New Age Of Summoners

Chapter 1197 - Blood Has A Problem

Chapter 1197 - Blood Has A Problem

The necklace was another gift he received from the young dragonian that could hide the divine presence of a dragon from others.

Since Ajax already thought of sending the divine dragon to the other worlds to conquer, he gladly accepted it. historical

"Thank you, master."

The little kid replied to Ajax with a slight smile on his face.

'It's actually a gift for you from a dragonian. I am just a delivery man.'

Ajax muttered to himself; however, he didn't say anything about it as he felt it was a waste of time amidst such a serious meeting.

"Twilight, Black kitty and Red kitty, you three stand beside Team 2 fo now."

After completing the spirit beast teams, Ajax looked at the elemental spirits for team 3 and team 4.

"How many of you think you can conquer a small world on your own?"

However, he didn't select any elemental spirits; instead, he asked them a question? and continued saying, "As long as you are confident in that task, come forward and let me see you."

Unlike the contracted spirit beasts, who were only a few and among them he just had to select the re-cultivated spirit beasts or humanoid spirit beasts, there were more than 20 elemental spirits under him.

What's more, most of them were powerful in their own way. So, he asked that question to eliminate the elemental spirits.

As he expected, as soon as Ajax asked that question, only a few elemental spirits came forward and they were Necros, Bane, Ignis, Prophis, Blood, Zen, Claris, Quarris and Tempos.

As for the others, their strength was around level 1 elite general realm and they didn't have much confidence in taking on an entire world.


Ajax was surprised to see nine elemental spirits and nodded his head before saying, "Claris, Quarries and Tempos, you can't be part of the adventurer teams. Do you know the reason, right?"

Since these nine elemental spirits were confident in conquering a smaller world on their own, Ajax's task of selecting the elemental spirits for the adventurer teams had reduced by more than half as he just had to select four elemental spirits from the nine elemental spirits.

However, he didn't think much before eliminating the three elemental spirits and instead of explaining the reason, Ajax asked the reason from those three elemental spirits themselves.

"After we use the demon kings' hearts we will be weakened greatly and even a general realm of beings could kill us."

The three elemental spirits knew why Ajax directly eliminated them without a second thought.

Even though they could temporarily increase their strength to the king realm and conquer the world, a slight mistake might cost them their lives and Ajax was not willing to take that risk.

"You are correct."

Ajax was satisfied with the three elemental spirits who joined lately but their thoughts were more or less with his thoughts.

"Next, Zen and Prophis, I need you two with me because I have other things for you to do."

After eliminating the three elemental spirits, Ajax eliminated another two elemental spirits saying that he had other things for them.

Ajax wanted Zen to be with him because he was good at assassination and he could kill even low-level king realm experts with his elemental law.

And as for Prophis, the space elemental spirit, Ajax needed him to store the 10 devourer eagle kings in his space as he could not store them in his inner world because of no contract with them.

"Yes, summoning master."

Both elemental spirits didn't ask any questions as they nodded their heads because moving back.

"That leaves us with four elemental spirits. Two for each team."

Finally, there were four elemental spirits namely Ignis, Blood, Necros and Bane and with a slight smile on his face, Ajax made the final teams as:-

"Ignis ad Bane, you will be under Volcanis and Cerauno, you will be leaving the other two."

"We will not disappoint you, summoning master."

Volcanis and Cerauno replied to Ajax with a face full of resolution, making Ajax satisfied with their attitude.

"So, does anyone still have a problem?"

Despite the fact that Ajax knew who was dissatisfied with team formation, Ajax asked with a nonchalant look on his face.


Everyone looked at each other without understanding why Ajax was asking such a question because in their view, whatever Ajax orders, they should do it without complaining as his plans work out all the time.

Moreover, Ajax was not a forcing type summoning master who made them do what they didn't want to want. So, why would anyone have problems with his decision?

"Su…summoning master, can I not join team 4? Instead, I want to go to team 3."

To everyone's surprise, there was a voice that made all the summons shocked as they looked at the elemental spirit with a frown.

It was none other than the blood elemental spirit who didn't want to be under the leadership of Cerauno, the elemental spirit he didn't like from the beginning.


Surprisingly, Ajax nodded his head and continued saying, "If you don't want to join team 4, then you can feel free to stay in the inner world."

Ajax shrugged his hands as he looked at the elemental spirits that were not selected into a team before saying, "Which elemental spirit will replace you?"

"Summoning master. Sorry, I will stay in team 4."

Initially, the blood elemental spirit was happy; however, when he heard Ajax's later words, he became anxious and hurriedly apologized to him and decided to stay in team 4.

"Are you sure? I thought you didn't like Cerauno and didn't want to be under his leadership?"

Ajax was sure that only Blood had the problem with Cerauno whereas Cerauno didn't even bother to compete with Blood. So, Ajax wanted to make Blood realize that during this expedition and that was the reason why he threw the blood elemental spirit into team 4.

"No, summoning master. I am alright."

With a forced smile, Blood shook his head and replied to Ajax hoping he still have a chance to retain his position.

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