New Age Of Summoners

Chapter 1161 - The Rewards For Upgrading The World

Chapter 1161 - The Rewards For Upgrading The World

Since he got the system notification regarding the world upgrade, Ajax felt he no longer needed to act respectfully. So, he replied to the primordial demon emperors with a scoff while maintaining the slight smile on his face.


Both the primordial demon emperors raised their brows when they saw the sudden change in Ajax's attitude.

Even though Ajax was not very respectful until now, he was not scoffing or mocking them either.

However, with the changes to the grey dwarf world, they noticed the change in Ajax's attitude too.


Congratulations to the host for successfully upgrading a smaller world to a normal grade world.


The system rewards the host with a normal grade's world core. Please continue working hard to get more rewards from the system.

As for Ajax, the first thing he did after the grey dwarf world upgraded into a normal grade was to activate the barrier before looking at the system notifications in his head.

As for the two primordial demon emperors, he didn't care about them because he was busy checking his benefits from upgrading the world upgradation.

'A normal grade's world core. Excellent.'

Ajax nodded his head at the system reward as he thought, 'This is the system's reward. I want to know what benefits I got from the world core.'

Since he was the one who contributed everything in upgrading the world core from smaller grade to normal grade, Ajax was eager for his benefits.

'Also, I wonder whether the three ancient artifacts of the dwarf race upgraded along with the world?'

About this though, it was just speculation from his side. So, he could only know when he checked the three artifacts.

'There is no change in the ancient protector sword.'

Currently, Ajax was standing on the ancient protector sword; however, there were no changes in its appearance. So, Ajax felt that his thought was just an assumption.


The grey dwarf world blessed the host with the weapon refining enlightenment to become a King level weapon refiner.

Note:- However, the host can only increase his weapon refiner ranks step by step by refining the weapons.


With the upgrade in the grey dwarf world, there are changes in the Protoetor title. Please check them.


The three artifacts of the ancient dwarf race are repaired if any and at the same time, upgraded to high-level legend grade.

Just as he was feeling a little anxious regarding the benefits of upgrading the grey dwarf world from smaller to normal grade, he received a series of system notifications.


With each system notification, the smile on Ajax's face increased and finally, it reached 'Ear to ear'.

"So, you are acting all along and waiting for the world to upgrade to the normal world?"

As for the primordial demon emperor, they tried to enter the world; however, they were obstructed by a barrier that was much stronger than before.

So, they finally understood that Ajax lied when he said he was willing to become the demon emperor's subordinate.

"Damn you, human, I gave you a chance to live by becoming my subordinate; however, you fooled me."

Brokas was initially excited when he thought Ajax had the ability to upgrade the world. So, he thought of using Ajax to upgrade other worlds and if possible he wanted to upgrade even normal demon worlds to the greater demon world.

However, when he saw Ajax's attitude, he wanted nothing but to kill him.


Nevertheless, the barrier of the upgraded world was much stronger than the one he destroyed previously. So, it bounced him back a little, making him even more angry.

"Brother Brokas, calm down. We need him alive to summon his divine dragon. So, calm down while I destroy the barrier."

Trokas knew his brother lost control over himself. So, he stopped him and tried to convince Brokas that he would destroy the barrier instead.

"This is just a normal world's barrier. I can destroy it in three punches."

However, it was not an easy task to convince an enraged demon emperor. Moreover, from time to time, Brokas could see that Ajax was laughing as though he was watching something funny.

But what the primordial demon emperor didn't know was, Ajax was actually looking at the system notifications appearing in front of him and not even looking at the demon emperors.

It was just a misunderstanding; however, Ajax could not care much because he knew the primordial demon emperors just want to kill him if they have the opportunity.

"Human, if you remove the barrier on your own, I can promise you that you can still take the previous offer."

It took some time for Trokas to convince Brokas; however, he didn't attack the barrier. Instead, he said a few words to Ajax in a serious tone.

"You do what you have to do. I will do what I have to do."

Ajax was sure that the primordial demon emperors would kill him for sure; however, he was also sure about another thing and it was that they would not kill him until he summoned the divine dragon and answered the source of the special demon energy.

So, he was taking his own time in checking out the things he gained from upgrading the grey dwarf world to normal grade. historical

"Fine then."

Unlike Brokas, Trokas was calm and remained nonchalant even when Ajax rejected the offer. Instead, the aura emitted by him increased all of a sudden.

'Looks like I can focus on another profession.'

As for Ajax, he checked the system notifications as fast as possible to see whether there was something that could help him go against two primordial demon emperors.

First, he saw the blessing he received from the grey dwarf world; however, he didn't think much about it because he was not in a mood to learn anything now.

Also, since the grey dwarf world had so many weapon refiners from the time the world was born, Ajax was not surprised by receiving a blessing related to weapon refining.

'The three ancient artifacts repaired and upgraded?'

Ajax was excited with that system notification; however, the main thing for him now was to survive and protect the grey dwarf world.

He thought of the ancient trading mirror for a second before looking at the ancient sword below his feet.


Item name:- Ancient protector sword.

Effect:- The protector can gain the strength of a low-level emperor realm.

Note:- 1) The strength is limited to the grey dwarf world.

2) If the faith of the grey dwarves decreases, the power the protector receives also decreases.

'Low-level emperor realm strength?'

Soon, he got the information on the ancient protector sword he was using to fly and felt his power was increasing all of a sudden.

'Even though I have the low-level emperor realm strength. I don't know the cultivation of these demon emperors and moreover, they are two of them.'

Ajax felt a little hopeful before shaking his head.



On the other hand, a powerful primordial demon punch landed on the barrier that shook the entire protective barrier; however, there was not a single crack on it, making Ajax heave a sigh of relief.

'I need to hurry up before the barrier gets destroyed by them.'


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