New Age Of Summoners

Chapter 1514 Deal with the Five Human Emperors

Chapter 1514 Deal with the Five Human Emperors

As soon as they saw that Ajax was showing interest in trading a smaller world core in exchange for a one-time opportunity to enter the Floating Island, the remaining four human emperors also decided to exchange it.

'Huh? Are they dumb?'

When he heard the four human emperors' words, Ajax thought they were dumb.

Because the value of an opportunity to enter the floating island was much bigger than a smaller world core.

Moreover, the metal human emperor himself said that if Ajax wants to enter the floating island for the second time through his Greater Metal World, he would charge multiple world cores.

'If he charges more, then I would go to the other human emperors who were willing to offer the lowest price or a low number of smaller world cores.'

Therefore, there was no need for the four human emperors to become anxious; instead, they should feel happy because after experiencing the taste of the treasures on the Floating Island, Ajax won't mind offering more world cores.

'Are they still hiding something from me?'

Suddenly, Ajax sensed something was still off about the opportunity to enter the floating island.

"The Harbinger of destruction doesn't need to worry about it."

Seeing that Ajax was hesitating with their trade, the Earth human emperor explained, "Even though the participant will be staying in the floating island for seven years, they can't sit in one place to cultivate as there are many spirit beasts that roam around. So, even cultivating is also a little difficult"


Ajax was not worried about such dangers as he listened to the Earth human emperor who seemed to explain something more about the floating island.

"Also, when a participant enters the floating island for the first time, because of the sudden change in the time speed, they could not venture deeper into the floating island; however, from the second time, the participant won't feel anything and won't be affected by the time difference."

"Is that all? Are you still hiding something from me?"

Nodding his head, Ajax asked the remaining four human emperors.

Among the five elemental human emperors, only the earth human emperor seemed genuine. So, Ajax asked the remaining four human emperors whether they were hiding something from him.


The four human emperors looked at the Earth human emperor for a moment before saying, "The thing is a high chance of encountering a critical danger in the first visit to the floating island which might cost the life of the participant; however, those who survive their first visit, they can easily survive from their next visit."

"Even if you enter the floating island through the five greater worlds, it will be counted as your first time since you will be representing the world you're entering from."

"Therefore, if you survive your first visit, your chances of survival will be more and you can find a safe location during your first visit and cultivate in that safe location in your second visit."

One emperor after another explained everything without hiding anything.


Finally, Ajax understood and nodded his head.

Even though he now knows everything about the floating island, Ajax's curiosity to enter the floating island increases even more.

However, he didn't show it on his face as he didn't want the five human emperors to know that he was interested in their item.

"So, if I am unlucky, I might even die on the floating island on the first visit and that's why you want me to pick your offer first such that even if I die, you will already have the smaller world core."

Ajax asked with a serious look on his face as he asked them.


"You have misunderstood us, young master. We just want to get my hands on the smaller world core to increase the grade of our worlds."

"Also, if the participant is a summoner or a beast tamer, he could summon his elemental spirits and the contracted spirit beasts in the floating island."

"Therefore, it will be an adventure for the young master to not only increase his battle prowess but also get some valuable treasures from the floating island."

Except for the earth human emperor, the remaining four emperors hurriedly tried to clear the misunderstanding.

"We can summon the elemental spirits?"

Ajax was surprised for a moment and said, "Even though entering the floating island seemed like a good exchange for the smaller world core, for entering the first time, I think your item seems less valuable."

Even though Ajax had already decided to enter the floating island, he wanted to get some compensation from the four elemental human emperors for trying to scam him.

"What do you mean less valuable?"

All five human emperors frowned; however, the metal human emperor was the first to ask about it.

"If you think entering the floating island for the first time is valuable, don't bother exchanging it. Not only will I need a couple of years to adjust myself to the floating island but I might even die on it."

Ajax acted nonchalantly and he even suggested that they should exchange with something else if they feel they are trading a more valuable item than the smaller world core.


The five human emperors remained speechless and silently communicated.

'Let's take a step down and give him an additional item in exchange for his smaller world core.'

'Yes. Once he gets the taste of the Floating island, we can start extorting smaller world cores from him.'

'I think he is from some powerful family and he might have quite a lot of trump cards to survive on the floating island. Let's do it.'

Except for the Earth human emperor, the remaining four human emperors put aside their feud and formed a syndicate to extort more smaller world cores from Ajax in the future.

"Why don't we do this? Since the young master is feeling we are offering less valuable item in exchange for the smaller world cores, we are willing to pay the market price of a smaller world core in the trader tokens."historical

"Currently, we don't have any valuable treasures other than the trader tokens."

"If the young master still feels we are not offering enough for the smaller world core, then we have to part ways here."

The four human emperors spoke one after another, explaining that they are willing to pay 15 million trader tokens along with an opportunity to enter the floating island for a smaller world core.

"Hm…okay. Let's sign the contract then."

Ajax acted a little hesitant before suggesting they should sign the contract.

Even though Ajax could tell that they were not serious when they said they would not offer more than what they decided to offer now, Ajax didn't want to push them more.

He was already satisfied with entering the floating island and he would be getting an additional 15 million trader tokens for each world core that he was going to sell to the human emperors.

The moment Ajax learned that he could summon his elemental spirits and the contracted spirit beasts, he had already planned to fill the entire floating island with his summon and let them cultivate.

If his summons could cultivate for seven years inside the floating, they would each level up by at least one minor realm in their cultivation.

Ajax was looking forward to the day he could enter the floating island to cultivate inside it along with his army of elemental spirits and the contracted spirit beasts.

"Let's do it."

The four human emperors were excited and hurriedly wanted to sign the contract.

Once the contract is signed in the trader realm's special chamber, it would be fulfilled no matter what. If anyone breaks the contract, they would face the wrath of the owner of the trader's realm.

No matter where you hide, the owner of the trader's realm would find you and make you pay more than 10 times what was written on the contract.

"I am not going to pay anything extra. If he doesn't want to take the opportunity to enter the floating island through the Greater Earth World, then so be it. I am leaving."

As soon as he finished his words, the Earth Human Emperor decided to leave the special chamber.

'Wait a second. Let's finish the deal without any trader token.'

Suddenly, he heard Ajax's voice in his head, making him pleasantly surprised.

'Since you are sincere and explained the dangers of entering the floating island beforehand, let's go with the old deal.'

Ajax even gave a reason why he gave special treatment to the Earth Human Emperor.


The Earth Human Emperor didn't leave the special chamber and silently stood as the four emperors made a contract with their discussion conditions.

According to the condition, the Harbinger of destruction would give a smaller world to one of the human emperors each month before entering the floating island through that human emperor's world.

As for the 15 million trader tokens, they would be paid to Harbinger of destruction right away as an advance payment.

If Harbinger of destruction failed to fulfil his promise, he should pay 10 smaller world cores or 100 million trader tokens as a penalty.


Soon, the four human emperors and Ajax signed the contract which disappeared into thin air.

"See you next month."

Among the four human emperors, Ajax chose to enter the floating island through the metal human emperor's world.


Soon, the four human emperors left with excited smiles thinking, they have successfully lured Ajax.

"Let's sign the contract."

After they left, Ajax asked the earth human emperor with a slight smile.

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