New Game+

Chapter 105 - To Change A Path

Chapter 105 - To Change A Path

Days before the battle, Seeker, and Arthur continued to discuss the events that took place while Seeker was unconscious.

Surprisingly, Seeker became more interested in Meryl's Path.

"You mean to say, she could explode like a bomb?" Seeker had stopped eating the array of Chinese cuisines in front of him.

Arthur gave a strange look at Seeker. It was the first time that something had actually startled him. After all the information that Arthur gave, even the acquisition of Lowengren and Lander, these facts did not startle him. The progress of the Twelve Disciples didn't even cause Seeker to pause or give further instructions but had trusted that Arthur would have taken care of it all.

But when they discussed Meryl's Path, Seeker actually stopped eating.

"Yes. My father had to culture her cells into an outfit and armor so that she wouldn't burn it up. Strangely enough, if heat is applied to it, it burns. But on my father's instruction, when we had Meryl wear the suit and use her explosive technique, the materials weren't burned. But if she wasn't wearing it, it would burn."

"Of course! Neuro-Transcellular phenomenon interlinks the cell. That's how it can't harm its own body regardless of what Path it has. But that's not important!" Seeker complained.

"Really? A discussion about how our cells are immune to its own attacks, and the possible ways we can weaponize this science isn't an important discussion?" Arthur frowned.

"Meryl! She couldn't do that in my future! She could generate light, but that was it!" Seeker's voice seemed disturbed and excited.

Arthur and Kristine had a strange expression that Seeker continuously ignored. The science of using one's own cells to create armor was non-existent. Although there had been rudimentary sciences that could be used to do this, it was never applied in the military. Arthur and Kristine who was closely communicating with Lennox had marveled at Lennox's discoveries. But 

"When did she developed this Path?"

"It was she went to meet the three scientists working in New Birth Fort. Her talks with the Harker's Programmed Salves made her realized something. She said something about how deceptive happiness is but I didn't really bother asking her."

Seeker was in deep thought.

"The first possibility could be attributed to me. My cells are inherently stronger than my previous life which may have allowed her to have this new Path… but it's still relatively impossible. Her Path basically changed."

"What's wrong with improving her Path?" Arthur asked.

"Think Arthur. What would be a Believers' weakness in terms of potential? Why are Overcomer's more powerful than them?" Seeker immediately asked.

Arthur was now the one in deep contemplation. Barely two seconds passed and Arthur came to a conclusion.

"The Believers' weakness is their belief." Arthur summarized.

"Right. You nailed it."

"Ummm… Guys… I don't have knowledge about the future or have an I.Q like Arthur's." Kristine interrupted.

"Believers are limited to what they believe. In other words, they're Path has its end."

"I don't know what you're talking about." Kristine sighed.

"Let's take Meryl for example." Seeker took over.

"Her Path reached its peak the moment she managed to awaken it. It was powerful, but she couldn't improve it. Her Path had already reached its end. That was their weakness. They could never become World Champions unless they had Lynd's Path or anything similar."

"So Meryl changed improved her Path. Why is this a big deal?" Kristine asked again.

"Because it is impossible to improve a Path. It's just the same as trying to change a Path. That's what Seeker is basically trying to say."

"Believers have to believe that they can truly do that. If Meryl improved her Path, it means her belief changed."

"Ok… But isn't this a good thing? Why do you look so worried?"

"It's because she's walking on a road that she didn't walk before. A road that could open the way to the World Champion stage. This next battle has to be planned in a way that it could challenge her to the extent that she would further improve her belief system." Seeker answered quickly and quickly retreated off to his imagination again.

"I don't understand your worries. We can make plans with Lowengren to find a way to put Meryl into the most terrifying and dangerous state while at the same time ensure her safety."

Seeker shook his head.

"This battle is a training period for our team's psychological and mental maturity. They have to face the pressure of thinking that they could die. That's why I didn't make my awakening known. I would save them when things get too dicey or if I am confident that they would win, I'd just head to the next battlefield or straight to Meng. Using Sting and my knowledge of Rosa, I could get Meng to stop fighting when things get a little out of hand."

"I know. That's why I divided the group that way. I anticipated you're awakening to be earlier and also know that this would be a perfect training ground for them. That's why I secretly brought your capsule here instead of sending you with Charles."

"But things are different now. There are two opportunities before us. The first has to do with my Path. I have to fight Meng. If I can find the foundation of his Path and acquire something that can improve my physical body, I may have the opportunity of having a World Champions body. So I have to face the full wrath of Meng."

"We can still accomplish that part with our original plan, with just a few minor adjustments. But the second opportunity is about Meryl right?"

"Yes. If we leave things the way it is, Meryl might subconsciously close her Path. She needs a trigger that would make her want to be more powerful."

"And the risk you have in mind might kill her?"

Seeker slowly nodded.

"I lost them once already. I don't want to lose them again. The risk is just too high." Seeker sighed.

"Why is it too high?"

"The only enemy that could challenge Lynd and Meryl right too strong. Number two in the Ranked Heroes list. The closest thing we have to an Overcomer. Typical. He Who Treads the Thorny Road."

"He's that strong?"

"What do you expect from someone who Meng trained since childhood? In terms of mental fortitude, physical strength and power, he was the strongest under Ranked Hero. Even if the Lynd in my future fought him, he would not be able to defeat Typical without sacrificing an arm or a leg."

"Impressive. But I understand your concern. The best way to maximize this opportunity is to make sure Meryl doesn't know you are awake. And if I explained what Typical's Path is, they might sense that you might have awakened."

"Yes. Meryl has to carry the burden of doubt and fear before they fight. She must also have the right motivation to end the fight. I can make myself known and face Meng alone. That would make Meryl and Lynd want to end their battle as quick as possible in fear of my safety. But unless they know what Typical's Path is, they could die. If I tell them what Typical's Path is before they fight them, then it wouldn't be of any use. They would win the battle attributing it to my information. They have to know that I believe in them." Seeker frowned.

"Wouldn't Lynd be able to understand it with his Path?"

"No. Lynd's copy is limited to three factors. His memory or understanding of the person, the level of his Unlocking and the strength and biology of his body. He cannot copy something if he has no base materials to use. He can copy you, me, and even Richie as Lynd has the foundations to do it. But with Typical, he can't. He not only knows very little about Typical, his biology just can't do it right now."

"So the dilemma you're facing is between sparing Lynd and Meryl and ignore the opportunity that could push Meryl to World Champion, or risk the battle where they or Typical might die?"

"Yes! And the most frustrating thing is that we might not have this chance again!" Seeker's tone rose in frustration as he looked at Arthur's nonchalant expression.

"What's with that unflustered look? At least help me out with this!" Seeker glared at Arthur.

"The answer is simple. Send Cliff with them. You forget that in this timeline, Lynd and Meryl aren't the only monsters you've awakened."

Back in the present, Lynd gave a confused look at Meryl.

"No. You can't fight him. He's too dangerous. If I haven't imitated Richie's instinct I wouldn't be able to fight him. He could kill us all at any moment. I've been forcing him to keep an eye on me."

"What's his Path?"

"I don't know. His physical body is strong! It can handle my Inhuman strength! And he could have a Path similar to Meng. My instincts are able to let me evade these invisible attacks. but as you can see, I am unable to escape all of it."

Typical slowly stood up. The damage he received from the bomb had left his left arm burnt and limp. It dangled weakly as he stood up. Typical was gasping for breath.

"You are strong. Ready your last strike. I'll give you that courtesy. Don't take too long though. Our time is running out." Typical laughed. The assassins had regrouped right behind Typical. None of them said anything. They knew their Young Master wouldn't let them take part in this final strike.

Something strange filled the air. The goosebumps that Lynd, Cliff, and Meryl felt were unnatural.

"Somethings wrong." Meryl frowned.

"This was what I'm talking about." Lynd clenched his fist. Where would the next attacks come from?

"It's Realm Somatotopy." Cliff felt it.

"What do you mean?"

"Arthur spoke of it in passing. He theorized that if a person is strong enough, he can control the molecules around him. Seeker's been doing it to us… Arthur noticed that whenever Seeker would release his Reaper's Breath, there's that feeling of our chest being is pressed…" Cliff quickly explained. The speed of his voice was fast that most humans wouldn't be able to understand it.

"Seeker was using what Arthur called Force Somatotopy. He controlled the molecules around us and used it to push down on our chest. It's like telekinesis. But for this guy... instead of moving and pushing things, he's making an extremely thin sword or needle. That's what was attacking Lynd!"

"I see. No wonder I would get wounded if I moved to certain places." Lynd frowned.

"Is there anything in your memory that could explain why I can't copy it?"

"Arthur told me that a Path depends on the Unlocking and our biology. So maybe you don't have the biology to copy it yet."

"What is the difference between his body and ours?" Meryl asked this time.

Cliff thought hard and every memory of his talks with Arthur surfaced. The memories of Arthur ranting about strange topics that didn't seem to have value started to fall in place.

"The Mitochondria! The powerhouse of the cell!"

"What?" Meryl and Lynd chorused in confusion.

"Arthur mentioned that the reason Seeker could manipulate the molecules near him because his cells are stronger than ours. Seeker explained to Arthur that it's because his body can store and release more energy than ours."

"So that's why Seeker could still move faster than us in our training even when he moderated his Unlocking!" Lynd finally understood.

"But what exactly is the difference between our bodies and his?"

"The mitochondria. His cells must house more mitochondria than ours. Arthur ranted about this. If we have more mitochondria's in our cells. We would have more energy, more control in our Paths and would be physically stronger by another level."

"I wonder what kind of discussion you've been having with Arthur for him to talk about those things." Lynd could not help but shake his head.

"It's Seeker." Meryl giggled.

"He didn't want us to know that he's up so that we would mentally prepare for this fight. So he made Arthur feed Cliff with this information." Meryl smiled and took a step forward. She hastily removed Cliff's backpack which was full of energy while a golden glow enveloped her.

The backpack she wore was detached. Lynd and Cliff wondered at Meryl's strange action.

"Meryl?" Lynd wondered.

"Don't worry. I used the remaining energy in my backpack to change about half of my cells into ones with more mitochondria." Meryl then wore Cliff's backpack.

"You don't mind do you, Cliff?" Meryl smiled.

Cliff nodded but he gave a strange gaze at Meryl.

"You changed your cells? But how?" Lynd was also shocked.

"It's because I'm already walking on a similar Path. My cells were already changing. I was on the crossroads of my Path. But now, I know what road to tread."

"But how did that make you change your cells so easily?" Lynd was surprised.

"Remember Arthur's words? Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. Hebrews 11:1."

"You think Seeker left that message for us?"

"All that I'm sure of is that this battle is something Seeker planned. He believes in us. He can't always fight our battles. Arthur, Lowengren or whoever can't also do the same. They are at most helping us walk our Paths. And our job is to tread on that Path that they are risking their lives for." Meryl smiled as a golden glow enveloped around her.

Lynd and Cliff couldn't help but take Meryl's word to heart. it was then they understood why Seeker chose to appear before them but didn't help them in this fight.

Both gripped their fist and looked on towards Typical.

"For now, this battle belongs to me. Watch me tread through this fiery furnace."

"Let's do this Typical!" Meryl suddenly spoke in a speed that normal people could understand.

"Done talking like insects? If your strong friend couldn't kill me, I wonder how you can?" Typical smiled as he took off the mask.

A face of brilliant white which was almost glowing was revealed. Yet along with this face was a dangerous pair of pale green eyes.

"Time is running out. It would be disrespectful to kill you without seeing my face. You can have this honor." Typical smiled.

Typical smiled and slowly raised his right arm. The nanoparticles around him started to move erratically. Sting's metal spikes also started to hover on its own.

Meryl started to slowly walk towards Typical.

Cliff and Lynd immediately felt it and dashed away to escape.

The area surrounding Meryl started to burn as Meryl's body started to give off a radiant golden glow.

"Die!" Typical laughed. The nanoparticles and Sting's pikes around Typical started to move and gathered together forming two large spears. A bluish and reddish charge enveloped both spears.josei


The spears launched itself towards Meryl at incredible speed.

Meryl immediately raised her hands and aimed for the two spears.


Two rays of concentrated fire burned the two spears disintegrating the nanoparticles. The surrounding area started to distort as if something was consuming everything around Meryl.

Suddenly, Meryl was thrown back. it was as if an invisible force struck Meryl in the chest.

The two spears struck the area where Meryl once stood.

The attack was so swift all that Lynd and Cliff could see was Meryl stumbling backward.

The two sprinted and reached for her body. Blood was found on her chest. The golden body laid still on the ground.

"Assassins. Finish the rest." Typical stumbled down and started gasping for breath. His previous demeanor and the glow on his face was replaced with a deathly and pale look.

"I'll kill you!!" Cliff gritted his teeth and prepared to attack.

"No. Wait." Lynd immediately stopped him.

Cliff was about to complain when he realized that Meryl's body was moving.

"That was a dangerous gamble!" Meryl gave a hearty laugh.

Typical was shocked at the sight of Meryl standing.

"If you aimed for my head, I would've died. Luckily, I was right. You are a gentleman." Meryl giggled.

"How?!" Typical demanded. Blood started to drip from his mouth.

"Your invisible knife... You aimed for my heart, right? You didn't want to kill me by wounding my face." Meryl smiled.

Typical froze at Meryl's words.

"Your blade was quite sturdy. Did you develop it hoping you can wound the Black Dragon on your training? Even at that heat, that thin blade still pierced through the fire." Meryl laughed.

"Then how did you survive?!"

"Did you know? The cells of the heart have a higher percentage of mitochondria when compared to the other cells of the human body. I'm glad I paid attention to that discussion in class. I combusted the cells in my chest and heart and that burned your invisible knife." Meryl laughed as she pointed to her chest. Blood started to drip out but a faint light seemed to be escaping the wound.

Meryl raised her two arms and opened her palms. Two glowing lights started to appear.

Meryl drew the two lights towards her chest. A strange light could be seen leaving Meryl's wound. The three lights started to condense and formed a golden light orb.

A powerfully bright flash enveloped the room.

"Anyways, it's over. One turn used up for charging my attack. Too bad you didn't take that opportunity to attack." The glowing orb flashed stronger and stronger as the orb started to shake erratically.

The Assassins rushed forward to protect Typical. Suit took the lead and used his thick Exoskeleton to take the incoming attack. The other assassins started attacking, but Cliff dashed ahead to block the attacks using his shield while Lynd's strange shout caused the others to miss.

"This attack literally comes straight from my heart." Meryl grinned. 

"Burning Heart!"

A bright golden laser shot out of the golden orb and shot towards the group of assassins.


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