New Age Of Summoners

Chapter 1298 - Ronnie, Darius And Emmie

Chapter 1298 - Ronnie, Darius And Emmie


A portal opened in a quiet grassland and Ajax walked out of it with a calm look on his place.

Since Ajax had gone through many portals, he got used to them and didn't feel nauseous or anything like that.

'This is no different than the Ylercester province.'

Ajax compared the secret realm with the Ylercester province and he didn't find any change in the purity of the essence of nature.

'Compared to the secret realm connected to the Zrochester province, the secret realms of this Ylercester province are not special.'

Ajax compared the difference between the secret realms of the two provinces. historical

'Anyway, I will just find others.'

With that thought in his head, Ajax tried to find the high ground to see as much ground as possible.

'This round, I will just try to survive with my skills and battle prowess.'

Even though he could just summon the devourer eagle kings and easily find others, he didn't want to always rely on his summons. Moreover, he just wanted to have a normal competition with others to test his battle prowess.


Soon, Ajax started his search to find others.



At the same time, all the young participants also teleported to the secret realm. Maybe the old minister wanted it to be fair for everyone or something else, there were at least a few kilometers between the two participants when they were teleported.

Also, the moment they walked out of the portal, 20 percent of the participants felt nauseous as they never walked in and out of the portals.

'I need to find others.'

Just like Ajax, they have also planned to form teams; however, unlike Ajax, they were not calm; instead, they were anxious as they rushed towards a particular direction.


Outside the secret realm.

"Start the transmission."

The old minister waved his hands and all the flying mirrors that were spread all over the colosseum glowed brightly for a moment before showing the main participants of the contest.

That's right!

Even though there were hundreds of flying mirrors, there were thousands of participants which were obviously not enough to show all the participants.

Moreover, why would the powerful cultivators waste their time by watching the performance of a weak participant?

At the same time, they didn't know the true battle prowess of most of them but at least they were interested in the performance of a few young participants who were related to the top cultivators of the Purple stone world.

One of the flying mirrors showed a young girl around 18 years old as she summoned a peak rank 6 flying spirit beast and started flying around.


Whenever she saw someone, she would casually order the fire elementals sitting in front of her to attack them.

Even though her elemental spirits' attack seemed quick, she was not cold enough to kill other participants. She gave enough time for the others to surrender before leaving the secret realm.

'I don't know why these lowly cultivators set their hopes so high when they already knew that it was impossible for them to reach in their life?'

Nevertheless, she always looks down on those who were less powerful than her.


"Sir Olek is blessed with such a talented daughter."

"Yes. She is only 18 this year and already reached the pinnacle of the elite general realm in her cultivation."

"In a few years, she would definitely become a King realm cultivator just like Sir Olek."

Those present on the huge stage looked at the girl named Emmie and talked about her because she was none other than the daughter of the Protector Olek, the protector of the Zrochester province.

Even though they said these words on the surface, deep down some of them knew that she was arrogant and offended many of them.

Nevertheless, they can't do anything to her because of her status as the daughter of a Protector.

Even though Olek is a protector of a lowly province, he was still more powerful than any of the top-level cultivators in the Zrochester province.

Moreover, the other protectors would punish them if they said even a single word about Protector Olek and her daughter because the son of the Protector Erin was in love with her and she also loves him.

After this contest, they are going to get married and become a cultivator couple following the rest of their cultivation journey together.

The second young participant they were interested in was, of course, Emmie's future husband, Darius.

The young man was wearing simple robes despite being the son of the Protector and just like Emmie, he also summoned a flying type spirit beast that looked exactly like the one Emmie summoned.

Moreover, they were moving towards each other as though they knew the direction of one another.

"They are using their flying mounts to gather more quickly. Nice plan."

Everyone knew that it was not Emmie and Darius who knew about each others' location; instead, it was their spirit beasts that could sense each others' presence.

"If they joined together, I think no one can stop them, even Ronnie."

While discussing, the cultivators on the huge stage talked about another participant named Ronnie.

Ronnie is the son of the Protector Nade, the protector of the Xacaster province.

Emmie, Darius and Ronnie, are the three participants that the top echelon of the Purple stone world was keeping their eyes on because, in the future, they would replace their fathers' positions and protect the Purple stone world from the outsiders.

"Why don't we check the sons and daughters of the six kings?"

Soon, someone suggested and focused on other flying mirrors that were showing the transmission of a few young participants who were eliminating the other young participants without bothering about anything.

"By the way, who are these three young men?"

While checking out the young geniuses from the six kingdoms, a few old cultivators saw three masked young men who had already formed a team within a short time.


A Bonus Chapter for every 100 Golden Tickets.

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