New Age Of Summoners

Chapter 1179 - Rewarding The Contracted Spirit Beasts

Chapter 1179 - Rewarding The Contracted Spirit Beasts

Other than Snow and Sparrow, the golden bear kings, who re-cultivated after forming a contract with him, turned into completely different beings and became powerful.

Zan the little golden bear king could fight a low-level king realm expert for a while with just a level 1 bestial law along with his re-cultivated artifact and the power he got from the re-cultivation.

So, he chose them as examples to show how powerful they could become after their re-cultivation.

"We are waiting for the re-cultivation techniques for a while now, master."

"Yes, master. After seeing Zan and Dan, we wanted to become powerful."



Actually, Ajax didn't need to tempt them in choosing the re-cultivation technique because they were more than willing to re-cultivate and turn into humanoids or humans.

"Good. Take them."

Soon, Lucas gave the crystals in which a re-cultivation technique was stored in each one of them to all his contracted spirit beasts.

'Now, all my contracted spirit beasts will be re-cultivating.' historical

Ajax already chose the suitable re-cultivation techniques for his contracted spirit beasts. So, he was not worried.

"Black kitty, you need to wait untill the red kitty re-cultivates after that, he will teach you."

Next, Ajax said about the single re-cultivation technique he bought for the Black kitty and Red kitty because they could use the same one to re-cultivate. So, Ajax didn't wait for any weapon to trade for another one.

"Okay, master."

Since the black kitty and red kitty are a couple, the Black kitty didn't mind waiting for her husband.

"Until then, you can use this Bestial law stone."

Ajax was satisfied with the Black kitty and Red kitty as he threw a red-coloured crystal towards it.

Since he only got a fire-elemental bestial crystal, Ajax could either give it to the red kitty or black kitty.

Since he had already given the red kitty an opportunity to re-cultivate first, he thought it would be appropriate to give the fire bestial law stone to the black kitty.

"Thank you, master."

Both Red kitty and Black kitty thanked Ajax.

"Damilius, the sea tauren, you are already a humanoid beast. So, you can't re-cultivate, right?"

Actually, all his powerful spirit beasts like Snow, Sparrow, Raweth are already re-cultivated and the four-eyed ghost fox and the five elemental spirit beast was in the five elemental world. As for the golden bear kings, they were already re-cultivated.

So, there were not many spirit beasts in front of him that required the re-cultivation techniques.

Two infernal spirit beasts like Red kitty and Black kitty, twin-tailed lightning cat are the only ones who needed re-cultivated techniques.

"Yes, master."

Damilius nodded his head.

"So, I will give you this stone."

Ajax threw a stone at the sea tauren because that was the only spirit beast to whom he had never done anything. So, Ajax felt like he should give the beast evolution stone to that spirit beast.

"Th..this is really for me?"

The sea tauren was surprised as he asked Ajax with suppressed excitement.

"Yes. I hope you will evolve into a new spirit beast."

Among all his contracted spirit beasts, Sea tauren had a good solid foundation when it comes to his cultivation; however, his skills are lacking in comparison with other contracted spirit beasts.

So, Ajax was really hoping that the sea tauren would evolve into a powerful spirit beast.

"Thank you, master."

Damilius was greatly excited as he hurriedly thanked Lucas.

"Red kitty, Black kitty and lightning. You have no bloodlines. So, these heaven-grade primitive stones will help you awaken good bloodlines."

After settling the sea tauren, Ajax looked at the three spirit beasts that he got from the five elemental world and gave them a heaven-grade primitive stone each.

"Zan and Dan, you already have the bestial laws and good bloodlines. So, you will not be getting any items as of now."

After the golden bear kings, they already completed their re-cultivation, had good bloodline and powerful skills. So, he didn't have anything that would increase their powers even more.

"You have already given us so much, master. There is no need for more."

The golden bear king, Dan, shook his head and said those words.

"Alder, I have one Gaint eagle re-cultivation technique, do? you really not want it?"

After settling the contracted spirit beasts below the King realm, Ajax looked at the huge devourer eagle king and asked.

"Master, this giant eagle re-cultivation technique can help me turn into a humanoid; however, it is not highly compatible with us, the devourer eagle kings."

Alder shook his head as he continued, "Anyway, after a few days, there would be 11 devourer eagle kings under you. So, if any one of us awakens a devourer eagle re-cultivation technique, we will definitely re-cultivate without any hesitation."

That's right!

Just like the elemental affinity, there should be an affinity between the spirit beast and the re-culitvation technique. So, the devourer eagle king wanted to wait until he found a suitable one.

At that time, all the devourer eagles under Ajax would be re-cultivated and transformed into humans.


Ajax didn't force them and understood what the devourer eagle king wanted.

The more affinity a re-cultivation technique has with the spirit beast, the more powerful they would become along with a high-level re-cultivated item.

"So, how is the progress with the devourer eagle generals?"

After he distributed all the items he bought in the trading realm, Ajax asked the devourer eagle king a question.

"There are still four more devourer eagle generals that needed to consume the corpses to become the King realm spirit beast. The first devourer eagle general, who transformed into a demonic devourer eagle king also became a King realm spirit beast and his portal creation ability can be used again."

These words made Ajax reveal an excited smile on his face.

'Even if I can't travel to the other worlds, that doesn't mean I can't send my elemental spirits to the other worlds to conquer. However, I will wait until all my spirit beasts finish their re-cultivation and use the primitive stones to enhance their bloodline.'

'Also, there is another thing all my spirit beasts needed to do and it was to control their bloodthirsty nature. Until then, I can only send my elemental spirits for conquering.'

Soon, Ajax started planning his next steps as he looked at the devourer eagle king before nodding his head.

"Alder, go and focus on training the rest of the devourer eagle generals. I wanted all of them to become the devourer eagle kings as soon as possible. At the same time, you and the other devourer eagles need to control your 'bloodthirsty' nature just like other contracted spirit beasts."

"Yes, master."

Hearing Ajax's words, the devourer eagle king nodded his head before flying away to guide the devourer eagle generals to become the devourer eagle kings.

"So, what about you three little ones?"

After everything was over, Ajax glanced at the three demonic spirit beasts that were looking at Ajax as though they were expecting something from him.

"Eat this special spirit beast food. It will help you become powerful."

Since the special spirit beast food helps the young spirit beasts, Ajax gave them one portion after some thought.


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