New Age Of Summoners

Chapter 1257 - [Bonus ]Golden Fire Demonic Refining Technique

Chapter 1257 - [Bonus ]Golden Fire Demonic Refining Technique

# Bonus chapter for reaching 400 Golden Tickets.

'Anyway, let's check the reward.'

With that thought in his head, Ajax opened the reward to see the high-level legend grade demonic cultivation technique.

'According to what I know, all the demonic cultivation techniques are pretty evil. But, there is no harm in checking the information on the cultivation technique, right? As long as it doesn't require me to sacrifice young children or young girls, I can even give it a try and learn it if it has good effects.'

This was the reason why he wanted to check the information on the demonic cultivation technique.

"Xal greets the master."

"Kal greets the master."

However, before he could check the information on the cultivation technique, Ajax saw the two golden demon kings bow to him.

But the thing that caught his eyes was the weak look on Xal's face, making Ajax glance at the deep cut on Xal's abdomen.


Since they were his slaves, Ajax didn't want them to die just like that. So, he healed Xal using three units of the Sacred Astral Energy.

"Thank you, master."

Xal was surprised to see that Ajax was not only a good fighter but he was a healer too. Nevertheless, he didn't forget to thank Ajax.

"It's nothing. Since you are my slaves, I will take care of you, guys; however, I don't keep trash working under me."

"Also, I don't care about your past or whatever you did until now. From now on, you will kill who I point my finger at without any hesitation."

"Be it a demon king or even the demon emperor."

"Do you understand?"

Earlier, Ajax was so surprised with the reward that he forget to say a few things to his demon slaves. So, he wanted to let them know their new rules and how they would be going to live from now on.

"We will do as you say, master."

After seeing how capable Ajax was at such a young age, the two golden demon kings knew that as long as Ajax matured without dying in the middle, he would become an emperor realm cultivator.

At that time, even demon emperors would not dare go anything against their master.

But the only question is, whether Ajax would become that strong or will he die halfway? historical

Nevertheless, they no longer have that option as they already allowed Ajax to leave his spirit imprint on their demonic consciousness.

"Good. Rest for a bit as we will get busy soon."

Ajax already confirmed that the situation was still under control and it was a stalemate between the golden demon kings and the spirit beast armies.

Both sides were unable to damage each other.


Cultivation technique name:- Goldenfire demonic refining technique.

Grade:- High-level legend grade.

Effects:- 1) The demon can refine the demonic energy within 100000 kilometers.

2) The demon can convert the demonic energy into a golden fire that can not only help the demon in refining his body but can also be used as a weapon to attack his enemies.

Special skill:- Goldenfire burst.

Skill description:- Using at least 80 percent or more golden fire inside the demon's body, the demon could blast off everything within a radius of 100 kilometers.

Note:- The skill needs at least 80 percent of the golden fire.

More information:- A cultivation technique that was specially designed for the Golden demons by a human cultivator named Aaron Aplineswift.

Just as Ajax finished his lecture to the two golden demon kings, Ajax received the system notification with the complete information

'What the…'

Ajax was amazed by the effects of the cultivation technique; however, when he thought about the grade of the cultivation technique, he was not surprised.

At the same time, he was also not surprised to see there was a special skill because he already guessed that a high-level legend grade cultivation technique would have something like this.

'But what's with this fallen genius?'

However, the thing that shocked Ajax the most was the 'More information' regarding the cultivation technique because it mentioned that it was created by a human.

What's more, the human was none other than the fallen genius.

'Is he like creating the cultivation techniques that much? He even went as far as creating a high-level legend grade cultivation technique special for the golden demons.'

Ajax didn't understand why a human genius created something like that.

'I wonder whether he created the cultivation techniques for other demon races.'

Ajax wondered about it for a moment; however, he no longer thought about it when he heard that the situation for his spirit beasts and the elemental spirits was getting out of control.

"Let's go. We have got work to do."

Without wasting any time, Ajax confirmed the location of his elemental spirit that seemed like it was in a very critical situation. He ordered the golden demon kings to follow him as he rushed towards that location.

"Yes, master."

The golden demon kings were in perfect condition after getting a heal from Ajax as they rushed after their master.


Somewhere in the depths of the middle section of the cursed wilderness.

"Haha…I never thought I would find two rare auxiliary elemental spirits in a place like this."

A huge golden demon king looked at two elemental spirits Septon and Haze, who were Metal and Mist elemental spirits respectively and they were considered very rare even in a greater world.

Since the golden demon emperor does the business by selling the elemental spirits, almost all of the demon kings knew the value of an auxiliary elemental spirit, not to mention two of them.

"What's more, I can use the elemental spirit stone of that metal type to break into the emperor realm after my seal is gone."

The golden demon king had already swallowed a pill that increased his powers to nearly the king realm; however, his prowess still lacked a little bit.

'Let's see who is going to save you now? Your summoner?'


A Bonus Chapter for every 100 Golden Tickets.

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