New Age Of Summoners

Chapter 1269 - [Bonus ]’S’ Danger Rating Mission

Chapter 1269 - [Bonus ]’S’ Danger Rating Mission

In one of the forests in the Ylercester province.


A portal opened in mid-air as Ajax came out of it with a curious look on his face as it was his first time using his ability to pass through the barrier.

Another reason for his curiosity was about the Ylercester province.

'This essence of nature…its purity must be around the same as grade 3 elemental paradise.'

Just like any other cultivator who first entered the Ylercester province, the first thing Ajax noticed was the essence of nature and even compared with the elemental paradises in his inner world.

'Also, the laws in this province are much clearer compared to Zrochester province.'

Actually, in Zrochester province, Ajax didn't sense any clear law as they were pretty much messed up; however, after feeling the laws in the province, Ajax felt as long as he cultivated in this province, he might awaken a law in a couple of years without any problem.

'No wonder, the Ylercester province has a lot of King realm cultivators. I wonder how pure the essence of nature and the laws are in the Xacaster province as it is called the top province of the Purple stone world.'

Next, Ajax thought about the top province and felt like he should go to that province, hoping he could awaken a new cultivator's law in a short time.

In the Purplestone world, there were only three provinces with Zrochester province being ranked last and Xacaster province as first. As for the Ylercester province, it was in the middle.

Since Ylercester province already had such a pure essence of nature and laws, Xacaster province is bound to have even higher purity of the essence of nature. So, Ajax decided to go to that province after the contest and the demon invasion was finished.

"Now the problem is which direction I should go?"

Ajax kept those thoughts away as he looked at his surroundings that were filled with huge trees.

'This must be a forest.'

He came to that conclusion after seeing the huge trees; however, in the next moment he stopped worrying about which direction he should go; instead, he thought, 'It's time to summon one of my king's realm flying mounts.'

Ajax was finally excited about summoning one of the devourer eagle kings that was currently staying in Prophis' 'space realm'.

"Prophis, come out and summon Cale"

With a thought, the space elemental spirit appeared behind Ajax who summoned a huge devourer eagle.

Since he was no one restricted by the province from summoning his king realm spirit beasts, Ajax wanted to summon one of them to be his mount while he was in the Ylercester province.

Nevertheless, Ajax only summoned one devourer eagle king and didn't summon the remaining 10 devourer eagle kings as he wanted to surprise his enemies.

Moreover, he was going to summon them when the demon invasion started as he already received the next mission from the system.


The devourer eagle let out a screech that made all the surrounding spirit beasts run far away from that place.

"Let's just roam and find the nearby humans."

There was no particular goal in Ajax's mind regarding where he should go; however, he was not worried much about it as he asked the devourer eagle to fly in the direction it wanted.

"Yes, master."

Cade, the devourer eagle king nodded his head and flew in a particular direction at an incredible speed. historical

'Let's check the mission details now.'

Earlier, he didn't check the mission details properly as he had to find the barrier. Since he had nothing to do now, Ajax opened his latest mission regarding the demon invasion of Ylercester province.


Mission:- Save Purplestone World.

Danger rating:- S

Mission reward:- System upgrade, Protector of Purple stone world.

Additional reward:- Normal world cores and smaller world cores depending on the host's completion rate.

Mission failure:- Titles 'Coward' and 'Betrayer'.

Note:- The system will leave the host and find another suitable host.

Details:- The five demon emperors have sent three personal demon apostles, 100 high-level demon kings along with thousands of low and mid-level king realm demon cultivators. As for the demons below the king realm, they are countless.

The five demon emperors want to kill powerful king realm humans and turn others into slaves.

Overall, they are planning to conquer the purple stone world.

Soon, a big holographic screen appeared in front of Ajax.

'What the hell? This 'S' danger rating mission's rewards are good but what's with the failure?'

Since S danger rating mission means it is very hard compared to the A danger rating, Ajax guessed the rewards would be great and at the same time, the mission failure would be harsh.

However, when Ajax saw that he would receive the two worst titles and at the same time, there is a possibility of the system leaving his body.

'System, didn't you tell me that you can't leave my body until I am alive? Are you thinking of killing me before leaving?'

Even though Ajax didn't know what kind of effects those titles would have, he didn't think much about them as he would be giving his best to get those rewards.

Instead, he asked the system about something in a serious tone.


As I promised the host, I will do nothing to you and help you in every possible way.


Ajax asked with a question mark on his face.

According to what he learned from the system when he received it, the system informed him that it can't be separated unless the host is dead. So, he wondered how it would leave his body without killing him.


The system is already upgraded to 3.0 and it is powerful enough to leave the host's body whenever it wants.


Ajax was a little surprised; however, he was not anxious as he gained a lot of confidence in continuing his journey even without the system.

'Huh? I can sense Darbaudr.'

All of a sudden, Ajax sensed Darbaudr's presence and guided the devourer eagle king.


A Bonus Chapter for every 100 Golden Tickets.

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