New Game+

Chapter 168 - The Fleet Admiral That Blackmailed Lowengren

Chapter 168 - The Fleet Admiral That Blackmailed Lowengren

The dark sea that separated Africa from the Arabian Nations was one of the most dangerous areas in the world.

The tensions between these two nations were something that the world continuously monitored. Before the Australian Avarice which created tension in the south-east Asian region, Africa and the Arabian Nations had always been the center of attention. Although Xenophobic Egypt was just up north, the southern area of the Red Sea had been an area of the world's most dominating and bloody battles.

"The Red Sea looks oddly peaceful." A tall man stood wearing a strange black helmet that was tinted black.

He stood at the roof of a small building roughly eight stories high. The building had an extremely defensive structure and compartments and the city itself was full of soldiers. The building had an open area on the roof which allowed a pair of soldiers to watch the wide-stretching seas that could explode into battle any minute.

A woman stood beside him. Her face had several burn marks and she had was a head shorter than the man next to him.

"I never thought I'd see it. To think that I would get to travel around the world during these times."

"I've never been here although I have been on several continents around the world."

"You gamers sure know how to enjoy life."

"It's not like we got to go sight-seeing. I've been on the other side several times, but I never got to see this view. We were always accompanied by soldiers and literally could only walk on specific places."

"Still… traveling around this war-stricken part of the world without fears of being attacked… that's something envious."

"What was it like living as General Harker's daughter?" Lowengren curiously asked.

"Somewhat exciting. I killed my first man when I was thirteen."

"That sounds depressing."

"Not really. I mean compared to that woman I killed when I was nine. Now that was depressing."

"Well… It's no wonder you became a strong, independent woman."

"And yet this strong independent woman cannot even best an eighteen-year-old kid who played video games all of his life. Especially now that this kid is actually standing with stilts." Alean mocked.

"The future is now, old woman." Lowengren giggled.

"General. Lieutenant General. Here's your tea." A soldier arrived and offered the two of them tea.

"Thank you," Lowengren answered.

The soldier immediately retreated and went inside while Alean and Lowengren continued to watch on the rooftops.

"I'm curious if you told him that you were his mother, would there be a chance he would believe you?"

"No. Remember that my path is a Path of deception? I can only make things appear to be true if they are believable in the first place."

"So, father?"

"Yes. If I told him, I was his father he'd believe me." Lowengren nodded.

Alean chuckled.

"It's quite an impressive Path you have. Your reckless deception not only allowed us to have an excuse to swim there, but we will soon gain an African General as an ally. What exactly is Charles doing? If not the Programmed Slave, how does he intend to make that General an ally?"

"It mainly relies on me. My deceptions would lead it. We've just heard that Harker managed to turn Colestar into an ally without needing the operation. The more we do these cheaper alternatives, the better it will be. We've nearly bankrupted Harker's resources with all those Programmed Slave operations."

"But how do you intend to solve Charles reckless entry? The African nations are alerted."

Lowengren sighed.

"Honestly, we'd have to play it all by ear. Luckily, his entrance to this nation was right about the same time we caused havoc. So let's just hope that the WGP, the Aragarians or whoever will tie these two. Charles was really reckless." Lowengren cursed as he recalled the surprising message he received from Charles which caused a lot of terrible problems which Alean and Lowengren had to solve.

"He really became obsessed with the mission that Seeker gave over to him. I don't understand why Seeker was confident that she would die if Ricardo dies. If we make her take the drug, then she won't die with depression since her emotions could control it."

"You have to stop guessing and assuming according to your current understanding. The Unlocked has so much mysteries that even Seeker has been continuously discovering new things about it. I'm sure that the mystery between Ricardo and Crest Corentine isn't as easy as it seems."

"Oh? What guesses can you make out of all this?"

"I'm not Arthur. I don't think my own assumptions would be accurate. And Seeker isn't simply guessing. He Who Treads the Ancient's Paths tread in mystery. They cannot be as accurate as Arthur's calculations, but with the foundations he gathered from everyone, particularly Richie's instinct and even from your Zone skill, his guesses should give us some interesting developments."

"Sounds like you have such faith in him."josei

"Of course. That's how I developed my Path!" Lowengren laughed.

"If it weren't for this blind faith that I managed to fool myself into having, I wouldn't be able to do my deception."

Alean shook her head.

"Alright. What about your suspicious actions in pretending to be this General?"

"What suspicious actions are you talking about? Was it the one where I pretended to be having demonic possessions on that church service?"

"Er… No. Although that was an eye-opener for me, I'm talking about the orders you purchased and the items that we will be bringing to the other side."

"As I said. These weapons are effective tools that will be helpful for our little mission."

"Our mission is to assassinate that Arabian General who we know to be a Pioneer. And out of everything available here, you decided to use the advantage of being this African General to purchase bulk orders of those things? I mean… even a knife would be a better weapon!"

"If we try to bring a knife to the other side, it may get detected by the scanners! With all the scanning technologies employed by the two countries, this is only the weapon we can bring along before we get to the other side. I don't have any other opportunities to purchase items legally without making suspicious entries in the Blockchain network here in Africa or in the Arab nations. And although these items are eye-catching, it won't draw out military investigations."

"Stop calling them weapons! You make it sound so noble. How exactly can these items help us fight against Arabian Sabers? Can these things block a full-blown attack from it?"

"Block? Why would you use these items to block Arabian Sabers?! Contained Flame Technology is the most advanced lightsaber technology on earth! They're the closest things to those sci-fi weapons people obsessed about a century ago!"

"Then how exactly are we going to use dildos to fight Lightsabers?!" Alean cursed.

"Wouldn't it be more interesting if you find that out when we start fighting there?" Lowengren laughed.

"General!" A soldier ran in.

"A WGP Fleet Admiral is here!" The soldier reported.

Alean and Lowengren were surprised.

"Send him up here. I cannot afford to abandon my post. I am expecting an attack at any moment. Tell them we are secretly on high alert although it does not look like it." Lowengren answered immediately.


"Do it, soldier. Every second count. I have seen the intelligence report. Do not question my orders."

"Sir, yes sir!" The soldier gave a respectful reply and turned away. Halfway through his retreat, the soldier awkwardly paused and turned back again.

"Sir… The-the the dildos you ordered have arrived."

"Excellent. Send them directly to my quarters. Make sure no one sees it. You understand what would happen if you fail?"

"Sir… Yes Sir." The soldier ran quickly.

"A WGP Fleet Admiral? Could it be a coincidence?"

"Nope. They're probably looking for me."

"What? I thought you said that your little nude exhibition wouldn't draw attention from the WGP but only the Aragarians?"

"Wrong. I said it would only make the Aragarian's believe that I'm alive. The WGP should be unsure."

"Unsure? A Fleet Admiral arrived! This should be one of those commanding a damned Atlantis! We don't have the firepower to face those!"

"Remember my first job, Alean. I was a respected gamer-general. I faced real generals and commanders of the war. This should be a fan of some sort. Or at least, someone who sees me as a rival. This is merely an investigation from someone interested. This Admiral may or may have not informed the higher-ups but trust me. They are not taking this seriously."

"They're coming." Alean noticed.

"Follow my lead."

Suddenly, a figure appeared right on top of the building.

It was riding a dark red exoskeleton with a strange form. The markings on the side were clear as it sparkled with a bright golden light.


"How arrogant of you." A displeased voice echoed out.

"Forgive me, WGP Commander. But regardless of your purposes, my country is on the brink of war. I have intelligence regarding an upcoming battle. I cannot abandon my post anytime soon. I would like to respectfully ask for the Admiral to rush here. I'm sure it's not difficult for her. The fact that you've already managed to fly through my air without being detected already shows the equipment you brought could turn our entire base into ruins." Lowengren's answer was without any emotion.

The Commander could not tell whether Lowengren was being humble or conceited.

"My Admiral deserves the courtesy of you abandoning your post. Should war occur, we can lend one or two attacks."

"Lieutenant. What happened the last time we left our post?" Lowengren asked Alean.

"Supreme General burned our left eye." Alean gave a simple answer.

"Will he do it again?"

"Yes, General."

"And why is that a problem?" Lowengren asked again.

"Because if both our eyes are burned, we won't have the chance to see the agonized deaths of our enemies."

"As you can see, Commander. We are in a bit of a bind. We don't mind burning our eyes for you, however, the very joy which caused us to strive for these positions will be taken from us. It would be sad for computer-generated imagery to replace the magnificence of seeing it with our eyes." Lowengren sighed.

The Commander was quiet.

Suddenly, another figure appeared next to the Commander.

"Such pleasurable and gutsy declaration. Alright. I won't take that joy from you." A voiced echoed out. The voice was deep and distorted.

"I'll make it easy for you. I want information regarding the recent troubles that have been spreading around your country."

"Great Admiral. I cannot easily deduce which event you mean. There are just too many incidents. As such, I am unsure of what event you mean. Can you be more specific? And lastly, may I at least know how to address you."

"I am Admiral M."

"Admiral M? I'm sorry. But I was informed of a different Admiral in these areas." Lowengren frowned.

"Ah… You seem to be a competent General if you know about that. Ugh. Well, it does fit his power-grabbing tendency. Correct. I am not the Admiral in this area. I am here because of an interesting video that should have reached your ear."

"If such appeal interests the Great Admiral of another area, then I most certainly know what you are here for. May I at least see who you are? Forgive my insecurity. But since you are not the other Admiral, I am not sure whether or not you are an Admiral of the WGP."

"You dare question the Admiral? What if we attacked this pathetic base of yours? Maybe that will prove our identity."

"Sure. I can offer whatever information if you promise to attack the base on the other side first. After that, you can kill us all." Lowengren remained uncaring.

The Commander was stunned at the counter-offer.

"Ha Ha Ha." The Admiral laughed as exoskeleton opened up revealing a tall and beautiful figure.

"Admiral!" The Commander was stunned.

"Relax. I like this one." The woman leaped from her suit and landed in front of Lowengren. The Exoskeleton continued to hover in mid-air.

"I am Fleet Admiral Magantae. Truth be told I have no jurisdiction or control over you and legally, I cannot ask you for this information as the Fleet Admiral you should be reporting to is Fleet Admiral Intrik." Magantae smirked.

"However, if you do report me to Admiral Intrik, or if you do anything to reveal the illegalities of my presence, a simple attack of mine can open up this base allowing the Arabs to attack you." The Fleet Admiral held her hand up and the exoskeleton behind her followed.

A bluish light was seen as a terrifying heat appeared.

"Nuke Emitter!" Lowengren and Alean chorused in fear.

"I can level this entire land if you do that. And if you're worried about me, rest assured. My punishment won't be harsh. I am a direct descendant of the World Governors whereas Intrik is but a hired hand"

Lowengren and Alean were silent.

"So you will directly interfere with the ongoing crisis from our countries without appropriate declarations?"

"Who's to say that I am interfering? What I see is a mere arrogant soldier who, in his pride wouldn't give due respect to an Admiral of the WGP. Dead men tell no tales. I can kill you and report whatever I want."

"Fine. I will agree-"

"Meet me in my quarters. I've taken interest in a nice hotel approximately seventeen kilometers from here."

"With all due respects Admiral, I cannot-"

"You have to. I don't care if your other eye gets burned. The fact that has seen my face is enough of a reason to permanently be blind. You have two hours to prepare all the data about the information that I am looking for."

"We are in the brink of war-"

"And if you continue to remain adamant and callus to what I'm looking for, I will make sure that you lose this war. You show yourself to be so high and mighty. Your fake patriotism may fool others and command respect, but in front of real power, it is pointless. Follow my instructions, General. I love humbling arrogant people like you!" Magantae laughed.

"Admiral. Drinths have reported unusual activity within the compounds. It seems that a soldier was rushing to deliver a secret package and discreetly left it at General Hirock's office. Drinths was able to find it by taking forceful control over the camera feeds in the building. Drinths is currently headed towards Hirock's office to retrieve the package."

Magantae smirked.

"As you can see, General. It didn't take much for me to uncover your façade. I've barely talked to you in a minute and have already exposed your corruption. What could it be? Why would a respected war-hero hide something? Why would a General hide something he purchased to his own men? Could it be drugs?" Magantae laughed mockingly.

"Admiral… Erm… It's dildos. Commander Drinths found a box full of dildos."

And there was silence in the rooftop.

At that moment, Lowengren utilized his Path. There was something mysterious that happens in the area surrounding them whenever Lowengren would use his path. It was as if the perception of those around them and how they interpret facts to change. Something phenomenal happens to the sixth and seventh dimension that is juxtaposed to where Lowengren and the WGP elites stood.

Like Eagle and Harker, their powers were something that cannot be explained by supra-modern physics. For no one could ever explain the math that occurs beyond the three dimensions. Much more so for changes in the sixth and the seventh dimension.

And as the changes in those dimensions occur, though unseen and unknown, Lowengren spoke the word which would be the three-dimensional representation of what Lowengren's Path did in those dimensions.

"Me and this Lieutenant... We are... into some hardcore kinky stuff.." Lowengren coughed.

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