New Age Of Summoners

Chapter 1206 - Challenge The Guardians

Chapter 1206 - Challenge The Guardians

'Damn it…why the hell is this huge bird appearing above me again?'

Looking at the huge bird in the sky, Ajax cursed it as he thought of his previous interaction with that bird.

The last time when he entered the bloodline training grounds, he was killed by the huge bird even with his skill 'Emergency ghost'.

He also knew that even with his recent breakthroughs in his cultivation, he could not injure it much less kill it. So, he tried his best to hide from the huge bird and waited until it left.

'Phew…finally, it is gone.'

Even though the death in the training grounds was not real, Ajax was not ready to die just after entering the training grounds because dying would only make him wait for another month.

'Since one day in the outside world is equivalent to 10 days in the training grounds, I have more than 250 days to accumulate the normal bloodline points.'

After learning about the contest in the Ylercester province, of course, Ajax wanted to go there because it was the contest that all the geniuses from the entire purple stone world would be gathering.

Moreover, Ajax was always interested in venturing to other provinces and fighting other summoners who were from the same worlds.

'I hope the summoners from other provinces don't look down just because I am from the lower province.'

The last time he met a few summoners from the Ylercester province, except for Levi, others were a little arrogant. If not for Levi, they would be even more proud and didn't even look at Ajax. historical

Compared to Ylercester province, there was another province that was Xacaster province that was the only high-level province compared to Ylercester province. So, it was natural for the genius from that province to look down on him even more.

So, Ajax hoped the geniuses should be like Levi who should not look down on others just because of the province they came from. If possible, it was better to help him just like how Levi helped Ajax in the dimensional crevice.

'Anyway, let's focus on the present.'

Soon, Ajax started hunting the unique spirit beasts that were limited to the Bloodline training grounds.


Time continued to pass and in a flash 20 days passed in the outside world; however, it was 200 days in the bloodline training grounds.


The host killed ten rank 6 spirit beasts and gained 1000 normal bloodline points.


The host killed a special rank 6 spirit beasts and gained 1000 normal bloodline points.


The host's normal bloodline points:- 98000.

'Just 12000 more bloodline points and upgrade my Abyssal beast god bloodline to level 3.'

Looking at the total number of normal bloodline points that he accumulated for the last 200 days in the bloodline training grounds, Ajax revealed a satisfied look on his face.

Currently, Ajax has three bloodlines and among them, two bloodlines have already reached level 2; however, his main bloodline was still at level 1.

So, without any hesitation, Ajax decided to focus on the level 1 Abyssal beast god bloodline as it would increase the battle prowess of him and his summons a lot.

'If I could have summoned my summons, I would have directly upgraded my bloodline to level 2 here itself; however, I will wait and upgrade the bloodline two times in a row.'

Since Ajax didn't have any problems with dealing any spirit beasts except for the huge bird in the bloodline training grounds, he didn't want to upgrade his Abyssal beast god bloodline to level 2 right now; instead, he decided to wait until he had enough bloodline point to upgrade it to level 3.

So, he continued his accumulation of the bloodline points.



The host killed a rank 6 spirit beast and gained nothing.


After increasing another 1000 or more normal bloodline points, he stopped getting any bloodline points even after killing a rank 6 spirit beasts, making Ajax frown.

Nevertheless, he searched for a special rank 6 spirit beasts and killed it.


The host killed a special rank 6 spirit beast and gained nothing.

'Damn it.'

'Why am I not getting any bloodline points? Is it because I already received so many bloodline points or what?'

Ajax didn't understand what was wrong and looked at the sky before shouting, "Hey, old man, I can't absorb the energy from these beasts anymore; however, I can't kill that huge bird also. Help me here."

So, he could only ask the owner of the bloodline training grounds about it.


Just as he finished his words, an old man appeared in front of Ajax and observed Ajax keenly.

'Huh? There is nothing wrong with him, why can't he absorb the energy from the normal spirit beasts? Did he reach his limit already?'

The old man was surprised when he heard Ajax's words. So, he came here for himself to check on Ajax and found out nothing was wrong with Ajax's body.

"Kill this spirit beast and let me see."

With a thought, the old man summoned a normal spirit beast and asked Ajax to kill it.


With his inheritance sword, Ajax slashed it into two.

'Huh? The faint bloodline energy is not entering into his body; instead, it is absorbed by that thing.'

The old man was surprised for a moment before summoning another rank 6 spirit beast; however, it was a special one that had more battle prowess than a normal rank 6 spirit beast.


Ajax raised his brows for a moment before nodding his head as he had nothing to lose anyway.


Just like before Ajax killed it; however, he used his full power to kill it and he still gained nothing.

'Looks like he had already gained a lot of bloodline energy. How is his efficiency in absorbing the bloodline energy so high?'

The old man looked at Ajax with surprised eyes before saying, "Congratulations young man. You have met the requirements to challenge the normal guardians of this 'training grounds'. Do you want to challenge them?"


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