New Game+

Chapter 159 - The Olivet Discourse

Chapter 159 - The Olivet Discourse


 "Pastor?" Grace asked.

"My apologies. Of the many things that keep my blood boiling is knowing that the Kingdom age is coming." Eagle laughed.

Grace glanced back at Chris who simply shook his head.

"We don't have a choice, Dear. It may be insane… but he has a point. We can't unite the world through religion if our hands were tainted with the blood of many innocents. That's why it's best to turn those innocents into guilty killers."

"Aptly spoken, Mr. Carlean!" Eagle praised.

Grace sighed and shook his head. If his husband had been converted into Eagle's charm, there was no use fighting.

"How do you propose that we do that, Pastor? Are there any specific methods that you want us to do?"

"The Aragarians are planning to gather the Jews and return them once more to their homeland. Just as how King Cyrus acted when he defeated Nebuchadnezzar. Israel will return once more to their home… However, the Aragarians would probably be threatened that if other nations offer their aid to help the Jews. What if, Pangea offers their support to the Jews once more?"


"Simple. Create a possible business relationship with this newly established country. Most countries won't give their support to Israel. And if history has proven any right, the neighboring countries might once more find excuses to attack Israel. The Aragarian's might act behind the scene and cause these countries to make them outraged at the Jews, but at the same time, the Aragarian's will use their connections to protect the Jews. Are you following what their intentions are?" Eagle turned to the couple.

Chris and Grace nodded.

"Right. Protect them until all the Jews are gathered and then with one full sweep, abandon their protection resulting in the massacre of the Jews."

"They're keeping the Jews close, and its enemies closer," Chris added.

"Exactly. So what better way to stop this than for a country to step up on the early phases of the Aragarian's plan."

"I see. Then there would be two different places for the Jews to run to."

"Exactly. If New Great Britain comes on board with this, or perhaps even China, then the Aragarians will have a problem. What would they do?"

"Manipulate the countries to attack us…" Grace answered immediately.

"Right. These countries will then be attacked through the manipulation of the Aragarians. Who knows what they will do? I imagine some of them would be blatantly obvious and insulting to the intellectual, but the nation will still attack."

"And that's when they do the counter-attack?"

Yes. The sad truth is; the entire world cannot all believe in the gospel. Some just don't have the capacity to believe. And so, we have to orchestrate events such as this and even the events that we will soon create to make Christianity the one religion."

"Then what steps should we be doing right now?"

"I've already given my advice. I'm sure that Seeker or that boy Arthur already knows of this. But they sent you here to get something else from me… And that's my knowledge of the Bible."

"Why can't they know about the Bible themselves?" Chris asked.

"I mean… Seeker knows the future and probably could guess the general direction you led the world too… Also, Lennox and Arthur should have been smart enough to know this."

Eagle gave a hearty laugh.

"They are uncertain because they have not grasped the Bible in its entirety."

"My guess is, on Seeker's future, I led the world using a different theological view. The most possible scenario is that I believed that a certain theology that I do not believe in would be the best view to take. Either because of the events that would shortly follow or perhaps, and more disturbingly, because my faith may have been shaken at the extermination of the Jews. But right now, Seeker is asking what to do since the Jews are alive."

"What about Arthur? Could he not analyze this with his father?"

"The spiritual answer is no. Because the Word of God is to be spiritually discerned. But the humanistic answer is that those two are being humble. They don't want to waste time studying theology. Do you really think that Christianity is simple? Far from it! It is complex, mysterious and divisive. Since the death of Christ, various forms of Christianity had appeared. Some from a wrong interpretation over Scripture, some from the abandonment of Scripture and some from overemphasizing other parts of Scripture. Because of that, there are probably hundreds of theological views to study in order to perfectly plot out the future." Eagle explained.

"So why should they exert effort in that when they can ask you?" Chris asked.

"Correct. That is their reasoning. But sadly, I must leave you without any solid answers for now. I will not dictate the steps that they must take. Instead, I have an order to them. Not a suggestion. An order or demand if you will. I have to meet with all the Overcomers, potential Ranked Heroes and any other person of interest."

"Meet them how? We can't bring them here. With so many around the world creating an online transmission is risky."

"I have to meet them personally. And that will be Seeker and Arthur's little assignment as they make their wars. They have to plan the war in such a way that it can bring all of these people in one area." Eagle explained.

"But why?" Wouldn't it be better to tell us now?"

"If I say it now, I believe that it will cause more harm than good."

"You want to convince the Overcomers and the leaders?" Chris understood the hidden meaning of Eagle's plan.

"Yes." Eagle smiled and did not even hide his plan.

"But of course, don't accuse me of trying to shove in the Gospel. I admit, it is my intention, however, if Seeker wants this world to be united in this religion, he must heed my words. I need the Overcomer's to believe. And so, I won't be getting into the details of what they should do, but find a way to gather all the Overcomers and important leaders to one place."

"That's basically impossible to do immediately. Then this is what you meant by Seeker to delay his plans of war. You want them to use war as a means to gather everyone together."

"Yes. I know that Seeker intends to forcefully take over a particular country and create a ripple effect by attacking the WGP. If a nation challenges and does significant damage to the WGP, other nations might participate. He wants the WGP out to acquire the technology it has. That is to say, Seeker intended to create a Continental War here in the Americas or in the Western extremes of Europe or Africa. That plans not good as we have to present ourselves as the righteous group."

"So our team should focus on what exact actions?"

"One, make these nations a bastion of Christian faith. They have to take over the leadership and make religion something important once more. Two, show support to the Jews. Ideally, they have to create support for them and while the Aragarians are gathering them, you have to convince other nations to act antagonistically against the Jews."

"How do we do that?" Chris pondered.

"I think we'll have to let Arthur and Lennox decide that. We can use a lot of tools, Hon. Economics, geography, politics, the Underworld…"

"I see." Chris nodded.

"You also will need to aid me in building churches all over the world. Once all of these are in place, and when we have churches planted all over the world, you have to change how the world views Christians. You should create political, religious and even ethnic groups that will persecute and attack Christians. This will be harder to deal with. Unlike the former reason, it's easy to create one reason as the Jews will have a geographical place. But Christians are all over the world. You'd have to be creative in doing this."

Grace frowned this time.

"I don't understand, Pastor. Why is that?"

"For vengeance of course. If we are to simulate the End of Times, then we should do it in all of its accuracies. If we are to come as people and powers that will judge this world, then they have to do something that deserves judging. This generation should know and should see, why they are going to face such calamities. The blood of Christians and Jews must taint their hands so that when we initiate our plan and reveal great desolations, they will feel guilty."

"But Pastor. That means that the churches and communities we will be creating… and even ministers from your church will die."

"Of course. That is what's necessary."

Grace couldn't help but shudder.

"Pastor, this is madness. I don't think I can see you as a Pastor anymore. You want us… and by effect, you are asking me… to build communities, gather groups of people, who will share in the faith that I have believed in… and all of this, is so that they will be slaughtered?"

"Yes." Eagle could not hide his smile. It was as innocent as his other smiles. But both Chris and Grace could sense a powerful and almost murderous desire rising.

"I thought you were supposed to send your ministers in these countries! What about your mission to spread God's Word?" Grace couldn't help but reject Eagle's plan. Chris sat down silently and waited for the Pastor to give his answer.

"That has and will always be my concern. Even before the defeat of the Aragarians, my concern is for the World to know of God. But how has He made Himself known? Through the fulfillment of His prophesies that His word may be true and everything false! Do you not understand? Death and persecution must happen within the Church. People of great faith and trust in the Lord, must all die! It is a requirement for the days to come."

"What days to come?"

"In prophetic language, there is one specific sermon that Jesus spoke of. That will be the time from now until we gather every one of your leaders for a Bible Study. Seeker must follow the events in that prophecy which is a preamble to the real stuff that's about to happen."

"The Olivet Discourse!" Grace realized what Eagle was talking about. She had been in church since her younger years and even when she was working for the Force of America, her mother and father would often remind her to at least, listen to some online sermons and would even send her some links.

"What's the Olivet Discourse?" Chris asked.

"It's a talk that Jesus had in private with His Disciples. It's in three of the four gospels. Matthew, Mark, and Luke record this discussion. It's called the Olivet Discourse because Jesus spoke to his disciples in the Mount of Olives. And in all three accounts, Jesus told them of the things to come. What Eagle is saying… is that Seeker must fulfill the first part of that prophecy." Grace no longer called the Pastor according to his religious title, but directly called out his last name.

Eagle did not even react negatively at this call but simply smiled.

"Correct. That is the plan. The Olivet Discourse talks about the signs of the coming end of the world. Wars, rumors of wars, earthquakes, famine, and pestilence. These events have to happen in succession and must come quickly. And here lies the difficulty of this challenge. Seeker has to start wars and end them quickly."

"Earthquakes, famine, and pestilence too? If we are to do that, it would involve the use of weapons of mass destruction…" Chris continued to analyze.

"Chirs! You're actually ok with this?" Grace was stunned that Chris had no problem with this.

"Of course not. But honestly Hon, what choice do we have? There is very little that we can use to convince the world to side with us. The Aragarians can offer bribes of a good life of richness, peace, technology and so on can make the world our enemies. What can we offer to the world that they can't offer? We can't offer them richness, peace, good life and whatever… The road that Eagle is suggesting has been the road that Zeek had planned all along. He cannot offer these things. So instead of offering it, he'll promise the opposite."

"Death and destruction?!" Grace cried.

"Yes. But also a hope of an eternal after-life. And religion is really the key here. We can't counter-offer what they will soon be giving. But if we paint them out to be the devil and show how their promises are fake and that real promises await them… then we have a shot. Pastor Eagle is saying that we go by-the-book in this. We follow the Bible's path of prophecy down to the dot and do so in an extremely clear way. People who see it and believe will be our allies.' Chris explained with a sigh.

"I'm guessing that Pastor intends to send people for their deaths because it's also part of Scripture?"


"But Pastor…If that is the case and you know these churches will be attacked… why won't you make plans to save them?"

Eagle turned to Chris and seemed to be thinking of something.

"Hmm…Should I tell you? I guess this is a good thing that your leaders will have to note off…" Eagle pondered.

"It's like this… Now, this is something most preachers won't ever talk about. It's my own personal view of Grace and Wrath. Every generation has to have martyrs. For the Word of the Lord in Luke 11:49-50 must be fulfilled! 'Therefore also the Wisdom of God said, I will send them prophets and apostles, some of whom they will kill and persecute, so that the blood of all the prophets, shed from the foundation of the world, maybe charged against this generation.'"

"You will… allow them to be killed so that the nations that killed them will be judged?" Chris confirmed.

"It is not what I will, but this has been the way since the beginning. Mercy has always been reciprocated by anger and the death of those who God sent, and that is why they will receive judgement. Now that I know war is inevitable, then the deaths of the church and the saints of God will be used as fuel for the coming burning wrath."

"The death toll of this war will be in the millions!" Grace shouted.

"And millions more will have the chance to repent when they see the destruction reaching their lands. As I said, I want people to turn to the Lord! And war, suffering, pain, and death have always been the best tools to usher in repentance! So let the war come! The prophecies of Jesus in the Olivet Discourse is nigh at hand!"

Chris shook his head and stood up calling his wife.

"Let's go." Chris smiled.

"We're just leaving like that?!" Grace argued.

"Honey… Our mission is complete. You have nothing much more to say… Right, pastor."

Eagle nodded.

"We have our mission, Hon. And our orders are our top priorities. If you like, talk to Zeek directly. It won't be Pastor Eagle fulfilling all of these after all." Chris smiled and gave Grace a light tug as he started to walk out.

Grace could only walk in defeat but she left an angry glare at Eagle.

"Looks like Grace hates you." Eagle's wife gave a light chuckle.

Eagle simply shrugged his shoulders.

"She still thinks I've mind-controlled her husband after all… She'll come around. Ironic. And I thought I'd have more opposition from the atheist. But instead, I got it from someone who grew up listening and learning the Bible."

Eagle laughed.

"As it has always been." Eagle's wife smiled.


Back in Pangea, a frustrated Harker was adjusting for Seeker's crazy plans the next day.

"An RPG to school? What is he trying to pull?!" Harker cursed.


An encrypted call was being received on his computer.

This was the encrypted message from the Americas. Since the message was important, only a single device inside the military base could decrypt and receive the call.

"Yes?" Harker answered promptly.

"Tell Zeek that he has to delay his plans. We also should prepare the coming war so that we can have a group bible study somewhere with the Pastor." Chris ended the call.

"War for a Bible study?! What's wrong with these damned Carleans?!" Harker cursed once more.

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