New Age Of Summoners

Chapter 1287 - First Round

Chapter 1287 - First Round

"It's nothing."

Even though Ajax asked Princess Daphne about the reason behind her worry, she didn't answer him, making Ajax shrug his hands and stopped bothering her before finding a seat in the spectators' seats along with Levi, Paulin and Princess Daphne.

Because among Ajax's friends, only these three were the summoners and the rest of them had to complete the first and second round.

Among the hundred thousand youngsters who participated in the contest, only ten thousand of them were summoners leaving behind more than 90000 non-summoners on the ground.

Almost all the youngsters have the cultivation of level 10 elite general realm and a few of them have the cultivation of level 8 elite general realm.

Other than Ajax, Levi, Paulin and Princess Daphne, there are other young participants from the Zrochester province who could summon the elemental spirits; however, the number was pitifully in a single digit.

Mostly, these summoners belong to the top three sects and the five great families and only one or two are summoners whereas the rest of the participants from these families and the sects were non-summoners who had to go through the first and second rounds of the contest.

"Looks like all the summoner participants are settled in the spectator's zone…Haha."

No summoner left the colosseum as they wanted to see the first and second rounds of the contest, making the old minister reveal a light chuckle as he asked, "So, are you ready for the first round of the contest?"

"Yes, sir minister."

The non-summoners were ready as they nodded their heads with both excited and determined looks on their faces.

They were excited because the contest is finally going to start and they were determined because they wanted to win the first two rounds and fight the summoners in the third round to show them that they were not all-powerful and could be defeated.

Not only the non-summoners, even summoners who were participating in the contest were also looking forward to the start of the first round.

"Okay then, listen well."

Seeing the determined looks on the youngsters' faces, the old man revealed a satisfied look on his face as he started explaining about the first round of the contest.

"Even though I can see you are very determined to perform very well in this contest, the first round will actually let me see the really determined ones."


The old man's words made the youngsters raise their brows; however, the old man didn't bother to explain much about it and said, "The first round begins now."


'The first round has started already?'

'But, what are we supposed to do now?'

'Is this some kind of prank or what?'



Almost all of the youngsters standing in front of the huge stage were puzzled as they didn't know what they were supposed to do and looked at the old man, who was chuckling to himself.

Not only the participants, even the spectators and other high-level cultivators who came to select a few good disciples from the contest were also surprised at what was happening.

Even though they were called powerful cultivators, the truly powerful cultivators are yet to come. They most likely come tomorrow which was the actual day of starting the contest.

'Oh. So, the first round is eliminating the trash?'

However, it didn't take much time for these cultivators to know what was happening as they nodded their heads.


In the ground.

'Huh? What is this pressure?'

'Are they trying to kill us with such an insane amount of pressure?'

'I quit…please let me out of here.'

As time continued to pass, the youngsters in the ground started to feel the pressure that was pressing them to the ground.

Some of the participants directly fell to the ground, becoming unconscious.

'Trashes like these are daring to participate in this contest.'

Even though most of the participants were feeling quite pressured with the cultivation pressure that were pressing them to the ground; however, there were a few participants, who could still maintain their calm under such a huge pressure scoffed at those who became unconscious.

"Looks like there were quite a lot of participants who are just as strong as the summoners. Good."

The old minister watched everything happening to the youngsters on the ground with a satisfied look on his face.

Even though 90 percent of them were barely hanging under his cultivation, there was still 10 percent of them who maintained their calm, making the old man satisfied because it was much more than he had expected.


'Oh. The first round is about weeding out the weak.'

Ajax was not surprised when he figured out what was happening with the participants.

'But, what I am curious about is, how long is he going to pressure them? The unconscious participants will be okay; however, those who were trying to hold on to their unconsciousness might face some serious consequences.'

Ajax looked at the participants who were completely covered in sweat but still standing on the ground while gritting their teeth. He felt they were taking an unnecessary risk for their future.

"Ajax, they wanted to show their determination, So, you can't blame them."

Paulin, who was sitting beside Ajax read Ajax's thoughts as he gave his thoughts on those who were trying their best to hold on to their standing.

"I say they are foolish for trying to hold on to their standing by risking their cultivation. Even if they were risking their lives, I would have thought they were not foolish; however, I could not help but shake my head at their foolishness."

Ajax knew his words were quite harsh but it was the sad truth. historical


Paulin raised his brows at Ajax's words because he had never seen Ajax say something like that before. So, he asked, "Can you explain in detail?"


The host's elemental spirit conquered a Bronze demon world. Do you want to collect the world core?

However, before Ajax could give a reply, he received a system notification in his head, making him pleasantly surprised.


A Bonus Chapter for every 100 Golden Tickets.

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