New Age Of Summoners

Chapter 1189 - Teleportation Circle

Chapter 1189 - Teleportation Circle


The teleportation circle has been successfully installed. Anyone with the approval of the protector can use the teleportation circle to enter the host's grey dwarf world.

According to the place suggested by the little elf fairy, Ajax successfully installed the teleportation circle between the two normal grade worlds, Elf world and the Grey dwarf world.

"Fairy, I will be giving partial control of this teleportation circle. If you have any need, you can send someone to the grey dwarf world to ask for help."

Since Ajax knew he didn't have enough time to always stay in the elf world, he said those words to the elf fairy.

Currently, there are 11 low-level king realm spirit beasts and a mid-level king realm spirit beast in the grey dwarf world. So, Ajax was hoping that they could protect the normal elf world for a few years or even decades.

In the end, it always depends on luck because if no high-level demon kings enter this section of the region, it would not be a problem for the world to stabilize and improve at a good pace.

"Yes, master."

After seeing how Ajax was about to do things that only a few powerful cultivators of the Emperor realm could not do, the little elf fairy became even more respectful.

"Also, I want you to properly develop this world and at the same time, properly nurture my 1000 elf followers. As long as one of them becomes a King realm cultivator, it would be best."

Looking at the 1000 elf followers in the distance, Ajax ordered the little elf fairy.

Earlier, Ajax asked about where did the system got these 1000 elves and the reply he got from the system was,


These 1000 elves were the guardians of this elf world. However, before they could fight, the leader of the world ordered them to lie dormant until a chosen one appeared.


Since the host was able to upgrade the world core, they got the sufficient energy they needed to wake up from their sleep.

'According to them, I am their chosen one. No wonder, they were so respectful to me.'

Ajax shook his head as he always felt these prophecies or just the stories of the ancestors to make the young generation never give up.

'Anyway, since the world is upgraded to the normal world, it will not take much time for them to become King realm cultivation. However, I need to buy those three fruits to stabilize this newly upgraded normal world in just 10 years.'

Soon, Ajax thought about the three fruits 'Essence gathering fruit', 'Talent blessing fruit' and 'Law clearing fruit' which he bought in the trading realm for the grey dwarf world and decided to buy another set of those fruits.

'Even though there are only 1000 elves in this world, I can develop this world as I might find more elves in the future.'

The thing is, all the elves from this world were not killed; instead, they were turned into slaves. So, once Ajax had enough strength to go against the demon emperors, he would try to save those elves. By that time, isn't it better to have a stabilized elf world?

Ajax noted down the three fruits in his head before saying, "Okay then. I will go now and visit whenever I have time."

After finishing his words, Ajax used the teleportation circle to return to the grey dwarf world.


Soon, Ajax disappeared from the normal elf world leaving behind a little elf fair and 1000 elf guardians.

'Finally, I got a chance and this time I should not allow the demons to destroy my world.'

After Ajax left, the little elf fairy swore to herself and soon, she started planning about the development of the world.


Back in the grey dwarf world.

A portal opened one kilometer away from the protector castle and soon, Ajax walked out of it.

Ajax chose the other end of the teleportation circle to be just outside the protector castle as it would be convenient for him and his summons to move between the worlds if any need arises.

"Everyone, get ready. We will be protecting the second grey dwarf world from the clutches of the demons."

Ajax didn't waste any time, as he directly ordered his contracted spirit beasts and the elemental spirits to get ready before looking at Cale, "Open the portal to the grey dwarf world."

Actually, these grey dwarf worlds were rare to find separately. Mostly, all the grey dwarf worlds would be in a cluster while the greater dwarf worlds taking care of the smaller grey dwarf worlds.

However, the smaller grey dwarf worlds like the one Ajax already helped and the other one which he was going to help need to find a suitable protector to protect them from the outsiders. historical

In most cases, these individual dwarf worlds would not last for much longer as they would be destroyed in a couple of centuries due to the over-exploitation of the protector or the powerful invaders.

So, Ajax wanted to save it and take it under his control as it would be beneficial for him and at the same time, he could help that world to upgrade its grade.


Nodding his head, Cale opened the portal to the grey dwarf world within no time.

"Tunmil and Lurmer, you two will be following me to that grey dwarf world as it will be easier to convince them with your help."

Along with his contracted spirit beasts and the elemental spirits, Ajax was bringing two grey dwarves along with him.

"Yes, master."

"Yes, protector."

Tunmil and Lurmere respectfully nodded their heads in agreement.

"Everyone, let's go. As soon as you see a demon, there is no need to waste your time talking with it; instead, you just have to kill it."

Soon, Ajax finished his orders and entered the portal along with all his summons and two grey dwarves.


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