New Age Of Summoners

Chapter 1223 - Blessed Refining Technique

Chapter 1223 - Blessed Refining Technique

<Azure thunder sea refining technique>

While circulating this cultivation technique, the cultivator could absorb the essence of nature in a 100 kilometers radius and the radius could be increased later on with the level of the cultivation.

As for the additional effect, it would induce a thunder element in all the skills and the attacks of the cultivator, making the attack power go up by at least 100 percent.

'What the hell? 100 percent increment in battle prowess?'

Ajax was shocked with the additional effect of the second cultivation technique and felt he should take this one.

However, there was still another cultivation technique left for him to check.

So, he controlled his excitement and checked the last cultivation technique.

<Blessed refining technique>

At level 1, the cultivation technique has the same absorption radius of the first two cultivation techniques; however, the additional effect for this technique depends on the cultivator.


Ajax raised his brows when he saw the brief information on the last cultivation technique.

'What does that mean?' historical

He didn't understand the last effect completely. So, he opened his eyes and asked Mostror, "Master, what is the additional effect of this third cultivation technique 'Blessed refining technique'."

"Before I tell you about the effect of that cultivation technique, I have to say something about it. It is the hardest cultivation technique I have ever seen. Since you are young, I thought it would be a good cultivation technique for you to cultivate. So, I added it with the two other cultivation techniques I have with me."

Mostror continued, "This is a creation of the fallen genius Aron Alpenswift to the young geniuses of the human race; however, during the last 150 years, only three geniuses were able to cultivate it to level 1 and only one cultivator was able to reach level 3, who later became the disciple of that fallen genius."

"So, now you tell me, are you still willing to cultivate it? No matter how good the effect it gives, it will be useless if you are unable to cultivate it."

The old man didn't explain about the special effect given by the cultivation technique 'Blessed refining technique'; instead, he explained the difficulty and history regarding it before asking whether he was willing to cultivate it.

"Huh? It was created by the fallen genius?"

Ajax's interest was piqued after hearing the history behind the cultivation technique.


The old man casually nodded his head without any emotion while thinking, 'Don't select this cultivation technique just because it was created by a genius.'

The thing Mostror most worried about was not Ajax selecting the Blessed refining technique; instead, the reason for his selection was because he saw hundreds of thousands of young geniuses cultivate this cultivation technique just because it was created by Aron Alpenswift.

In the end, except for the three cultivators, no one was successful in cultivating the technique.

"I will decide after hearing about the special effect."

As for Ajax, he was not someone who would take fancy and cultivate the cultivation technique just because he was created by some genius.

Even if it was difficult, if there were a good special effect, he would give it his full in cultivating that cultivation technique. So, he asked Mostror about the special effect for that cultivation technique.


Mostror was satisfied with Ajax's reply before explaining, "Unlike other cultivation techniques, there is no specific effect for this cultivation technique."

"One awakened a skill named 'Violent rage' which temporarily increases the battle prowess by three times."

"Another one received a special effect of increment in the essence of nature at 10x speed for a certain time period before returning to the normal speed."

"The one who became Aron's disciple unlocked two additional slots for forming contracts with the elemental spirits which made him indirectly gain two additional skills."

"Then what about our genius Aron Alpenswift? What special effect he received from the Blessed refining technique."

After hearing the different effects of the Blessed refining technique, Ajax was curious about the effect received by the creator himself.

"Our genius?"

Mostror didn't know when Aron became their genius; however, he shook his head before chuckling and replied, "Hehe….what do you think?"

"Stop keeping me in suspense and just say it already."

Ajax asked his master to tell him already because there were different effects, he was unable to pinpoint the exact effect.


Mostror knew it was hard to tell even for him and if he didn't hear it from Aron himself, he would have been clueless about it for his entire life.

"He gained five additional slots for forming official contracts with the elemental spirit along with a permanent speed of 10x times in absorbing the essence of nature around him."


Ajax was shocked when he heard the benefits received by Aron because receiving five additional slots for forming official contracts with the elemental spirits was not a normal effect.

Not only would he get five additional official elemental spirits but he would also receive five additional skills relating to the elemental spirits.

What's more, this was not the only effect Aron received. The 10 times permanent increment in the absorption speed was also a top-notch effect.

"So, what do you think? Is it worth cultivating the hardest cultivation technique? If you fail in cultivating this cultivation technique, you will lose all your precious time."

"Everyone thought Aron's rise in power in such a short time was because of this self-made cultivation technique and when he gifted it to the human race, everyone made their youngsters cultivate it; however, when they failed to cultivate it even after decades, everyone cursed Aron for making them fools by giving a trash cultivation technique."

"So, think about it carefully before choosing whether you want to cultivate it or not."

"If you successfully cultivate it, it will be an excellent cultivation technique; however, if you fail, then it will become a trash cultivation technique. So, make a decision that you would not regret cultivating it."

Mostror finished his words and waited for Ajax to make his decision.

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