New Age Of Summoners

Chapter 1251 - [Bonus ]Ajax Versus Demon King

Chapter 1251 - [Bonus ]Ajax Versus Demon King

Nevertheless, the demon apostle already had a plan B in case something about the demons below the king realm. So, he was quick to switch to plan B and ordered the demon kings to follow it.

"But, what about the summoner?"

However, the demon kings didn't move ; instead they asked the demon apostle about the unknown summoner who seemed to be controlling the spirit beasts instead of the so-called king of the spirit beasts.

"What summoner?"

The demon apostle raised his brows when he heard one of the demon kings' words.

"There is a summoner in the middle section of the cursed wilderness that is killing our demon armies alongside with the spirit beasts."

Earlier, they forgot to mention about the summoner to the demon apostle, making the demon apostle a little angry.

"Sigh…only four need to continue with plan B and the other one just needs to go and take care of that summoner and quickly join the four demon kings. The same goes for the other five. As soon as you finish your task, you need to join with others to continue our plan."

Even though he was surprised to hear about the summoner, the demon apostle didn't think much about it as he slightly changed his plans.

"Yes, Sir demon apostle."

Soon, all the demon kings nodded their heads and started going out of the cave.

The end of the cave was connected to a cave in the middle-section of the cursed wilderness and as soon as the ten demon kings came out of it, they went their separate ways, leaving the demon apostle alone in the cave.

'These fools…they can't do a single thing properly and now we have to opt to plan B.'

The demon apostle cursed the demon kings because it was their armies that made him change the plans.

'Anyway, as long as I stall for some time against the Protector of this province, they can take care of the province. But, before that, they have to defeat all the fake spirit beast kings in the inner section.'

As a veteran human world invader, the demon apostle knew what and when he had to do things. So, he waited for the demon kings to at least defeat the 10 spirit beast kings in the inner section before he challenged the protector.


In a random place of the middle-section of the cursed wilderness.



The host circulated the crude circulation method three times while fighting against 21 demons.

Ajax looked at the system notification in his head with a slight smile on his face as he looked at the 21 demon corpses in front of him.

'Why are they so easy to kill?'

Even though they have peak elite demon general realm cultivation, it only took a couple of attacks for Ajax to defeat all of them.

Moreover, he even circulated the crude circulation method of the 'Blessed refining technique'.

'Also, according to my elemental spirits and the contracted spirit beasts, there are no more demons in the middle section of the cursed wilderness.'

Ajax thought back to the voice transmission he got from his summons and felt it was way too easy in clearing the demons this time.

'However, there is still no system notification regarding the accomplishment of the mission. So, there must be more demons somewhere.'

This was the conclusion that Ajax came to after checking the incomplete mission in his Quest tab.



Just as Ajax was thinking of contacting his summons to warn the other spirit beasts to stay alert, Ajax noticed a silhouette was rushing towards him at an incredible speed and he used 'Teleport' to dodge the incoming silhouette.

However, he was still unable to escape the attack completely as he received a small cut on his back.

"Interesting….you are the first human to escape my attack with just a small cut."

An errie voice resounded from the distance and Ajax saw a shining golden demon lick his blade that had Ajax's blood on it.

"I am tired of fighting you guys. But still, I have to kill you."

Ajax shook his head and didn't think much as he felt he was another golden demon from the army.


Nevertheless, he didn't attack direclty; instead, he ciruclated his crude circulation method three times which took him three minutes.

For the entire time, the demon looked at Ajax with a confused look as he didn't understand what Ajax was doing.

"Looks like you must be shocked to death after seeing me, right? Don't worry, I will give you a painless death."

Since he had other things to do, the golden demon king didn't waste any more time as he rushed towards Ajax with full speed.

"Advanced spatial blades."

As for Ajax, since he finished circulating the crude method, he didn't waste any more time and directly used his long range skill at full power.

"You are not going to hit me with it."

The golden demon scoffed at Ajax as he easily dodged all the spatial blades and appeared in front of Ajax, making Ajax become a little anxious.

"Now, die."


However, just as the golden demon was about to slit Ajax's throat, Ajax once again used 'Teleport' and disappeared from his place.


"Advanced spatial blades." historical

Before the golden demon could recover from his shock, Ajax reappeared behind him and placed his hands on the golden demon's back before using the full powered advanced spatial blades.

"I am not the one who is going to die, it is you."

At the same time, Ajax didn't forget to say these words as the golden demon was blasted away by the splatial blades with a huge force.



The golden demon fell a few meters away from Ajax; however, Ajax was surprised to see that the golden demon was still not killed with his full powered Advanced spatial blades.

'I know the golden demon has good defense but this is a little too much.'

Nevertheless, he walked closer to the demon with a slight smile on his face as he thought of something better to do with him.


A Bonus Chapter for every 100 Golden Tickets.

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