New Age Of Summoners

Chapter 1282 - Spatial Zone And Space Collapse

Chapter 1282 - Spatial Zone And Space Collapse

Ajax thought Prophis would be of great help to him if he became a king realm elemental spirit because of his spatial skills.

If Prophis could open the portals to the other worlds, then it would become easy for Ajax to conquer more worlds and collect their world cores.

If he got more world cores, he could increase his cultivation to the peak of the King realm cultivation without any problem.

'Looks like I need to keep an eye on the special items section in the elemental spirit store.'

Ajax noted it down in his head as he decided to check the new bestial law and the elemental law learned by the devourer eagle king and the elemental spirit.


Elemental law:- Spatial zone (sealed)

Effect:- At level 1, the elemental spirit can create a zone around him with a radius of 10 meters. As long as the elemental spirit is inside that zone, all attacks will be diverted into the direction that the elemental spirit wants. Be it a physical attack or an energy attack, it will be diverted without any problem.

Skill:- Spatial rifts

Spatial rifts:- a dozen or more portals will open around the elemental spirits that are interconnected with one another. The sizes and distance between these portals are completely controlled by the elemental spirit.

Ajax first checked the elemental law of the space elemental spirit. Even though the true level of his elemental law would be known tomorrow after the side effects are finshed, Ajax just wanted to know the effect and the skill related to the elemental law.

'Oh. Basically, he will be invincible as long as he activates his elemental law.'

Looking at the information appeared in front of him, Ajax revealed a slight smile on his face as he was satisfied with elemental law and skill.

Although it was not some overpowered law that could kill anyone as soon as it was activated, it could help the space elemental spirit survive no matter who his enemy was.

'However, the downside of this elemental law is limited to a 10-meter radius and the duration for how long the law can be active.'

Ajax always had the habit of thinking about the shortcomings of any skill or law, so that he could take the measures to take care of these shortcomings.

Almost all elemental laws can only be active for 10 minutes and in some rare cases, it would be a little higher. So, Ajax knew that Prophis' invinciblity was limited to 10 minutes.

'Nevertheless, as long as the elemental law's level increases, both the range and duration of the elemental law will be increased.'

Ajax was not worried much about it when it came to Prophis because after the side effect disappears, Prophis would be gaining multiple levels for his elemental law.

'Now, let's see what the devourer eagle king learnt.'

After checking the elemental law and skill related to it, Ajax focused on the bestial law of the devourer eagle king.


Bestial law:- Space collapse (level 10)

Effect:- In a 100-meter radius around the devourer eagle king, a space collapse will be summoned covering the entire 100 meters. In these 100 meters of radius, the eagle king's battle prowess will be increased by 10 times and decreases the battle prowess of its enemies by 10 times.

Note:- Allies will not be affected by the space collapse? nor will they receive any special boost.

Skill:- Spatial orbs.

Spatial orbs:- The spirit beast will release black coloured orbs continuously as long as it wants; however, the moment its bestial law disappears, then it will be risking its life by spewing the black coloured orbs.

'What? It comprehened 'Space collapse'?'

Just from reading the name of the elemental law made Ajax's jaws drop as he muttered, 'What's more, it is not level 2 or level 3 but level 10. It isi just one step away from having its second bestial soul.'

The devourer eagle king currently had two bestial laws 'Space collapse' and 'Advanced acceleration'. They are both at level 10 and only one step away from transforming into bestial souls.

'Looks like Cale will be becoming more powerful compared to Adler.'

Ajax could not help but think of the king of the 10 devourer eagle kings he formed a contract with. historical

Even though he was already a mid-level spirit beast king, he only had two bestial souls and no more bestial laws. So, Ajax felt when Cale reaches mid-level spirit beast king, he would be much stronger than Adler.

'Anyway, let's see the full details regarding this bestial law.'

Soon, Ajax stopped thinking about other things as he focused on the effect and skill that came with the bestial law.

Overall, Ajax was satisfied with the progress made by the devourer eagle king.

'He is really a monster…he is just a level 2 elite general realm cultivator but he had a king realm spirit beast as a pet and a rare elemental spirit that is at peak level 10 elite general realm.'

As Ajax was checking the improvement of his spirit beast and the elemental spirit, Uncle Dralf was shocked with what he had seen.

Even though Dralf already learned that Ajax had a powerful master, he didn't expect Ajax to own a spirit beast king like devourer eagle king as his pet.

'Looks like he is really special that his master gifted him with scuh good gifts.'

This was the only thought in Uncle Dralf' head because he assumed that Ajax received both the rare elemental spirit and the devourer eagle king from his master.

However, what he didn't know was not only Ajax tamed the devourer eagle king using his brute strength but he had another 10 devourer eagle kings under his care.

As for Darbaudr, he was looking at the surroundings as he felt the spatial laws around him were good and tried to increase the level of his cultivator's law.

"Now, let's go and register my name for the contest."


A Bonus Chapter for every 100 Golden Tickets.

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