or I’m hanging up.”

“Let’s meet up, please,” she begged.

I would’ve fallen for that pitiful voice hook, line, and sinker in the past. Jake merely scoffed as an annoyed expression appeared on his face.

“Joan, our relationship ended the moment Faye died.” Jake ended the call.

I can sympathize with his reaction to my call, but that doesn’t mean I’ll agree with some of his actions!

“Miss, I think the president is in a bad mood today. Maybe you can come again next time,” the receptionist suggested.

“Thank you. Why are you helping me, though?” Joan was curious.

“Because you remind me of my older sister,” the receptionist explained sincerely.

Joan was not in a rush to leave despite Jake’s direct rejection. Instead, she lingered in front of the office, waiting for Jake to get off work.

Time passed in a hurry. Most of the M Group employees had already left, but Joan saw no sign of Jake.

Is he working overtime? She stared into the office, but there was still no sign of him.

I can wait a bit longer. I’m sure a president like him has a lot of work to do.

An hour passed. Soon, all the street lamps shone brightly. Still, Jake was nowhere to be seen.

“Ms. Watts? Why are you still here?”

It was the receptionist.

“I’m waiting for your president to get off work,” Joan scratched the back of her head as she answered abashedly.

“Miss, I think you should leave. He might not even be going home tonight.”

What? He’s going to work through the night? Joan stared at the receptionist uncomprehendingly, hoping for some clarification.

“We’ve been swamped with work lately. In fact, our president has spent the past two nights in his office,” the receptionist explained.

Oh dear! Joan turned to look at the deserted lobby.

“You should get going,” the receptionist advised.

“Ok, I will. Thank you again.” Joan waved goodbye at her.

There’s no one else in the office. If I go in now, no one’s going to stop me, right?

Joan beelined through the lobby and headed toward Jake’s office.

Jake was still typing on his computer in his office. He looked like he was dealing with some serious matters. Suddenly, Joan felt bad about disturbing him.


She knocked lightly on the door in case she startled him.

“Come in,” Jake said without even lifting his head.

She pushed opened the door gently and walked into the office cautiously.

“Yes?” Jake’s eyes were glued to the computer screen.

“Aren’t you going home?” Joan asked gently.

Jake froze in the middle of his task. Slowly, he lifted his head and glared at Joan.

“Why are you here?” he asked.

“I wanted to talk to you,” she replied.

“There’s nothing for us to talk about,” he spat.

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