New Age Of Summoners

Chapter 870

Chapter 870: An Effortless Win



The ten lightning spears were so fast that before the tribe leaders could run more than 200 meters, the spears pierced through them.


All ten fox tribe leaders fell to the ground with faces full of horror.

At the same time when Cerauno was releasing the lightning spears, the other elemental spirits were not standing idly and they were using their own powerful skill.


Necros selected half a dozen of tribe leaders and blocked their senses which made those six tribe leaders fall to the ground.

Since they were not expecting an attack like 'Blind' from Necros and they were only focused on running away. So, the skill was very effective just like how Cerauno's lightning spears instantly killed the ten tribe leaders.

If the tribe leaders had stopped and tried their best to fight against the elemental spirits, they might have lasted much longer.

Because of the severe injuries they received from Frey, they would not have run for their lives; instead, they would have fought against the elemental spirits.


Seeing that the six tribe leaders had fallen to the ground, Ignis jumped into the middle of those six tribe leaders and used the skill he got from learning the elemental law.


There was a huge blast covering those six tribe leaders including Ignis. After the smoke cleared, except for Ignis, there was just a bunch of ash that was cleared by the wind.


Necros revealed an eerie smile as he said to Ignis.


Ignis revealed a slight smile on his face as he checked for the other tribe leaders.

"Floating Asteroids."

"Flying swords."

Compared to the other skills, Volcanis was much calmer as he selected 10 targets of his own.

He sent the huge rocks to his left and the powerful flying swords to his right.

'Five on the left and five on the right.'

Volcanis didn't even bother to look at his targets because he was very sure that they would never miss unless the target had his own elemental law.






Just as Volcanis turned back and was thinking to help the other elemental spirits in killing the fox tribesmen, a huge explosion came from the tribe leaders he had chosen.

'Looks like I escaped.' historical

Among the 28 tribe leaders, Frey was unconscious and 26 tribe leaders were killed by Volcanis, Ignis, Necros and Cerauno.

However, one of the fox tribes leaders successfully ran more than three kilometers before stopping to turn back to look at the battle in the distance.

'I need to inform the fire base about it.'

That lucky fox tribe leader was none other than the poison fox tribe leader and the moment he felt he was in a safe location, he decided to inform the fire base because he knew he could not run away from the elemental spirits and the Ajax forever.

"It looks like the poisonous beings are very hard to kill."

Just as he was thinking of using the formation plate to contact the fire base, the poison fox tribe leader heard a low voice beside his ears.


The posion fox became alert and unconsciously released the most deadly poisonous attack on his attacker who was staning right next to him.

The attack was releasing poisonous needles from his back.


The elemental spirit behind the poison fox tribe leader fell to the ground while groaning in pain.

"You made a mistake by standing next to me even when you know I am a poison fox. I have never seen a fool like you."

Even though the poison fox was injured, the poison on the poisonous needles he used to attack the elemental spirit behind him didn't lose its efficiency.

So, he was proud that he successfully injected the poison needles into the elemental spirit that appeared behind him.

"I thought your poison might help me become a little stronger; however, it is just worthless for me."

While the poison fox tribe leader was feeling excited about being able to take down an elemental spirit, he heard the elemental spirit stand up from the ground while removing the poisonous needles from his body.


Poison fox was shocked to see that the most poisonous attack of his didn't harm the elemental spirit in front of him.

"You look surprised?"

Bane walked towards the poison fox tribe as he replied back with a scoff.

That's right!

Among the five strongest elemental spirits that were tasked to fight the fox tribe leaders, Bane was chasing the strongest tribe leader and it was, of course, the poison fox tribe leader.

Bane wanted to see whether the poison fox's poison could help him in increasing his cultivation because that is how he has to increase his cultivation.

However, who would have thought that Bane had to endure the needle's pain just for nothing.

"But you are just a level 3 elite general real poison elemental spirit and my poison could even kill the peak elite general realm cultivators."

The poison fox tribe leader was really shocked at how Bane was able to stand even after taking his poison.

If Bane had learned a poison elemental law, the poison fox tribe leader would have not surprised; however, Bane didn't learn any elemental law.

"It is my little secret."

When Bane heard those words, he revealed a slight smile on his face as he continued, "You can die without knowing how I am okay even after your poison enters my body."


As soon as he finished his words, a long scythe appeared in Bane's hand as he separated the heat from the poison fox tribe leader's body.


In a single attack, the poison fox tribe leader, without knowing an answer to his question, died with his head chopped off.

Back at the destroyed grey-furred fox tribe, the fox tribesmen were getting killed after Volcanis and other strongest elemental spirits joined the fight.

Without the help of the tribe leaders, all the tribesmen lost their morale and started running in various directions without any idea where they were running to.

However, because of that, the elemental spirits were having an even more easy time.

'I am glad that they finished the fight without any internal fighting.'

As for Ajax, he was satisfied with how his strongest elemental spirits handled the fight with the tribe leaders without any internal fight.

That's right!

Even though they were from the same side, the elemental spirits might fight themselves to show that they were more powerful than other elemental spirits and want to take on stronger opponents.

However, Ajax felt happy for no internal fighting amongst his elemental spirits.

'Prophis and Halo, do your thing now.'

Soon, he summoned the two elemental spirits that he had kept inside his inner world for a while.

"Yes, summoning master."

Soon, two elemental spirits appeared beside Ajax and nodded their heads.

One was shining with gold colour all over his body and the other was completely in black colour with small dots inside his body indicating he was a space elemental spirit.

Ajax wanted these two elemental spirits to be last because they could control large areas in their attacks to finish the fight as soon as possible after the tribe leaders were killed.


KingRig, thanks for the GRIMOIRE.

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