New Game+

Chapter 110 - The Tyrant Empress

Chapter 110 - The Tyrant Empress

Like any life-changing meetings, Richie's meeting with the Tyrant Empress was very normal.

That is, normal when you consider the everyday adventures of the Overcomer Richie.

His life had always been filled with perils and fights. Although he would only take missions that he liked and only would do around one to three missions every year, it was a sure success. And normally these missions he would accept usually had an entire organization as an enemy. 

When Richie acted, an entire organization would immediately disappear.

At that time, he was hired to assassinate the leader of a secret organization that had an influence on several military generals in two continents. For some strange reason, the assassins that were sent all disappeared and didn't even leave a report or trigger any devices that would alert the clients of their demise.

And so, after spending a lot of credits, the client risked reaching out to Richie. And due to Richie's eccentricity, money wasn't the issue. Everyone knew that Richie only picked projects that he liked.

When Richie studied the organization, his interest piqued.

The affiliations and collaborations between the key individuals believed to be in this organization made no sense. Even enemies were secret allies. Politicians who would kill each other should the opportunity arise wouldn't dare anymore as the other is also affiliated to this organization. In fact, a few of these "allies" had even come to the point of killing each other.

Like a child who found a great game to play, Richie continued to dig deeper than before. The Underworld was in upheaval because of how Richie would wind up or appear before the heads of the organization to ask questions.

Richie spent nearly a year investigating and came to the conclusion that there was no organization. These different people who were scientists, politicians, business moguls, military officers, and even those who were in the Underworld simply followed the orders of a mysterious personality.

Richie soon started to investigate what no other assassins would do. The World Governing Powers soon came to the sights of the fearless assassin known as Richie.

Being the strongest military force that contains all of the Worlds Technological possibilities, any member of this group was deemed with the highest importance. Any reports of the kidnapping, assassination or threats to any of its key members or its relatives could easily lead to the launching of a weapon of mass destruction. The weapons of mass destruction that this organization has, could easily destroy mid-sized countries and so, any attempts for kidnapping, assassination, or manipulation to its key members were strictly prohibited.

But Richie was one of those who didn't care what would happen to these nations. The assignment had long given him enough intrigue that he simply wanted to get to the bottom of things.

A name surfaced which was the wife of Jacob Douglas Granite, the current Western Ambassador of the World Governing Powers. Quera Sapphire was scarred with a terrifying burn wound in a terrorist attempt of using Arabian Cold Fire. Quiera turned down all offers for surgery and kept her scarred face as a sign that until all terrorist and religious extremist was wiped out, she would continue to wear this mask and refuse treatment.

As Richie continued to study the various facts and tidbits of information he could find, his instincts kept telling him that there was something strange about Quera Sapphire's life prior to the wound and after it. To some degree, Richie believed that the person under the mask was no longer the original Quera Sapphire.

It was almost impossible considering assuming another identity had to fake so much information. Information that was virtually unhackable given the unique setup and the intense security for all those belonging to the World Governing Powers.

Intrigued by this unique arrangement, Richie became more serious and started digging deeper.

Failure was the result of all investigations as he was finding it harder and harder to actually meet Quera.

It was when he followed the mysterious actions of a certain businessman who suddenly had shown strange actions that led him to a secret meeting in the heart of Germany.

There Richie uncovered the name of his target.

The Tyrant Empress.

It was a name that was virtually unknown even in the Underworld.

After finding the right path, Richie continued to tail the businessman and finally led him to the highest skyscraper in Germany. That day was very normal for him.

Then he saw the angelic form and devilish beauty of the woman.

Never again would Richie lay eyes on a woman more beautiful than hers.

The tall and seductive figure. The long legs, the pitch-black hair that cascaded marvelously over her shoulders. Her eyes were round and her brilliant blue eyes were like diamonds that pierced through the white veil she wore to cover her face. Yet this veil did little to hide the perfection of his beauty. The flawless face and skin seemed to glow under the veil and the very captivating figure drew Richie to stop. The fair skin which was neither too white nor too dark was perfect just for her.

At that time, Richie felt immediate danger which awoke him from his stupor. His instincts were telling him to immediately get out.

Then the woman smiled.

Horror fell unto Richie as he found himself unable to control the muscles of his body. His heart even stopped beating.

Without hesitation, gave a powerful punch to his chest which fractured the ribs near his chest. Immediately Richie tried to leave.

"Who's there? Come out and play?" The seductive voice called him which paralyzed him once more.

Richie forcefully moved to break away from the desire to go out to the open.

"Impressive! Come here and give me a good look. It's rude to stare secretly." The Tyrant Empress smiled as she sped towards the area where Richie was.

More of her beauty was slowly revealed as she tore the veil which covered her face.

Richie could no longer help the urge and turned back as he was helplessly driven by the urge to do so.

The full sight of her face was breath-taking.

Richie found it extremely hard to breathe at the sight of the woman. It was as if his very cells stopped moving at the sight of the woman.

"Oh? You can still move?" She smiled deviously as she slowly approached the petrified Richie who was struggling to move parts of his body.

"Want to have some fun?" She smiled.

Richie's mind was in turmoil. Every muscle he had wasn't moving. It was like his entire body went numb and was suffering the phenomenon of sleep paralysis.

His instincts were telling him to move. He had to move if he wanted to live.

The woman drew a small sharp metal needle that she used to hold her head. Slowly, she traced it around Richie's torso.

The lustful control was finally broken the moment the needle was placed over Richie's heart.

"HAA!" Richie shouted immediately and drew back to run.

It was the first time that Richie managed to reveal the miracle of his voice.

An unworldly terror shook every inch of the Tyrant Empress's body causing her knees to wobble and fall.

Richie regained his ability to move and dashed away at an incredible speed. Due to the secrecy of the building, Richie carried no technology that could help him. All Richie could do was rely on his legs that were extremely stiff at the moment.

As he was running, the powerful fear that was rooted in an intense vibrating force continued to weigh upon the woman.

If it was anyone else, encountering such terror and fear for the first time would have shocked them. Any other Overcomer would have been greatly affected as this would have been the first time they would feel indescribable fear.

But Richie met the Tyrant Empress.

The shivering body of the beautiful goddess shivered but this fear didn't remain the same.

Fear became ecstasy.

Richie sprinted out as his instincts were screaming to run away from the woman.

"Ahhh!" An excited moan reverberated across the empty halls of the building.

The desire to turn around and the instinctive desire to flee caused Richie to move strangely. A part of him wanted to run towards the Empress while the other part was sprinting for his life.

These conflicting movements caused Richie to stumble down. The moan awakened the lust within Richie and it drew him to intense desire.

He could hear that the crazed woman has abandoned her clothes and was throwing it randomly on the floor and at the same time she was seductively approaching Richie.

"Come back. Let's have some fun!" The woman teased.

Richie knew turning around could kill him. His instincts kept telling him so. But the lust was extremely powerful. It was forcing Richie to turn his head.

It was as if an invisible force was turning Richie's head.

"AHHHHH!" Richie screamed in terror as his head was being forced to turn.

There he saw it. The sight of extreme beauty and seduction that was petrifying his body.josei

The seductive curves of the woman were revealed as her clothes were long stripped off.

The woman jumped on top of Richie.

"Won't you scream for me again? Please?" She whispered seductively. The small pike was still on her hand and without hesitation, the pike was plunged towards Richie's heart.

Instincts took over causing Richie's paralyzed body to immediately reach out and stop the blade.

"STOP!" Richie managed to scream.

The terror overpowered the Empress but instead of falling or shivering in fear, the Empress climaxed.

"AHHH!" The Empress moaned once more. Her movements were not hindered but her face gazed excitedly at Richie continuously driving the dagger towards Richie.

Richie's last-second instincts of imminent death would kick in and cause Richie to move despite the petrification of the Empress. But his movements could only block or evade the coming dagger.

The Empress had already started to do her ritual on Richie bringing great unworldly pleasure to Richie. Even Overcomers and World Champion would have died in this, but Richie, who had a strange power that relied on his own instincts knew better.

"Scream more! Fight me! Kill me!" The Empress moaned as she continuously tried killing Richie while at the same time started to enjoy him. 

The two were in a strange act of being one in great intimacy but at the same time, the Empress continuously attacked and stabbed Richie trying to kill him. Richie's reflex reactions guided by his own instincts would allow him to evade and even attack the Tyrant Empress.

The Empress was also continuously evading the deadly punches and counters that would have killed her. But no fear was shown on her face but ecstasy.

The Overcomer's pride continued to pile up and finally, in anger, Richie managed to overcome his lust and delivered a punch towards the Empress's stomach.

The Empress was sent flying back but a seductive moan could be heard.

Richie took this opportunity and rushed outside. The anger of the Overcomer's heart could not be explained as he became the Empress's toy.

"I swear I'll kill you someday!" Richie yelled in extreme anger before he started to retreat.

The last shout that Richie managed to make was devoid of any lustful obstacles and managed to reveal its full potential as the building itself started shaking.

The Empress was thrown back again as a powerful shaking force kept the woman pinned down. There was no trace of fear in the woman's eyes. Just delight and extreme ecstasy.

Richie carried that pain and that humiliation for years. Ever since then, Richie became more active in the Underworld and even found refuge in Australia. He allowed the Australian's to study him in hopes that he could improve the miracles he made that day. All for the purpose of killing the woman that made Richie fear. 

Richie knew, that if he didn't have the instincts of such a great desire for survival, he would have died at the hands of that woman.

Back at the present, Richie was flying towards the exit of Meng's Mansion. As he propelled himself forward and was parting the molecules in front of him, his flight was met with no resistance whatsoever. And so, Richie was able to move at a speed that surpassed the speed of sound while at the same time not making any sound.

Richie zoomed out of the base and ignored the recovering soldiers who were slowly awakening from the paralysis that the Horn brought.

He could sense her. Beyond the abandoned buildings, she was approaching. His instincts screamed for him to flee. Even while facing Meng, his instincts didn't urge him to retreat but somehow encouraged him to fight as it felt the potential of Seeker Carlean.

But now, even when another Overcomer who has manifested the maximum potential of its stage was with them, Richie felt as if he was going off to his death.

Richie grit his teeth containing the terrors that loomed in his heart. But at the same time, a feeling of great longing and excitement that was rooted on lust plagued his mind and heart.

"I will Overcome!" He told himself and dashed off to face her.

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