New Age Of Summoners

Chapter 1293 - Destruction Of The Smaller Demon Worlds (1)

Chapter 1293 - Destruction Of The Smaller Demon Worlds (1)

According to the intel he received from the golden demon slaves, Ajax knew that the demon armries were currently led by the demon apostles and each demon emperor had sent three of their personal demon apostles.

Adding together, there would be a total of 15 personal demon apostles.

Since these 15 personal demon apostles were from dififerent factions of the demon emperors, they would separate themselves and station their armies in different worlds.

Whether it was a smaller demon world or a normal demon world, it doesn't matter for them as they would be staying in those worlds for only a few days.

'So, if by chance the devourer eagle king opens the portal to a smaller demon world in which the demon apostle was stationed, then it would be a problem for me.'

Unlike his dwarf world where he would have the battle prowess equivalent to that of a low-level emperor realm cultivator.

However, it would be a different thing if he confronted a high-level demon king on other worlds.

'What should I do? Should I take the risk?'

Ajax raised his brows as he started thinking about it.

'According to the demon slaves, other than three personal demon aposltes, there were a 100 regular high-level demon kings, right?'

After thinking for a few moments, Ajax came to the conclusion, 'If my guess is right, these personal demon apostles must be thinking that the Purple stone world was not worth sending such a huge force to conquer.'

When the demon slaves were informing Ajax about the demon emperors' plan for the Purple stone, Ajax learned that the demon apostles were not much interested as they would not get much resources by invading the purple stone world.

'If my guess is right, then they would just rest in the normal demon worlds; instead of stationing themselves in the smaller demon worlds where the essence of nature was 100 times impure than the essence of nature from Zrochester province.'

When he came to such a conclusion, Ajax stopped hesitatiting any longer as he directly ordered Alder, 'Alder, open the portal to one of the smaller demon worlds.'

Ajax was controlling his urge to invade the normal demon worlds because it would take a lot of time compared to the invasion of the smaller demon world.

Also, normal worlds have multiple factions, provinces, sects and all other things just like the Purple stone world.

'If it was any other time, I would have given it a try after using the 'Portal creation' ability of all the devourer eagle kings except for one, because I will use it to open the portal to a normal demon world.'

Ajax silently thought in his head.

His main mission was in the Purple stone world where the demons were planning to conquer the entire Purple stone world. So, at a time like this, Ajax would not take any risk in doing jobs that he didn't have a particular clarity on how long it would take for him to complete those jobs.

'Prophis, go and summon all the devourer eagle kings in this demon world. I want you to complete it as soon as possible.'

Ajax was not wasting any time in conquering the smaller demon worlds anymore because he didn't know when the two rounds of the contest would complete and the youngsters came back.

So, he wanted to finish conquering 11 smaller demon worlds because he had 11 devourer eagle kings under his care before any of the youngsters came back to the resting quarters.



It took around 30 minutes for the 11 devourer eagle kings to devour the entire smaller demon world before they were sent back into Porphis' space, who walked out of the portal.

'Prophis, is everything alright?'

Ajax could tell something was amiss because not only did Prophis had a serious look on his face but it also took longer than he had expected in conquering the smaller demon world.

'Summoning master, there were more demons than any regular smaller world. I think they were gathering in this world to invade the Purple stone world.'

Prophis nodded his head as he continued, 'I also saw they are trying to build a teleportation circle.'

'As I expected.'

Ajax nododed his head as he had already thought about it before asking Prophis, 'By the way, are there any high-level demon kings in that world?'

Since he already knew how powerful the 10 devourer eagle kings would be when they were led by Alder, the king of the devourer eagle kings. So, he was not worried about how many demons were in the smaller demon world.

All he was worried about was the number of high-level demon kings on the smaller demon world because only they could do something to his devourer eagle kings.

'There were only two high-level demon kings along with a dozen mid-level demon kings in that world.'

Prophis transmitted his voice into Ajax's head as he informed about the situation of the smaller demon world they conquered just a while ago.

'Oh. Two high-level demon kings? No wonder it took twice as much time as I thought.'

Ajax nodded his head at Prophis' information before entering the portal. historical

'Anyway, I will first take the world core and destroy this world before the other demon kings rush here.'

Ajax planned that he had to retrieve the world core soon because a smaller demon world's destruction at this moment would definitely attract all the demon apostles.

'It will be a good opportunity for me to destroy the other smaller demon worlds.'

With a slight smile on his face, Ajax entered the core realm and collected the world core before coming back.

Even though so much had happened, the demon apostles were oblivious of everything as they didn't get anay emergency signal until they suddenly felt a huge explosion.

'Is that a world explosion?'

The 15 demon apostles in various normal demon worlds felt the destruction of the smaller world depending on the distance between them and the destroyed world.


A Bonus Chapter for every 100 Golden Tickets.

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