New Age Of Summoners

Chapter 874

Chapter 874: Tribe leader Deon

"What if I say that you can't use the elemental spirits while fighting him?"

Errol didn't use the voice transmission; instead, he directly spoke this time.

"What? Isn't that cheating?"

Since Ajax is a summoner, he could use his elemental spirits in the fights because they were a part of his battle prowess.

However, when he heard that he could not use any elemental spirits while fighting the tribe leader, Ajax was shocked and a little bit annoyed.

"Even though your elemental spirits are a part of you, the tribe leaders would be not convinced if you use the elemental spirits to fight them."

Errol shook his head as he already expected how Ajax would react after hearing his words.

"But still..."

"Why talk about other tribe leaders, even I will not be convinced if you challenge me and defeat me using your elemental spirits."

Errol pointed his fingers to himself as he explained to Ajax.

"And why is that?"

After calming himself, Ajax asked the reason.

"Because, in the records left by our ancestors, it was said that, we have to follow you and use their own strength to defeat us. Be it a summoner or a beast tamer, if we were to be defeated by their summons, we should not acknowledge him or her."

Without thinking much, Errol gave a reason why the fox tribe leaders would not acknowledge the summoners if they used elemental spirits.

"What if I threaten their tribes? Then they will not have any chance but to obey me."

While saying those words, Ajax revealed an evil smile on his face.

Even though Ajax didn't like to force others, if nothing else works, he wanted to use the force.

For him, this mission had to be completed at any cost.

"They will fight to the death."

Errol shrugged as he replied with a calm look on his face.


When he heard that, Ajax sighed as he started thinking about the alternatives.

'What if I destroy those two tribes?'

And the first thing that came to his mind was to destroy the two main tribes.

Since no one from those two tribes learned any cultivators' law, Ajax was confident in destroying them; however, he quickly removed that thought because of two reasons.

One, according to Errol, the ancestor's statue of the tribe would protect them.

And the other one, there would be basically no one left in the Western fox lands.

Instead of conquering, he would be just killing everyone which made him feel the mission would be failed.

"Are there any other ways in which I could make them follow me? Like showing all my elemental spirits and spirit beasts? Or promising that I will help them reach greater heights?"

After thinking for a while, Ajax was unable to come up with anything. So, he directly asked Errol whether there are any other methods in which he could make the two tribes follow them.

"There is no other way."

However, Errol shook his head.

"But don't worry. I will try to convince those two tribes in following you and if they didn't follow you even after that, you can do whatever you want with them."

There was complete silence for a few moments before Errol spoke once again.

"Thank you, Uncle Errol."

As for Ajax, he thanked Errol with a silent smile on his face.

Even though Ajax felt that the mission 'Conquer the Western fox lands' might fail if he erased the two main fox tribes, Ajax didn't want to go back halfway.

'I will try to convince them and if they don't listen, I can only do that.'

Ajax silently thought in his head as he looked into the distance.

He didn't bother to find out the second condition because the first one itself is not possible. So, why would he bother with it?

In the distance, Ajax could see huge buildings and other constructions and with a glance, he could say that it was a tribe.

Moreover, it was not a normal tribe.

It is one of the three main tribes in the Western fox lands, the demonic fox tribe.

"Ajax, I will do the talking first and don't say anything about conquering them for now."

While looking at the demonic fox tribe, Errol suggested Ajax not speak for some time.


Ajax nodded his head and allowed Errol to do the talking first.

"You are entering into the premises of the Demonic fox tribe. No one is allowed to fly over the tribe. So, I suggest you land on the ground."

All of a sudden, a loud voice came from the Demonic fox tribe that made Ajax and others look in the distance.

"Let's go down."

Since Ajax wanted to talk peacefully first, he just ordered everyone to land on the ground.



Soon, everyone landed right in front of the Demonic fox tribe's entrance.

'So, this is the statue uncle Errol was talking about.'

As soon as they landed on the ground, Ajax's eyes fell onto a black-coloured statue in the middle of the entrance.

The statue belonged to a huge black-coloured fox which was in a howling position and the most striking feature of the statue would be, of course, the demonic markings.

'System, find out the details regarding the statue.' historical

Since Errol said that the statue is the guardian of the tribe, Ajax wanted to find out more about it.

Soon, a halographic screen appeared in front of him.

However, before Ajax could see it, he noticed a silhouette out from behind the statue.

"Errol? Is that you?"

All of a sudden, Ajax heard a crude voice from inside the tribe and soon an old man walked out.

"Yes, Old man Deon."

Errol walked forward with a slight smile on his face,

The old man Deon was none other than the tribe leader of the Demonic fox tribe; however, compared to Errol, the Old man Deon looked very old.

"I never thought to see you again. Looks like you are doing fine despite being hunted by everyone."

Old man Deon joked as he observed Ajax and everyone that came with Ajax.


Mana_Placid, thanks for the POTION.

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