New Age Of Summoners

Chapter 1200 - Recruitment

Chapter 1200 - Recruitment

"We are doing great, young master."

Darbaudr replied with a huge smile on his face because he was waiting for Ajax's return to inform him about something.

"Good. Is it regarding the Battle beasts formation?"

Ajax could guess why Darbaudr was excited as he felt the changes in the battle beasts formation from this distance.

"That's right, young master. The formation had been upgraded to level 3 and it could turn 10 normal spirit beasts into battle beasts in a single day."

The barbarian explained the changes that happened in the Battle beasts formation.

"10 battle beasts per day? That's a lot."

Ajax was surprised to hear that and nodded his head before asking, "Also, you are planning to attack three territories at once? Are you confident?"

Earlier, Ajax heard the barbarian's words. So, he asked about it.

"Taking down the territories is easy; however, we are still lacking someone with the battle prowess as me or the primitive ape king to take care of one of the three spirit beast kings."

Darbaudr nodded his head as he explained everything about his plan.

Even though there were many powerful spirit beasts under Darbaudr, the leaders of the fourth to sixth ranked territories are in another league where Darbaudr and the primitive ape king could barely win if they used their full powers.

As for the surrendered leaders of seventh, eighth and ninth-ranked territories, they were nowhere near those leaders of fourth to sixth ranked territories.

"So, it looks like I did the right thing by bringing some gifts for you." historical

With a slight smile on his face, Ajax tossed a space ring at Darbaudr.

"In the space rings, there are five heaven grade primitive stones along with 100 high-grade primitive stones. Give the heaven grade primitive stones for the territory leaders under us and other spirit beasts with equivalent battle prowess."

Before the barbarian could check the contents of the space ring, Ajax explained about the items inside the space ring and at the same time, he even said how to distribute them.

"Heaven grade primitive stones?"

Darbaudr was shocked when he heard there were five heaven grade primitive stones in the space ring because as long as these stones were consumed by the spirit beasts with impure bloodlines, they would become pure bloodlines.

However, there was always an exception for high-level bloodlines to directly become a pure bloodline.

"Young master, even in the Ylercester province, the high-grade primitive stones are already rare. Not only do you have 100 of them but you even have five heaven grade primitive stones that could even make the King level spirit beasts go crazy."

Even though Darbaudr knew that his young master had a powerful master but giving away five heaven grade primitive stones just like that made the barbarian don't know what to say.


Ajax didn't say anything as he didn't have any powerful master; however, he didn't bother to explain it as he continued saying, "As for 100 high-grade primitive stones, the spirit beasts generals can have them."

"So, are you confident in going against the three territories at once?"

After finishing his words, Ajax asked the barbarian with a slight smile on his face.

"Of course, I am confident, young master."

How could he not be confident after having hundreds of battle beasts along with the spirit beasts who would be having their bloodline purified with the help of primitive stones?

So,? of course, Darbaudr was excited as he replied to Ajax with a face full of determination.

"Good. I will leave these things to you as I have faith in you."

Ajax nodded his head with a slight smile on his face.

Actually, if Ajax really wanted to take over the Cursed wilderness, it would take him only a couple of hours even without the help of devourer eagle kings.

His strongest contracted spirit beasts below the king realm like Twilight and the little golden bear king along with the senior golden bear king are the highest level spirit beasts in the Zrochester province except for the Primeval ent who have lived for centuries.

Not to mention, the black kitty who gained a bestial law after using a bestial law stone.

Also, his elemental spirits like Volcanis, Ignis, Cerauno, Blood and many others could easily turn the entire Cursed Wilderness upside down with their battle prowess.

However, Ajax wanted a powerful spirit beast army along with good spirit beasts leaders who could manage the armies. So, it was a recruitment process for the spirit beasts by Ajax to pick some good spirit beast leaders.

'As long as the entire inner section of the cursed wilderness is unified, I can start teleporting the spirit beasts to other worlds to speed up the world-conquering mission.'

Ajax thought of many ways to speed up the process of conquering the worlds.

'Speaking of bloodlines, I wonder when the mutated spirit crane will wake up from her slumber.'

All of a sudden, Ajax thought of Princess Daphne's spirit beast whom he had to protect from the 'House of dragons'; however, there was no sign of anyone from the 'House of dragons'.

Nevertheless, Ajax decided to complete the mission ahead of time by giving a heaven-grade primitive stone to the mutated spirit crane.

Because he felt, the mission will be completed as long as the mutated spirit crane's bloodline reaches 100 percent and it was already at 99 percent and Ajax was rich enough to give a heaven grade primitive stone.

'It is not because I am rich, I want the ability to travel between the barriers between the provinces.'

Ajax was determined to enter the other provinces to take a look and resume his revenge on the Assassin sect in the other provinces.

"Young master, since you are here, are you planning to attend the contest in the Ylercester province?"

After conversing for some time, the barbarian asked Ajax out of nowhere because he felt that was the timely arrival of his young master.

"Contest in Ylercester province?"

Ajax was curious about that words as he asked the barbarian about the contest.

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