New Age Of Summoners

Chapter 1221 - Fallen Genius Aron Alpenswift

Chapter 1221 - Fallen Genius Aron Alpenswift

Around two hundred years ago.

"Brother, thank you for saving me from these demons."

A middle-aged man in his early thirties thanked a man in his early twenties with a face full of respect and gratitude.

Around them, there were hundreds of demons whose cultivation ranged from low-level king realm to mid-level king.

Amidst the hundreds of demon corpses, there was a huge demon with the strength of a high-level king realm. Of course, he had been long dead.

Judging from the facial expression, that high-level demon king was obviously unconvinced with his death at the hands of a human cultivator.

"There is no need to thank me for this, big brother. I took the mission to protect you and I have to give my everything to protect you." historical

The man in his early twenties replied with a bright smile on his face.

"Brother, can I know your name?"

The middle-aged man's respect towards the man in front of him reached the next level when he heard those words and asked his name.

Even though the middle-aged man was the one who hired the man in front of him along with a few other mercenaries, except for the high-level mercenaries' name, he didn't bother about the low-level mercenaries who only had the strength of the low-level king realm.

However, after getting ambushed by nearly thousands of king realm demons, all the mercenaries he hired were killed except for one who had the strength of a low-level king realm.

Nevertheless, he was protected by the same man whom he didn't even bother to know about his name until now.

However, after seeing the battle prowess of that man, who single-handedly killed thousand demon kings among which one of them even had the strength of a high-level demon king.

"My name is Aron Alpenswift."

Nodding his head, the man introduced himself.

"I, Mostror, will become sworn brothers with brother Aron Alphenswif in the presence of nine heavens."

Without any hesitation, the middle-aged man swore to the nine heavens and became sworn brothers with the man who just saved him from the demon kings.

"Brother Aron, are you willing to accept me as your sworn brother?"

"Yes, Brother Mostror."

Aron didn't think much before accepting it because he had already done the background check on Mostror and that's the only reason he protected him; otherwise, he would have just waited until his death before killing the demons.


Mostror was very happy to become brothers with Aron.


Present day.


Ajax called Mostror when he saw the old man reminiscing about his past.

"Huh? It's nothing."

Mostror came out of his thoughts and shook his head.

"Do you know about it?"

Ajax asked about the peerless genius and he was already interested in the stories of geniuses and heroes from the past.

"I know a few things."

The old man nodded his head as he started feeling about Aron Alpenswif, "No one knew about his origins until he destroyed a smaller demon world on his own with a cultivation of low-level king realm"

"Destroying a smaller demon world? Is it that much of a big deal?"

Ajax didn't feel it was a big deal because a smaller demon world only had a few low-level demon kings and in some smaller worlds, only one low-level demon king.

So, a low-level king realm cultivator destroying a smaller demon world was not a big deal for the cultivators in the normal world, not to mention to the cultivators of the greater world.

"Of course, destroying a smaller demon world is not a big deal; however he did that when that smaller demon world was hosted by one of the demon apostles of the demon emperor."

The old man had a proud look on his face when he said those words as though he was the one who achieved that feat.

"That's cool."

Ajax felt it was a cool achievement because almost all of the demon apostles had the strength of peak level king realm strength.

"That's just his first achievement. Later on, he destroyed nearly 1000 thousand smaller demon worlds, nearly 100 normal demon worlds along with two greater demon worlds in a span of just 100 years."

"Along with the destruction, he grew at a good speed and in just 100 years, he cultivated from low-level king realm to peak level emperor realm. Everyone thought he would make the? human race a top race; however, he was killed by the combined forces of emperors from all the powerful races."

By the time he finished the story about Aron Alpenswift, Mostror could not help but reveal a bitter sigh while thinking, 'Only if I didn't slack and cultivate a little harder, brother Aron would have taken me along with him to that place where he was ambushed.'

'Huh? Why is he so sad all of a sudden?'

Even though Ajax was not able to probe an emperor realm cultivator, he was easily able to tell that his master, Mostror, was sad after he finished his story about the fallen genus Aron Alpenswift.

"Master, is something the matter?"

Ajax asked after hesitation for a moment.

Even though it was only a few moments before he acknowledged the old man in front of him as his master, Ajax wanted to help if possible.

"Disciple Ajax, I have something to ask you as your master. I hope you will not reject it."

Mostror thought about something and looked at Ajax before saying those words seriously.

'Huh? Don't tell me it is about taking some kind of revenge against his enemies.'

As he grew up hearing the stories of great heroes, Ajax knew that the masters of their heroes always had a dark past and they would be taking revenge against their master's enemies.

So, he felt a new system mission might be coming soon in his head after the old man finished his words.

"What is it, master?"

Ajax didn't agree to it directly; instead, he asked about what his master wanted him to do.


Can someone guess what he was about to say?

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