New Age Of Summoners

Chapter 1259 - All Requirements Are Met

Chapter 1259 - All Requirements Are Met

According to what Ajax learned from the golden demon kings, he knew there was a total of 10 golden demon kings that entered the Zrochester province after sealing their cultivations along with a demon apostle.

Among them, the demon apostle sent six golden demons kings to take care of the summoner and the other spirit beast kings including the king of the inner section of the cursed wilderness.

'I made two of them as my slaves killed two of them and the last two was killed by the Primitive ape king and Zen, the assassin type elemental spirit.'

While rushing towards the mercenary guild, Ajax recalled everything he learned from Xal as he continued, 'The remaining four will first kill the vagrant cultivators before going for the other top-level cultivators in the Zrochester province.'

'As long as I kill the four high-level demon kings, I can leave for the Ylercester province without any worries.' historical

Actually, the system only asked him to disrupt the plans of the golden demon emperors and with what Ajax along with his summons and the spirit beasts did to the demons, the mission could be considered as finished.

However, the system was not giving the completion notification.

'Is it because of the earlier incident?'

Ajax could not help but think about the time he went against the system; however, he was not regretting the decision he had made so far.

'Also, I will kill the four more demon kings and conclude the mission whether you like it or not.'

According to what he knows, as long as he said that he had finished the mission, the system should consider it as completed if he fulfilled the objective of the mission.

However, Ajax had his own reasons for wanting to kill the four more high-level demon kings.

'Earlier, with the golden demon king I killed,? I have successfully fulfiled all the requirements to learn the 'Blessed refining cultivation technique'.'

Ajax checked the latest notifications in his inbox with great excitement on his face.


The host killed a high-level golden demon king.


It is counted into the last requirement of learning the 'Blessed refining cultivation technique'.


The host has completed all the requirements and continued to sacrifice more for the other requirements. Do you want to learn the cultivation technique or do you want to continue to sacrifice more?

To those system notifications, Ajax didn't have to think much as he chose to continue with the sacrifice option.

Even though it was not confirmed whether he would get good returns if he sacrificed more than what the system asked him to sacrifice, it was common sense that he would get good returns.

'Nevertheless, I only killed two demon kings which is my second least sacrifice I made towards the six requirements. Moreover, there are a whole lot of them waiting for me in the Ylercester province to get killed in my hands. So, it would be a waste to learn it now.'

With those thoughts in his head, Ajax decided to not learn the cultivation technique now as he was not in need of any special effects or skill as of now.


At the entrance of the cursed wilderness that was close to the Mercenary Guild.

"Looks like what Ajax said was true."

The guild master was fighting a golden demon as he said to the remaining vagrant cultivators.

With Seward and Elek gone, currently, there were only four vagrant cultivators in the Zrochester province who were fighting four golden demons.

"Looks like it."

The Veiled matriarch, Sandra nodded her head as he looked at the four golden demons in front of them and said, "However, these golden demons look very powerful as though they were demon kings."

"Yes. I feel the same."

The guild master and the others nodded their heads agreeing to her words.

"Haha…as expected of vagrant cultivators. You could guess that much just after a few rounds of punches."

One of the four golden demon kings chuckled as he agreed to the vagrant cultivators and told, "That's right! Our original cultivation is high-level king realm. For the sake of conquering this province, we had to seal our cultivations."

"Since there were only four vagrant cultivators, shall we play with them and see what their true prowess are?"

Another golden demon king suggested it to the other demon kings.

"Brothers, we should finish it as soon as possible and continue with the plan."

However, there was one golden demon king that wanted to kill the four vagrant cultivators as soon as possible before resuming their plan.

"What is the hurry, brother?"

"That's right, brother. These vagrant cultivators had killed so many of our underlings in the past and made it very hard for us to conquer this province. Why should we kill them in a single go?"

"I agree with the other two."

As a reply to the one who wanted to finish the things quickly, the three other golden demon kings quickly opposed as they wanted to seek revenge for their fallen brethren.

At least that's the reason they have come up with; however, the truth is, they just wanted to enjoy torturing the top cultivators of the Zrochester province.

'Sigh…these bastards are forgetting about the demon apostle and acting just like any other mission.'

This was not their first time doing something like this and the golden demon king who wanted to kill the vagrant cultivators as soon as possible also liked to torture on their missions.

However, this time there was someone above them that was overlooking the mission and the other golden demon kings were forgetting that, making him sigh and curse at the same time.

'Nevertheless, I will just torture them to my heart's content.'

The temptation of torturing the vagrant cultivators was not something that he could reject when the other golden demon kings wanted to enjoy. So, he decided to join them.

"Looks like it's been a while since we went all out against these bastards, right?"

All of a sudden, the guild master said those words as he stood in a fighting stance.


A Bonus Chapter for every 100 Golden Tickets.

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