New Age Of Summoners

Chapter 1193 - Young Dragonian

Chapter 1193 - Young Dragonian

'In the future, I don't need to worry about trading tokens as I can easily sell the smaller world's world cores to buy other items.'

After gathering the information about the world core, Ajax stopped worrying about his future in the trading realm because it would only become bright with time.

'Also, even if I sell the world cores in the lower section of the trading realm, I will not get the full benefits. So, I will just have to wait and increase my trading level to level 4.'

After roaming in the streets and making some acquaintances, Ajax learned more details about the trading realm.

The trading realm is divided into three levels, lower, middle and higher levels depending on the trader's level.

As the level of the trading realm suggests, the higher your trader's level is, the higher the level you can enter in the trading realm.

'So, world cores are available in the middle level of the trading realm and all I have to do is increase my trader's level to level 4.'

Ajax set his initial goal to trader's level 4 and thought about his present situation, 'I need to trade the items that are worth a little more than 5000 trading coins to reach the trader's level 2.'

Other than gathering the information about the trading realm, Ajax was asking about the items he needed; however, all the items he needed were needed for him to enter the middle level trading realm.

For example, he asked about the battleships or the items that could help cultivators travel to the other worlds; however, those items were not available in the lower level trading realm and for that, he needed to either enter the middle-level or higher-level trading realm.

In the end, he could only shake his head before changing the items he wanted to buy.

'Wait for a second…in the five elemental world, I need to conquer the final region, Ancient evergreen woods, right?'

All of a sudden, Ajax thought of the mission he got from the system after conquering the Mountain lion woods. So, he thought he decided to buy the items that will be helpful for him in conquering that region.

Initially, he thought that he could use his elf followers and the little elf fairy to convince them to acknowledge him as their master. However, the elves from the five elemental world would naturally be arrogant since that world is a special world and not a regular world.

'Anyway, it is better to have items that assist me in conquering that region.'

With that thought in his mind, Ajax walked towards the store named 'War tools store'.

"A dragonian?"

After Ajax entered the store, he was surprised to see a dragon man.

Usually, the dragon race is a powerful and prideful race and he didn't expect a dragonian to have a store in the lower level of the trading realm.

'Looks like the lower-level of the trading realm generates good income.'

This was the conclusion that Ajax came to after seeing a member of the dragon race.

"Hello, customer. What items are you looking for?"

The young humanoid dragon looked at Ajax and respectfully asked.

"There is an elf region in my world that I want to conquer. Do you have any items that will help me?"

Since the dragons love wars and battling, Ajax knew that he just had to inform his need and the dragonian would take care of other things.

"Ohohoh…sure. Give me a second." historical

As Ajax expected, the young dragonian was excited when he heard what Ajax was planning to do and hurriedly went into the storage of the store to retrieve some items.

"I have the items you need to go against any race you want to. Since you mentioned the elf race, then you will need these items; however, I will inform you beforehand that none of these items are cheap."

The dragonian returned in no time and warned Ajax about the price; however, Ajax didn't think much about it as he was a hidden tycoon in the lower-level trading realm with his 900k plus trading coins.

At the same time, he was curious about the items brought by the dragon man.

"Looks like you are confident. Good."

The young dragonian nodded his head after seeing the confident look on Ajax's face and soon started showing the items he had on him.

"Poison dragon king's horn, as long as you blow this horn, everyone except for the user in a 10 kilometers radius will see a 10 percent decrease in their battle prowess."

"Only 10 percent decrease?"

Ajax frowned as he was clearly not satisfied with the first item.

"Haha…there is a special effect for this item."

However, the young dragonian laughed as he continued explaining, "The effect will be stacked three times. So, there will be an overall 30 percent decrease in their battle prowess. Also, the effect will stay for 30 minutes after using the horn. After that, you can summon your army to take care of them."

"What? 30 percent decrease in battle prowess for 30 minutes?"

This time, Ajax was unable to control his surprise as he looked at the purple-coloured horn in the dragonian's hands.

"However, there are two disadvantages of this horn. One, it requires a lot of essence of nature. So, blowing it three times might even dry a low-level king's spirit consciousness. So, only if you are a mid-level king realm cultivator, it will be of great use to you."

Unlike the other store owner, the dragonian didn't mind telling the disadvantages of his products because he believed the dragons are the highest race and they should not take disadvantage of the lower races like humans.

However, the dragonian sensed a slight hint of divine dragon aura on him. That's another reason he was more respectful than usual.

'Maybe, he is a servant of a divine dragon. I need to befriend him and get closer to the divine dragon.'

This was the thought in the young dragonian's head.

"Okay. I will take it."

While the young dragonian was lost in his thoughts, Ajax didn't hesitate even a little as he directly said that he would take that item.

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