New Age Of Summoners

Chapter 1214 - Leaving The Organization

Chapter 1214 - Leaving The Organization

In the sky,

'What? How is it possible?'

The old man who was enjoying Ajax's fight with the four guardian spirit beasts was shocked when he saw that two of the guardian spirit beasts had fallen.

"Second and fourth guardian spirit beasts have fallen. If he fights like this, killing the third guardian spirit beast is possible and he can injure the fifth guardian spirit beast."

Soon, his shock turned inot great excitement as he looked at Ajax in a new light.

'Why should I waste a decade waiting for him to defeat the other guardian spirit beasts? As soon as the challenge is finished, I will just ask him to join my organization.'

The old man took the scroll he used earlier to inform about Ajax's recruitment into the organization.

<Did he get finish all the challenges in the Bloodline training grounds?>

As the old man expected, he got a reply from the leader of his organization.


The old man replied and continued to write, <But, he…>

<Shut up and don't come up with any excuses>

However before he could finish his explanation, words started appearing on the scroll.

<The two geniuses you recommended 100 years back, both ended up as the shame of the organization in front of all the other organizations. So, unless the challenger completes all the conditions in the training grounds, don't contact me as I don't need your special recommendation>

The words from the other side started getting intense, making the old man furious and at the same time he felt sad.

Until now, he thought the leader knew how the geniuses I recommended ended up as jokes in front of everyone; however, after seeing the leader's earlier reply, the old man understood that the leader doesn't value him or his words anymore.

'So, there is nothing left for me to stay in the organization anymore.'

Even though the elders and the other upper echelon of the organization bullied and harassed him a lot after that incident, the old man didn't bother much about it because the only reason he joined the organization was because of the leader who already respected the old man for his battle prowess.

However, the same leader was no longer showing any respect, making the old man feel detached to the so-called organization that he poured blood and sweat into helping it gain its current fame.

'If it is really because of that event, then I guess I misjudged the leader for his skill at discerning the truth from lies. If he really can't see it and take the side of that bastard, then I will just quit the orgainzation.'

After thinking for a moment, the old man looked at Ajax who was fighting the remaining two guardian spirit beasts and came to a conclusion.

'I think it is time for me to quit the organiziation.'

This was the only thought in his mind because a place that didn't know his value was not worth staying there.

With that thought? in his mind, the old man wrote, <Leader, I want to leave my position as 'Elder' and wants to quit the organization>


There was a few moments of silence from the other side before words started appearing on the scroll.

<Is that your final decision? Think carefully, if you leave the organization, you will be hunted by the other organizations as you have made quite a feuds with them>

<And I guess, you know the reason for those feuds, right?>

Since he wanted to quit the organization, he stop showing the respect in his words and continued to ask, <Or do you want to just kill me with your own hands?>

<Bastard, where did you get the courage to speak me like that?> historical

Finally, the other side became furious and continued to reply, <So, be it. Since you want to leave the organization, it will at least improve my organization's fame anyway>

The so-called leader of the organization didn't seem to be sad; instead, he seemed very happy.

<Guard the bloodline training grounds for a week as I will be sending one of the elders to be incharge of that. After that, you can leave and you will have nothing to do with my organization>

The leader asked the old man to continue to guard the bloodline training grounds for another week as it would be troublesome if other organizations claimed the training grounds.

"Oh, right. I forgot to mention something, I bought the bloodline training grounds using my contributions points. So, there is no need to need anyone here and from this moment, I have nothing to do with your organization."

The old man scoffed as he wrote those words.

<What? Why would you do that? Is it quite useless for you anyway>

<You don't need to know and I already got the full control over the bloodline training grounds…Haha>

The old man was no longer sad for leaving the organization as he continued to write, <By the way, I never thought you would hide some good things in this training grounds. Since I am the owner of the bloodline training grounds, I will be using it for myself. Don't bother contacting me against as I will be destroying this scroll now>


As soon as he finished his words, the old man destroyed the scroll in his hands before looking at Ajax anad thought, 'With those resources, I can help him become an Emperor realm cultivator in less than hundreds.'

For some reason, the old man felt free and the unknown pressure that? always seemed to be in his heart disappeared without a trace.

'Little one, do you think I did the right thing?'

The old man muttered to himself.


'No, master. I never like that so-called leader who always exploits you for his own gains.'

Surprisingly, an eagle appeared with a screech and replied to the old man while landing on his shoulder.

"Also, I think you found a good successor to pass your knowledge to."

The eagle looked at Ajax as it said to the old man.

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