New Age Of Summoners

Chapter 1535  Assessment

Chapter 1535  Assessment

'I wonder how many Nightmare Points I will get.'

This was the last thought in Ajax's head as his spirit consciousness opened its eyes in the endless space.

There, he waited for the system to complete his assessment on the survival of his first Nightmare World.


     Thanks for waiting patiently, host. Your assessment of the survival of the first Nightmare World is ready.

After waiting for who knows how long, Ajax received a system notification that made him heave a sigh of relief.

Even though it would only take one minute in the real world, Ajax could feel the time flowing very slowly, making him bored.

So, he was excited to see the system notification.


     1) The host survived for a day in the nightmare world and gained one nightmare point.

     2) Consumed a rank 4 herb and gained 10 nightmare points.

     3) Killed a rank 3 barbaric beast and gained 5 nightmare points.

     4) Completed a side quest and gained 10 nightmare points.

     5) Reward from side quest: 100 nightmare points.

     6) The host didn't give up till the end despite being in a hopeless situation. So, he will be rewarded with 10 nightmare points.

Soon, a holographic screen appeared before him and one point after another slowly appeared, informing him about his actions in the nightmare world and how many nightmare points he got from each action.

'So, surviving a single day in the nightmare world gives one nightmare point.'

After reading the first point, Ajax raised his brows and nodded his head in understanding.

'I didn't even survive for a day but the system counted it as a day. The system is being generous with its assessment.'

Even though it was only a single nightmare point, after seeing how rewarding his other actions were, he felt one nightmare point just after entering the nightmare world seemed good.

'If I can get one nightmare point for surviving one day in a nightmare world, won't I get thousands of points if I survive for ten years?'

nightmare points in his next visit to the nightmare world.

For someone who barely survived one day in the nightmare world, Ajax was not joking when he said surviving for 10 years in a nightmare world because it was possible for him.

'All I need to have is one of my real-life abilities and a good starting point. As long as I can buy those two things, leave about surviving for 10 years, I might even survive for 100 years.'

Ajax clenched his fists as he finally found a way to gain more nightmare points in his next visit to the nightmare world.

'Moreover, during those 10 years, I can complete dozens or even hundreds of side quests, which would make my future visits to the nightmare worlds easier.'

Ajax revealed a slight smile on his face as he continued thinking, 'And the most important thing was, to bring back the treasures or items from the nightmare world.'

This was his true goal to enter the nightmare world as he could either sell those treasures for an insane value or use them for himself.

'Consuming the herb also gives nightmare points?'

Another point in the list made Ajax a little surprised as he made a mental note, 'Next time, I enter the nightmare world, I need to consume as many herbs as possible.' historical

Ajax was trying to make note of all the things that could easily give him the nightmare points by doing less risky things.

The remaining three points in the list didn't surprise him; however, the last point made him pleasantly surprised.

'I have to not give up until the end.'

He added another point to his 'What-to-do in the nightmare world' list and looked at the total nightmare points he gained.


     The host gained a total of 136 nightmare points.


     The easy mode's multiplier is applied: 136 x 1 = 136 nightmare points.

'Huh? Easy mode's multiplier?'

Ajax raised his brows for a moment; however, he understood what it was and asked the system, 'What is the multiplier for the other difficulty levels in the nightmare worlds?'


     Easy Mode = 1

     Normal Mode = 5

     Hard Mode = 10

     Nightmare Mode = 100

'What? For nightmare mode, the nightmare points will be multiplied by 100?'

Ajax was shocked by the huge multiplier for the nightmare mode.

Even though he expected it to be high, Ajax didn't expect it to be as high as 100.

'Since it has a multiplier of 100, it must be insanely dangerous, right? The moment I enter the nightmare world in the nightmare mode, I might die, right?'

Ajax had entered the nightmare world in the easy mode and he barely survived for a few minutes. So, Ajax could guess he would be instantly killed the moment he enters the nightmare world in nightmare mode.

'But still, it is an easy 100 nightmare points since the system counts even surviving a second in a day in the nightmare world as a whole day and rewards me with one nightmare point.'

Ajax felt it was also an easy way to get 100 nightmare points without buying any real-life abilities or good starting points.


     Do you want to buy anything from the nightmare world you visited?

As he was planning everything for his second nightmare world, a system notification rang in his head, asking whether he wanted to buy anything.

'Let me see what I can buy.'

There was nothing that Ajax really wanted to buy from the Barbaric world because whatever he had seen in the Barbaric world was very low-level and didn't pique his interest.

However, he wanted to see the prices for the things.

'After seeing the prices, I can get a rough understanding of how valuable the nightmare points are and how much I can buy with them.'

With that thought in his mind, Ajax waited for the system to show him the things that he had seen in the nightmare world.


     1) Poison leaf flower: 100 NP.

     2) Rank 3 forest cat (tamed): 50 NP.

     3) Wild healing (Skill): 100 NP.

Soon, the system showed the three valuable things that Ajax had seen in the nightmare world that could be brought back to the real world.

'Huh? It is asking me ten times the value it gave me.'

Ajax frowned when he saw the prices of the items from the nightmare world.

He received 10 points by consuming a rank 4 poison leaf flower; however, if he wanted to turn that herb into a reality, he needed 100 nightmare points.

'Anyway, I don't need the herb or a pet as I can get them in the real world.'

Ajax instantly rejected the first two options as they were useless to him; however, the third one tempted him a little.

'Let's not buy it. It can only heal minor and medium injuries.'

Nevertheless, after thinking for a moment, Ajax rejected it and stopped thinking about it as he didn't want to change his mind.

Even though adding another skill to his skill list was not a bad thing, the problem is Ajax already has a similar skill. So, it would be just a waste of his nightmare points to buy that skill.

What's more, he was even a Sacred Astral Healer who could heal not only minor and medium injuries, but he could also heal severe injuries and soul injuries as long as he had enough sacred energy and astral energy.


    Please select an item that you wish you buy; otherwise, please exit the endless space.

Soon, the system urged him to either buy or get out of the endless place.

'I want to see how much nightmare points it costs to buy a good starting point and my real-life abilities for the next visit to the nightmare world.'

However, Ajax didn't leave the endless space as he asked the system to show the prices to buy his real-life abilities and the starting points for the next visit.


    Please consume a nightmare fruit and enter the endless space again. Not only can you view them but you can also buy them only if you have enough nightmare points.


However, the system rejected his request to view the prices beforehand, and instead, it asked him to consume a nightmare fruit which made Ajax sigh.

To enter the nightmare world throught the [Nightmare World] system feature, Ajax still needs to consume a nightmare fruit. So, the system asked him to eat a nightmare fruit.

'It looks like I have to trade with the Nightmare Fiend once again.'

Since Ajax only knew one source where he could buy a nightmare fruit, he naturally decided to buy from him.

'I will be entering the trader's realm tomorrow anyway. I think I will just wait and meet him tomorrow. I hope he has enough nightmare fruits.'

For the next time, Ajax decided to visit multiple nightmare worlds. Therefore, he decided to buy as many nightmare fruits from the nightmare fiend.

'Also, I will pay a visit to the Jade Dragon's Greater World and enjoy a one-day stay in the Jade Pool before visiting the floating island through the metal human emperor's world.'

Ajax had everything planned and thought, 'I will be getting busy for the next few days. I hope Rurbeak could finish the upgrade of my demonic avatar by tomorrow.'

Since his demonic avatar would be the main world core retriever, Ajax wanted it to be upgraded.


With a single thought, Ajax's spirit consciousness form disappeared from the endless space and returned to his body that was lying on the floor of his cultivation chamber.

"Master, I have upgraded your demonic avatar."

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