New Age Of Summoners

Chapter 1174 - Using The Special Summoner Stone

Chapter 1174 - Using The Special Summoner Stone


The host killed a mid-level silver demon king and gained 750 spirit points.


The host killed 11 low-level silver demon kings and gained 5500 spirit points.

Soon, Ajax got the system notifications informing him about his gains.

'Looks like the reward for killing Low-level demon kings will be reduced even more.'

Previously, wherever he killed a low-level demon king, he would have gained 1000 spirit points; however, it started decreasing and only the high-level demon kings can give him the 1000 spirit points.

'Anyway, I didn't make any effort. So, these are basically free spirit points.'

With that thought in his mind, Ajax stored the silver demon kings' corpses in the inventory before landing on the ground.

'Without a barrier, I will be busy guarding this world.'

Ajax shook his head as he knew he had to stay in the grey dwarf world until the barrier was manifested by the Ancient protector shield.

If it was three or four low-level king realm experts, Ajax didn't have to worry; however, if there were more than five low-level king realm experts or a mid-level king realm expert, then it would be a problem for his elemental spirits and the contracted spirit beasts to take care of the invaders.

'Since they were mentioning the Golden demon emperor, this region must be under him.'

Without much thinking, Ajax got to know from the silver demon kings' words that this region is under the control of the golden demon king.

'Escaped from the primordial demon emperor only to enter the Golden demon emperor's region. I have to be careful as I can't teleport the entire world once again until a year.'

Ajax silently muttered to himself as he jumped off the dragon's back.

So, he had to stay in the grey dwarf world all the time until the barrier was back again.

'Looks like I will just complete the mission which I am keeping on hold for a while.'

If he destroyed any of his surrounding normal worlds, Ajax knew that the golden demon emperor would come for him.

Unlike the smaller worlds, the normal worlds were very valuable to the demon emperors as they would closely monitor these normal worlds from time to time.

So, Ajax decided to complete a mission instead of entering the nearby smaller worlds or normal worlds around the grey dwarf world.

Some might think why can't he just focus on the smaller worlds around the grey dwarf world; however, if he destroyed them, the golden demon emperor might send some powerful apostles since the grey dwarf world was not in an outer section of the golden demon emperor's territory; instead, it was a little closer to the middle section.

'So, I will wait for a month, then enter the? undead bronze demon world, complete the mission of saving the elemental spirits.'

Ajax carefully planned his next set of plans as he continued, 'I hope Alder reaches the mid-level king realm by that time. Then, killing the Undead bronze demon king won't be a problem for him.'

All his expectations were on his first devourer eagle king as he was very close to entering the mid-level king realm.

'Anyway, I will try my luck with the divine dragon too.'

Other than the devourer eagle kings, the divine dragon can kill a low-level king realm expert with a lot of difficulties. So, if the divine dragon becomes an official summoner and gains some official skills, then his battle prowess will rise to the next level.

'Also, I still have the beast evolution crystal and other things for my contracted spirit beasts, I hope there will be a miracle.'

When he thought about the items he traded in the trading realm, Ajax felt confident in destroying the undead bronze demon king.

Because Ajax didn't have any clue about the strength of the undead bronze demon king, he could only increase his strength and his summons' strength as high as possible

"Twilight, since the pests are gone, let's focus on you becoming an official summoner."

Soon, Ajax came to the main business that was interrupted by the silver demon kings earlier as he gave the special summoner stone.


Hearing Ajax's words, the divine dragon was excited as he roared at the sky.

"Here, I am trusting you with your words to become a King realm spirit beast within six months. If you don't keep it, all the good items will be given to the devourer eagle kings."

Before giving the special summoner stone, Ajax seriously said these words to the divine dragon because he knew that the divine dragon feels threatened for his food when he heard the three worlds 'Devourer eagle kings'.

So, he hurriedly nodded his head before eating the special summoner stone.


The host's divine dragon consumed a Special summoner stone.


The divine dragon needs to undergo heavenly tribulation to successfully become an official summoner.

Just as the divine dragon swallowed the special summoner stone, Ajax received two system notifications; however, he was not surprised by the heavenly tribulation because he already knew about it.

Moreover, Ajax already had an experience with the lightning tribulation and prepared everything for it.


"Summoner master, we are here."

Just as Ajax was waiting for the lighting tribulation, a small portal opened behind him, as two elemental spirits walked out of the portal.

They were none other than the space elemental spirit Prophis and lightning elemental spirit Cerauno. historical

"You are right on time."

When he saw the two elemental spirits he called earlier, Ajax revealed a slight smile on his face as he continued, "Twilight needs to overcome the lightning tribulation to become the official summoner. I need your help."

Looking at the two visibly shocked elemental spirits, Ajax asked for their help.


"Divine dragon is trying to become an official summoner?"

Both the elemental spirits were shocked as they looked at the grinning divine dragon in the distance.

"We will help to the best of their ability."

Nevertheless, they came out of their shock as they nodded their heads.


Ajax revealed a slight smile on his face as he continued, "Prophis, you need to create the portals to slightly deviate the lightning falling onto the divine dragon."

"As for you, Cerauno, you have to absorb the lightning energy to reduce the power of the lightning falling onto the dragon."

"Remember, you have to maintain a distance of at least 100 meters from the divine dragon; otherwise, the heavens will send three times more powerful lighting flashes."

Ajax gave his orders to both the elemental spirits who nodded their heads before positioning themselves in two different sides of the divine dragon.

'System, are you sure the heavens will not send the powerful lightning flashes with the interference of the two elemental spirits?'

After the divine dragon and the two elemental spirits were in their positions, Ajax asked the system about it because it was the system that suggested taking the help of the elemental spirits.


Yes. As long as the two elemental spirits are 100 meters away from the divine dragon, the heavens will not bother about them.


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