New Age Of Summoners

Chapter 968

Chapter 968: Drommir and Vogan

In a brightly lit room,

"Master, just a few minutes ago, I sensed the existence of a dimensional crevice in this province for a moment."

A middle-aged man wearing simple robes replied to an old man who was sitting in a cross-legged position.

On the robes of that middle-aged man, there was a word 'Spirit' that would catch everyone's attention.


Hearing the words of the middle-aged man, the old man opened his eyes with an expressionless look on his face; however, deep down he was greatly excited with the news.

"Moreover, I have a feeling that it was not a normal dimensional crevice. It must be a special one."

After hesitating for a moment, the middle-aged man replied to the old man.

"Vogan, how sure are you about the dimensional crevice being a special one?"

The old man thought for a moment before asking the middle-aged man.

They were none other than the owner and spirit of the dimensional crevice that Ajax previously visited and met Levi.

The old man's name was Drommir and the dimensional crevice's spirit name was Vogan.

Unlike Ajax, Drommir already used the basic function 'Province connector' of the dimensional crevice because he didn't know that would limit the growth of his dimensional crevice.

"Master, it was only for a moment that I sensed its presence. From that, I can't say it is a fully special one; however, I am very sure that it was not a normal one either."

Vogan became a little hesitant before mustering his courage to inform his master because his master had short-temper and if the information he had given was wrong even by a little bit, then he would punish him.

"I said, how sure you are. Give me a percentage."

The old man stood up as he asked Vogan in a deep tone, making the spirit shiver.

"I...I am 50 percent sure, master."

Gritting his teeth, the spirit decreased the percentage to be on the safe side when he was 80 percent sure in reality.

"Fifty percent? Then it would be only 25 percent. It is not worth it. Just go back and collect all the dues from the shop owners and if they give any reasons, just kick them back to their province while keeping all the items from his shop in the dimensional crevice itself."

The old man thought for a moment before scoffing at Vogan before tasking with other works.

Actually, the reason why he decreased Vogan's percentage was in the past, Vogan was wrong regarding his percentages two times in a row that cost Drommir a lot.

From that time onwards, Drommir stopped believing in Vogan's words.

Moreover, since he was using the function 'Province Connector', he made his dimensional crevice into a marketplace for various tops families from the different provinces while charging them huge prices.

But still, the families chose to pay them and enter because of their own reasons.

"Okay, master."

Vogan looked a little disappointed when he heard his master's words; however, he didn't retort the old man's words and went out of the room to collect the dues from the merchants.

'Should I believe him or not?'

After Vogan left the brightly lit, the old man Drommir went back to his cross-legged position as he silently started thinking.

'The previous two times already cost me so much just for searching the dimensional crevice.'

Drommir remembered how much he had spent in finding the dimensional crevice in the past and just thinking from it made the old man heartache.

'Let it be. If there were really a dimensional crevice, then he would come to me sooner or later to challenge me, right?'

With that thought in his head, the old man closed his eyes as he went back to his cultivation.

Even though he was a King realm cultivator, Drommir was didn't stop cultivation because only after entering the King realm, he understood that his cultivation journey had just begun.

Because he was a King realm cultivator, Drommir wanted the owner of the other dimensional crevice to come to him only if what Vogan said was true.

Actually, the two times Vogan informed Drommir about the appearance of the dimensional crevice in the Zrochester province was absolutely true; however, what they didn't know was it was only one dimensional crevice for all three times Vogan informed Drommir.

That's right!

When Tannas Valen shifted his dimensional crevice to this world, Vogan informed Drommir for the first time and Drommir was very excited to find another dimensional crevice. So, he didn't hesitate to spend a lot.

As for the second, it was when Ajax mistakenly entered into the dimensional crevice and became the partial master of the dimensional crevice, that also cost Drommir a fortune to search for.

And now, for the third time, Vogan informed Drommir when Ajax became a complete master of the dimensional crevice.

In the end, it was Ajax's luck that Drommir was not willing to spend any more to search for the dimensional crevice because unlike before, if he uses all the items and resources he used in the past to search the dimensional crevice, then the chances of finding Ajax's dimensional crevice were very high.


'Finally, I reached the mercenary guild.'

However, Ajax was completely oblivious about the conversation between Drommir and Vogan along with the thoughts in Drommir's head; instead, he was completely focused on rushing towards the Mercenary guild and reached it after running for three hours. historical

"Ajax, you are here. My Master said you will come in the evening but didn't expect you to come in the morning itself. Anyway, we can discuss various things until the master comes back."

The moment Ajax entered the mercenary guild, Ajax heard a familiar voice that surprised him a little as he greeted the person, "Senior brother Levi, you are still here."

It was none other than Levi.

"Yup. My master went back to Astral heart and asked me to stay here in case you come early."

Levi nodded his head as he explained to Ajax; however, his words confused Ajax as he felt something was not right.


cageraymortal, thanks for the LOLLIPOP x 2

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