New Eden: Live to Play, Play to Live

Chapter 767 Like An Animal

Chapter 767 Like An Animal

Chapter 767  Like An Animal

Using the intelligent remote for the penthouse, Alex opened all windows to the room, letting the end-of-summer breeze waft in. He could feel the cold front in the air, a sign that autumn was approaching.

As he headed toward the shower, Alex's mind wandered off to the first day he got into New Eden, when he had gone through this process of becoming a mage. He had been far from thinking this possibility would ever happen to him in this world.

'It's been almost four months already… It's hard to believe no one has reached level sixty yet. The devs were not kidding when they said levelling would be hard in New Eden…'

His mind suddenly returned to reality as he heard a set of clothes drop to the ground. He looked at Kary's naked back, her royal markings in broad display, and bit his lips.

He wasn't sure what had caused her to lose weight, but in the last months, she had gone from being a plump goddess to having that curvy hourglass figure and looking at her made him want to turn into an animal. josei

He could already feel his pyjamas restricting around his crotch as his member gorged with blood.

He took a step towards her, trying to grab at her body, but she snapped her head towards him.

"No. I'll be in the bath, waiting if you want to, but you must shower first. You smell like a dirty jockstrap. Let me rinse up, and then you better get to scrubbing, love."

Alex grunted as he licked his lips, looking at her with eagerness.

"I said no. Get washed first, you dirty dog."

She giggled as she jumped into the shower, hearing him almost tear off his clothes in eagerness. Quickly rinsing herself off, Kary left the shower as Alex entered it and walked over to the bath, which she started to fill.

Alex didn't miss his chance and grabbed her butt with his hand as she passed near him, grinning like an idiot.

Kary huffed, slapping his arm jokingly.

"You animal. Have some restraint," she fake-complained.

"Mmm," she moaned, the light touch of his lips against her skin sending shivers down her spine.

"Fine, let's indulge, shall we?" she said, dropping her hard-to-get act.

They started in the bath, fore playing for a while until Kary climbed atop Alex, sliding onto him with a soft moan.

Alex took his time, savouring every second, before ending their fling on a bed of towels on the bathroom floor.

Having sex in the tub was fun and all, but it was a mess to clean up. Semen had a weird reaction to water.

After thoroughly enjoying themselves, spending a little over an hour caressing every inch of each other's body and sliding finger, tongue, and other pieces of their anatomies on places better left un-named, Kary fell to her back, her face flushed.

She panted for a few seconds as Alex flopped down beside her, trying to catch his breath.

"Alright, that was enough for now. We have something big to do today. And we shouldn't be late."

Alex nodded his head between two gasps.

"You're right. We should prepare. I bet the car will be arriving soon, anyway."

It was Kary's turn to nod.

They both got up to their feet, picking up the towels and giving the floor a little pat down before shoving all the towels in the dirty hamper.

Then they rushed to get dressed and eat a quick bite before the intercom rang.

"I guess they're here," Alex said, his face becoming serious.

It was time.

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