New Age Of Summoners

Chapter 1152 - Gathering Of The Demon Emperors

Chapter 1152 - Gathering Of The Demon Emperors

'Another powerful, smaller world is gone just like that?'

The primordial demon emperor was feeling so much frustrated when he sensed that the obsidian naga world, which was the strongest world among all the smaller worlds in his territory, got destroyed.

'What the hell were these demon apostles doing?'

Brokas clenched his fists as he thought about all the smaller worlds in his territory that were destroyed recently.

Devourer eagle king world, Shard giant world, Hellish ogres world and now, the obsidian naga world.

Even though there were some other smaller worlds that got destroyed like the Bronze demon world and Dirt trolls world, Brokas didn't care about them because they were weak smaller demon worlds without much force.

However, the same thing can't be said to the four smaller worlds because they were good cannon fodder that could cause a lot of damage before the actual demon forces invade the worlds.

So, he cursed the demon apostles whom he sent out to take care of that human.

"Brokas, which world are you going to vote for this century's Great demon competition?"

While Brokas was thinking about the human who was destroying the smaller worlds in his territory, he was interrupted by the Astral demon emperor, Xareth.


Controlling his anger, the primordial demon emperor came out of his thoughts and looked at the four demon emperors in front of him.

"I support the Golden Demon Emperor."

Since the golden demon emperor had already promised him some good gifts, the primordial demon emperor didn't hesitate to support the Golden demon emperor.

"Golden demon emperor gets three votes and Great void emperor gets two votes."

Soon, the Astral demon emperor announced the results of the voting as he continued, "So, this century's 'Great demon competition' will be in the Greater Gold demon world."

"Thank you, Xareth and Brokas."

The golden demon emperor already knew he would be winning the voting; however, there was a small doubt because if the Great void emperor promised them something, Xareth and Brokas would not hesitate to change sides.

So, he thanked both the demon emperors.

As for the Great void demon emperor and the Nether demon emperor shook their heads with bitter looks on their faces.

'Didn't I say the gold demon emperor will win no matter how much you try?'

Nether demon emperor Iozzos transmitted his voice to the Great void demon emperor, Jazzen.

'Let it be, Iozzos. The next century's great demon competition will be mine without giving anything to others.'

It was a known fact that the golden demon emperor, Dilgin was the richest among all the demon emperors and if he wanted to get something done, he would easily get the support of other emperors by promising good things.

But, the great void demon emperor didn't want to give up without trying; however, he was not sad for losing as he thought about the brighter side.

'Do you know about this time's speciality, right?'

Iozzos shook his head and hearing that, Jazzen also shook his head as he couldn't do anything about it.

"So, let's begin the exchange now."

Once the voting was finished, the golden demon emperor was happy as he proceeded to the second event of today's meeting.

"I want some tamed elemental spirits in exchange, I will let some of your talented young demons enter my 'Astral demon pool' to cultivate."

The astral demon emperor was waiting for the exchange event and once he heard the golden demon emperor's words, he said what he wanted and what he would be giving in return.

"I will give the nether demon fire that could help in tempering the bodies of even king realm experts. In exchange, I want the same thing as the Astral demon emperor."

Next, it was the Nether demon emperor, who said those words to the golden demon emperor.

Even though it was called an exchange, it was basically the golden demon emperor, who sells the tamed elemental spirits under him to the other demon emperors.

"Sure. Let's discuss the prices."

The golden demon emperor was more than happy to exchange those tamed elemental spirits for the specialities that were only available in the other demon emperors.

The thing is, the demons could not become the elemental spirit summoner and the only way they could do it was by using the summoning crystals. So, there were very few summoners among the demons.

However, they became hopeful with a mutated smaller world and got an elemental spirit world of its own and some thought it was because the world's owner was a summoner and some believed the 'Demon God' was helping their race.

Nevertheless, what all the demons cared about was to get their hands on the elemental spirits to become the summoner.

As for the golden demon emperor, that world was under his control and he was careful in not exchanging the rare and high-potential elemental spirits to others as he kept them for himself because he didn't want other demon emperors to become so powerful with their elemental spirits.

"I will take my leave now."

However, the primordial demon emperor was not in a mood to buy more elemental spirits from the golden demon emperor because there was a human in his territory that was destroying his smaller worlds.

And he could not talk about the human because the same human was having the divine dragon.

Also, the golden demon emperor had already promised him the elemental spirits for supporting him. So, of course, he didn't mind leaving the special meeting realm. historical

He didn't wait for other emperors to say anything as he directly left from there.

"What's with Brokas? Why is he leaving so soon?"

"It is related to his underlings."

"We already know how it will end if he trusts the high-level demon kings who reached that level without our secret cultivation techniques."

"Looks like he will try our way this time."

"Anyway, let's not talk about it; instead, let's focus on the exchange."

After the primordial demon emperor left the special meeting realm created by the Astral demon emperor, the other demon emperors talked about him before focusing on the exchange.


Soon, Brokas appeared in his world as he shouted, "Brother, where are you?"


As soon as he called, the ground below the primordial demon emperor shook a little as a huge primordial demon came out of the ground.

He looked just like any other primordial demon; however, his size was more than 100 meters as he asked, "Brother, you need me for anything?"

"Brother, shall we go hunting? It's been so long since we had one together."

With a slight smile on his face, Brokas asked the huge primordial demon emperor.

"Of course, I would love that."

Hearing Brokas's words, the huge primordial demon who had the cultivation of the emperor's realm excitedly nodded his head.

"It's your favourite prey, a human; however, he is so far away from us. So, I would like brother Trokas to accompany me for that hunt with his flying magic leaf."

Brokas explained everything because he wanted that flying magic leaf of his brother.

"Sure, let's go."

Trokas nodded his head as he summoned a huge magic leaf and flew out of the Greater primordial demon world at an incredible speed.


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