New Age Of Summoners

Chapter 1159 - Primordial Demon Punch

Chapter 1159 - Primordial Demon Punch


Both the primordial demon emperors were excited when they heard Ajax's reply as Brokas replied, "As long as you stay loyal and do what we ask you to do, you will get more than what we promised you."

Even though Ajax was still a level 1 elite general realm, he was able to destroy the smaller worlds with his elemental spirits and the contracted spirit beasts.

As an emperor realm expert, Brokas saw various elemental spirits in Ajax's inner world where he has mistaken the inner world as the spirit consciousness.

Since Ajax was a summoner that was capable of forming contracts with elemental spirits of various elements, Brokas thought it was very easy for Ajax to enter the greater human worlds.

'As long as he doesn't try anything funny, it would be a win-win situation for both of us.'

From Brokas' perspective, Ajax would benefit a lot from becoming his subordinate because there were many who wanted to work for an emperor realm cultivator; however, he casually gave the opportunity to Ajax.

"So, why don't you remove this barrier and let's finalize the deal?"

Since Ajax had already agreed to become his subordinate, he needed one last thing to do and it was to place his demon mark on Ajax.

Not only would it warn other demons that he was the primordial demon emperor's property but it would also help the primordial demon emperor to kill Ajax whenever he wanted to.

"For an emperor realm expert like you, the barrier is nothing, right? Why don't you destroy it?"

However, Ajax didn't remove the barrier or give permission to the demon emperors to enter the grey dwarf world; instead, he asked them to destroy the barrier with their strength.

As for why he asked them to do that was to know the exact strength of the emperor realm cultivator.

'If this barrier could withstand at least one attack from them, the normal world's barrier would definitely block them.'

Ajax silently thought to himself as he hoped the barrier to withstand at least on the attack from the demon emperors.

'Still, there is one more minute for the upgrade.'

From time to time, Ajax would look at the upgrade countdown through the corner of his left eye because he was hoping he would get the power to fight the demon emperors once the grey dwarf world was upgraded to the normal grade.

" subordinate wants to see my power? Sure."

Brokas didn't feel offended; instead, he laughed out loud and nodded his head.

"Trokas, why don't maintain some distance."

Next, he asked his brother to fly back a little whereas Brokas summoned his own magic leaf to stand near the barrier. historical

"Human, why don't you move back a little. I don't want you to get injured by the explosion.

With a slight smile on his face, Brokas asked Ajax to move back just like his brother.


Ajax nodded his head and slowly moved back because he wanted to waste as much time as possible.

"Primordial demon punch."

Soon, Brokas used the signature attack of the primordial demons to break the barrier.


The moment his punch touched the barrier, a huge explosion occurred as the primordial demon emperor was pushed back a little.

' withstood his attack.'

Even though the primordial demon emperor didn't use his full force, Ajax was excited when he saw that the barrier withstood the attack.

'30 seconds more.'

The time is ending and Ajax's hope is increasing with each second the primordial demon emperor wastes.

As for Brokas, he frowned at the barrier because how could a smaller world have such a powerful barrier.

"You can try once again."

Looking at the angry primordial demon emperor, Ajax asked with a slight smile which offended the emperor a little because how dare a puny human dare to laugh at him.

'Looks like I should increase my power a little more.'

Nevertheless, he decided to give it another try with a little more strength in his punch.


However, before he could punch, the barrier started cracking at an incredible speed like a spider web.

"Haha...see that. Your master could casually destroy the world barrier just like this."

Seeing at the cracked barrier, the primordial demon emperor's anger disappeared and started laughing as he proudly said to Ajax.

'What the hell? It was just a casual punch and the barrier got destroyed.'

As for Ajax, he was shocked to the core looking at the barrier which was hanging by the thread and muttered, 'As expected of an emperor realm expert. They are the absolute powerhouses in the universe.'

Only now Ajax was about to get full clarity on the emperor realm cultivators and felt like there was no choice for him to fight against one of them, not to mention there were two of them in front of them.

'If the upgraded grey dwarf world didn't help me, I will just use my backup plan.'

Once he learned how powerful the emperor realm cultivators were, Ajax directly thought of using his backup plan instead of fighting them.

However, he was waiting for the grey dwarf world to finish its upgrading to the normal world.


The moment barrier was destroyed, the entire grey dwarf world shook a little.

'What's been thought?'

'Is it a world quake?'

'Where is the protector? Is it fighting the invaders?'

'What should we do now?'

'We can only support the protector by keeping our faith in him; otherwise, we will become slaves to the invaders once again.'

All the grey dwarves liked Ajax because he was letting them do what they wanted to do and they only had to refine very few weapons, giving them a lot of free time to refine the different weapon designs in their heads.

So, they looked into the sky and poured all their faith into Ajax hoping he would win against whoever he was fighting.

"Let's finish the process then."

In the endless space, Brokas flew towards Ajax into the grey dwarf world's region and revealed a slight smile on his face.

With the protective barrier of the grey dwarf world gone, there was nothing that could stop Brokas from entering into the grey dwarf world.

'Just a few more seconds.'

As for Ajax, he was urging while looking at the timer through the corner of his left eye.

"Huh? What's the matter? Why are you flying back?"

Since there were a few more seconds, Ajax was unconsciously flying back to waste that time. So, the primordial demon emperor frowned as he asked Ajax in a serious tone.

"There is something inside me that is trying to come out. Do you know what it is?"

Ajax thought of using the special demon energy inside him to waste some more time with the emperor.

Since the special demon energy was reacting to the demon emperors, Ajax guessed the emperor could also sense it. So, he lied about the special demon energy trying to come out of his body.


Both the demon emperors frowned as they looked at each other and started discussing it.


Countdown:- 5….4...3...2....1


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