New Age Of Summoners

Chapter 1263 - [Bonus ]Five High-level Legend Grade Weapons

Chapter 1263 - [Bonus ]Five High-level Legend Grade Weapons

# Bonus chapter for 500 Golden Tickets. (yet to reach)

"I am going to kill you today at any cost."

The golden demon king who used the transformation pill while the guild master was replying to Esmund shouted at the guild master.

He didn't stop just with the transformation pill, the golden demon king even burned his life force to kill the guild master in a single swoop along with the other vagrant cultivator.

'As long as I kill these vagrant cultivators, even if I don't finish the mission, I will be rewarded heavily since everyone is killed.'

Even before he could kill the guild master, that golden demon king fantasized about killing the other vagrant cultivators and gaining the rewards from the demon apostle.


The golden demon king reached the guild master in no time as he threw a punch at the Guild master that blasted the guild master a dozen meters away.

"Guild master."

Esmund, Sandra, who had just returned after killing her opponent, Ramon who was encouraging the tiger king to toy with his opponent, were shocked when they saw the huge golden demon king blast away the guild master.

"Haha…I heard you are the leader of the vagrant cultivators. Looks like you are not that powerful."

The golden demon king was surprised that he was able to easily punch the guild master away; however, he used it to mock the guild master.

"Don't worry, I will kill you and send you all to stay together with your leader…Haha."

After confirming that the guild master was not as strong as he thought he would be, the golden demon king was full of himself as he mocked the rest of the vagrant cultivators.

"Don't be full of yourself….you brainless demon."

From the distance, the guild master's voice resounded, making the huge golden demon king raise his brows for a moment; however, he shook his head and said, "So, you are still alive. Looks like you are a cockroach that needs to be crushed completely to die."

After finishing his words, the huge golden demon king rushed towards the guild master.

"You are in such a hurry to kill me. Didn't you say you wanted to torture me?"

The guild master was not worried at all as he calmly looked at the huge golden demon king that was rushing towards him and said a single word, "Black prison"

As soon as he said that, a cage made up of unknown black-coloured material appeared in the sky and caged the demon king.


The huge golden demon king thought he could destroy the cage; however, he was rebounded the moment he touched the cage.

"What is this?"

The demon king was barely keeping his sanity as he was burning his life force; however, the moment he met with a hurdle, it made him lose that last bit of sanity and completely became a crazy demon just like the one that Esmund killed.

However, compared to that demon king, this one was clearly bigger and stronger.

"I will kill you"

"I will kill you"



The huge golden demon king repeated the same sentence again and again as he slammed against the cage, only to be rebounded back by it.

"It's punishment time."

The guild master revealed a slight smile on his face as he looked at the crazy demon in the cage and muttered, "Come forth my weapons."


'Swoosh' historical

As soon as he said that, five shining weapons appeared in front of the guild master.

"Here he goes again. It's time for him to show off."

"What can we do about it? He has the legend grade weapons and he shows off."

"Now, I have to seal the entire area just to cover his trump cards."

The three vagrant cultivators who saw the guild master summoned five shining weapons in front of him, shook their heads and their faces looked like they were clearly annoyed.

That's right!

The five shining weapons that the guild master had summoned in front of him were all legend grade weapons. They are not just low-level legend grade weapons; instead, they were all high-level legend grade weapons that the guild master collected from the various inheritance grounds he entered in his life until now.

Except for the vagrant cultivators, no one, including the protector Olek didn't know about this because Esmund uses one of his artifacts to seal the entire area that blocks anyone from watching what's happening inside the area.

"Rae, just finish whatever you are planning to do to him in five minutes. Any more than that, your trump cards will be known by the Protector Olek and others."

Esmund warned the guild master as usual before sitting on the ground as he watched what weapon the guild master was planning to use this time.

"No problem. It will be over in a minute."

The guild master knew he could always rely on Esmund and other vagrant cultivators and that's the reason he was careless when summoning his five high-level legend grade weapons.

The five weapons hovering in front of the guild master were a huge sword, a long spear, a medium sided halberd, a pitch-black dagger and the last one was a longbow.

"Which weapon should I kill you with?"

The guild master asked the crazy demon inside the cage with a question mark on his face.


However, the reply he got was an angry yell from the huge golden demon king.

"Huh? You want me to pick the weapon? Okay then."

The guild master acted like he was doing some kind of favour for the crazy golden demon king in the cage as he moved his hand and lightly touched all his weapons.

"This dagger didn't taste the blood of any demons after joining me. So, I will choose it."

As soon as he stopped moving his hand from the pitch-black dagger, the remaining four weapons disappeared after shaking a little as though they were disappointed for not being picked by the guild master.

"Don't worry. Everyone will get the opportunity in the future."


A Bonus Chapter for every 100 Golden Tickets.

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