Never Late, Never Away

Never Late, Never Away Chapter 2661

Never Late, Never Away Chapter 2661

Never Late, Never Away Chapter 2661

Never Late, Never Away Chapter 2661

Is He Handsome

Joan looked at the little girl and said, “I’ll teach you, okay?”

The girl nodded excitedly as a smile plastered over her face.

“Come. Follow me.” She beckoned them to the field and started playing with them. “Safety first, alright?”

The kids had a whale of a time, and Joan felt exhilarated as well. Her excitement was stemmed from the fact that she was now far away from the troubles and sorrows back in Chanaea.

“All of you are playing great! Nice soccer skills!” Joan praised as she passed the ball towards the goal.

All of them grinned jollily, and one of the boys exclaimed, “Of course! Our teacher teaches us well!”

He’s quite quick-witted, isn’t he? Joan chuckled and nodded in response.

“Mr. Silverman is here!” a little girl exclaimed all of a sudden and pointed to her left.

Hearing her, everyone stopped at once and turned to the direction in unison.

“Mr. Silverman!”

“Mr. Silverman! We’ve missed you so much!”

A dozen students ran to a man standing a distance away, vying to hug him.

Mr. Silverman? Joan squinted her eyes, trying to see his face.

However, the sunlight was so bright that she could not make out his appearance, but she knew that the man was walking towards her.

“Joan,” he said as he reached her.

It took her a while to realize who the man was.

She gaped in surprise. “Dustin, why are you here?”

“I should be the one asking you this,” he retorted and laughed. “These are all my students.”

Looking at them, it finally dawned on Joan that the “Mr. Silverman” they were talking about was actually Dustin.

A boy grinned proudly and introduced, “Miss, this is Mr. Silverman, our teacher.”

“Yeah. He is handsome, isn’t he?” one of the girls asked.

“Y-Yeah. Haha.” Joan laughed awkwardly.

“Alright, all of you should go and rest,” he said, motioning the kids to go back.

Shortly after that, the children dispersed, leaving only Joan and him on the vast field.

“Are you here to travel?” Dustin broke the silence.

“Yup, I’m here for a break,” she replied, gazing out on the sea nearby.

“Why? Did something happen again?”

Hearing his question, she broke into a smile.

Even though he might have hurt me before, I can’t deny the fact that he really knows me well.

She shook her head. “It’s not a big deal.”

Knowing that she was uncomfortable talking about it, he did not probe for more information and proceeded to stretch himself nonchalantly. “Since you’re already here, remember to have fun.”

Then, he screamed at the sea to release his stress.

Joan was taken aback by his abrupt shout and opted to remain silent.

Soon, it got dark, and they went to a restaurant nearby to satiate their hunger.

After their food arrived, Joan helped herself to the food and asked, “What makes you want to be a teacher here?”

“Hmm, I’m actually not a formal teacher. When I first came here, I bumped into that group of kids, and they said they wanted to learn how to play soccer, so I offered myself.” Dustin chuckled at the memory.

I see. She nodded in understanding and continued eating.

“Why is Larry not here with you?” Dustin asked, curious.

“He’s gone on a business trip.”

As they savored their dinner, they resumed chatting away happily as if the gap and tension between them were never there.

Perhaps it was because they were in a foreign country now, so their interaction was more cordial than before.

“When are you going back?” Dustin questioned.

“I don’t know. I guess I would only be back once I’m done exploring here.” She shrugged nonchalantly, laughing.

Out of a sudden, there was a familiar voice coming from behind. “Dustin.”

The owner of this voice had once brought troubles to Joan.

“Fancy seeing you here, Joan.” Abelyn’s voice dripped with sarcasm as she walked towards them.

I guess both of them have gotten together. Joan smiled at her and said hello.

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