New Game+

Chapter 171 - Beyond The Three Dimensions

Chapter 171 - Beyond The Three Dimensions

All news channels around the world were drawn into this news.

Although another clash occurred between Australia and one of New Great Britain's forces, this news had less coverage as this other news featured a world-famous actress and politician, Amanda Mershalle.

The shocking scene of her escape and how she shot several rounds, wounding two Chinese soldiers created an explosive shockwave that created tensions all over the world.

The World Governing Powers was forced to investigate the matter.

  "Amanda resisted in the capture and shot several of my soldiers as was shown in the video. Our soldiers were very careful when they tried to subdue her and two soldiers were actually critically wounded during her capture. Your media channel has already captured and recorded the scene of her attempted escape so I will not comment on that." The Chinese ranking officer commented at a press conference.

Several reporters shouted and started asking questions but the officer turned and selected one of the reporters who asked louder than everyone else.

"Is China going to war with the Europeans?"

"No. Our treatment towards Amanda should have been proof of this. As you have seen in the video, we didn't shoot Amanda to kill her. The shots we fired were all stun weapons but she seemed prepared and had shock-deflecting techs equipped on her. Even though the military-grade that she carried would have been treated as an act of war for infiltrating our country, in these dark times, we wish to not rush into things. Two of my soldiers may have given their lives to show to the world and especially to the European United Nations that we do not wish to pursue this war. However, until they have given us the right compensation, we will not return Amanda to them."

"What about the rest of the crew?"

"The remaining members of the crew also struggled. Several shot back at us, and we killed them in the scuffle."

"You killed the remaining members of the crew? What right do you have in attacking and shooting them? Several of them were unarmed!" An international journalist based in China challenged.josei

The Chinese official glared angrily at the reporter.

"The airplane circled around China before landing. It moved north and almost reached the Great Warzone of China. We do not know why it did so. It landed here and our teams came in to inspect. Who fired the first round? Did we do it? Several of you were here since the beginning as we've asked you to! We negotiated, but the officer that we sent inside was shot. This bullet was a cheap shot from Amanda. At that point, my soldiers had to treat all passengers of the plane as possible enemies. Now that I've answered your question, soldiers detain that reporter!" The soldier's declaration caused panic as several of the soldiers immediately rushed to pin down the reporter.

The others could only scream and shout in shock.

"To all journalists here!" The officer cried out drawing the attention of everyone. The cameras once more refocused on the man.

"China has been at the receiving end of terrifying attacks. We've lost an army and a General. Do not test our bottom line. Her presence here is enough for us to start a Continental war. Yet we will not, for the sake of tolerance!" The Chinese official walked closer to the reporter that was pinned down.

"We confirmed that inside the plane were several narcotics. You've heard Amanda's screams right? She's been asking who betrayed her and who sold her out? She even called out the names of several political enemies of her and even a few of her allies!" The official reminded.

Some of the reporters and cameraman who managed to get closer, caught on tape, how Amanda was wildly struggling to get free as she started calling out the names of several political enemies.

"We will not tolerate your fanciful words. The era of tolerance has ended. War waits on the horizon. And while we will not be the ones who will initiate it, we will show the world that One China is not so easily bullied!"

"So to you, useless media who reports whatever news that you find can further your political agendas, One China has had enough of it!" The officer stood over the reporter.

  "Confess! Who sent you?!" The officer angrily bellowed.

"Let go of me! No one sent me! How dare you accuse me-"


The officer stomped on the face of the reporter.

Blood was running down his nose.


Another powerful stumped left the reporter bleeding.

Several reporters around them couldn't even move in fear. A trembling and powerful dread overcame them as the officer delivered one final stomp.

"Who sent you?! Answer me or I'll kill you!"

"I don't know! I was hired to ask those questions!" The reporter finally squealed.

"Interrogate him until he squeals. Make sure all the media men can see the interrogation." The officer ordered as he walked away.

None of the remaining reporters dared follow him or ask another question.

The officer suddenly called the attention of one reporter which was controlled by the government.

"This is an issue of international security and our country should unite! But we have these people who intentionally spread seeds of lie and fear! Who by ignorance or irreverence uses clever words and spin our actions to look cruel and wicked! You use these words and use whatever cause can fit your delusional agendas! We are at war and you journalists accept bribery and payment from whoever it is and ask the world to join the cause and agendas of your employers! I will not have it! One China is not so weak! We have found enemy spies in our country! As per the laws set by the WGP, we have the right to detain, question and even to kill!" The officer screamed loudly.

The surrounding soldiers and even some of the people who were watching applauded and cheered.

"Detain all international journalists! If they can prove that they are not from the EUN or haven't traveled to those lands, torture them! It is our national right!" The officer then turned and left as the native crowd cheered and the soldiers moved.

Several journalists were screaming at the sudden assault.

"Was that… Specter?" Seeker recognized the voice.

"Indeed it is, young master. After Specter's defeat from young master Lowengren, he became more obsessed with the exploration of the possible skills similar to Lowengren and even General Harker's."

"Oh. So that's why he was spending a suspiciously amount of time with Harker back on the Tatsulok."

"Young Master… We have arrived." Sting announced.

Seeker gazed up and the deep river to which they rode finally revealed the underground base.

"Quite a feat to build all this. So this is how the Golden Dragon's army disappeared." Seeker smiled.

Several companies and construction projects which were used for highways, subways and even used to transport water and energy across China had secret underground chambers which were used as high-speed train transport. It was small and subtle, but it allowed people to travel relatively fast inside China.

"Master Nogard has lived a long life. All of these seemed to have been made even before World War Three began."

Seeker smiled excitedly to meet the Overcomer he never met.

As they departed from the small, yet speedy train, Seeker felt a strong chill around him.

"Rosa… Good to see you." Seeker replied unaffected.

A beautiful tall woman stood with a simple blue uniform.

Force, One and Sting, however, could not move. The frost had frozen them solid.

"Good. You managed to freeze them without freezing them. I see that you're progressing further and further."

"Yet… my frost didn't affect you"

"Oh, on the contrary. Although I'm not as strong as your hubby, I can still copy the extent of his abilities to counter yours. The fact that I had to employ entropy speaks miles of your skill. I can tell… Somethings happening around me that shouldn't be a constraint in the three dimensions." Seeker smiled innocently.

"Shall we spar again?"

"You're not even an Overcomer, Rosa. Don't push your luck." Seeker moved.

As he moved, the entire icy region which had stopped everything suddenly moved forward. An unseen ripple spread throughout the area destroying the icy aura that had caused all things to stop.

Force, One and Sting stumbled forward as if the direction of Seeker's movements created a pulling force.

Rosa was shocked at the sight of it and began to sense how small she was when compared to Seeker.

"Seeker. Don't disrespect her again…" It was as if everything around them became empty.

  A green light that moved liked liquid arced out and formed a largemouth that was rushing towards Seeker.

Seeker smiled excitedly.

"Perfect. Finally, someone, I can test it too." Seeker laughed.

The Green mouth of a Dragon opened its wide maw and bit down.

Seeker extended his right hand and reached out towards the coming Maw.


The Maw of the Dragon was stopped as an invisible force countered it. A distorted area was resisting disintegration. It was as if the Dragon bit down on an invisible shield.

It had sound, it had a vibration, it reacted to Seekers' own cells and the area around Seeker became Seeker's cells.

"Surmounting Realm!"

The Maw of the Dragon pushed powerfully as Seeker had an invisible shield that blocked the attack.

Seeker slowly tightened his other hand and punched out.

The strange shield pushed forth like an invisible spear pierced through the Dragon's head.

A muffled sound was heard and the shield disappeared while Meng's Dragon remained afloat.

Slowly the green dragon disintegrated like ashes blown by the wind.

Seeker fell on his knees as he was gasping for air.

"Impressive attack. But if you said that the Realm King is at my level, you would lose." Meng spoke as he walked towards Seeker.

One, Force and Sting had to retreat. Months ago, they would resist the desolation, but now it was so dangerous that Meng had ordered them to remain a certain distance otherwise, they would die.

Rosa remained standing as the creeping desolation passed over her.

Seeker only smiled and allowed the force of desolation to cover him.

Small cuts were appearing around Seeker but the blood would not flow.

"Oh? Impressive. You already got the foundations of my wife." Meng could not help but smile.

"Of course. I wasn't idle these past months after all. The laws of thermodynamics that you embody and the stillness that causes things to stop that your wife has. They are simply reflections on three-dimensional planes. I have managed to see things beyond it. But as you can see, my application should only be one-tenth of your wife."

"Enough of this. My father awaits." Meng then directed Seeker to the door.

Seeker moved forward. Cuts and wounds would appear but Seeker ignored it.

Seeker moved ahead of Meng and walked towards the door.

Rosa moved closer towards Meng.

"Thank you for protecting my honor," Rosa smirked.

"Please don't do that again. I allowed you to test him because I wanted you to know now how wide the gap is between you and him." Meng gave a sigh.

"I have you. Don't I?"

"For now, I can keep him in check. But if the one who fought me was the same one who you faced, things would have been more troublesome." Meng sighed.

"The one I faced? I didn't mistake it then. There are two persons in him!"

"After meeting Lennox, I knew this was bound to happen. He can grasp the truth of everyone he meets. It was only a matter of time that he'd have this ability. And with his memories, I'm not surprised this happened." Meng then followed Seeker.

"Regardless, he is an Overcomer. Don't test his patience."

Rosa simply smiled.

"Fine. I guess I'll settle with making that Lynd or that Meryl a rival." Rosa sighed.

"Master. We have something to report which Seeker says that you should deal with." Sting called out from afar.

Rosa immediately waved her hand as the frost gathered itself and became a wall that contained Meng's desolation.

"What is it?"

"We may have to move against the Arabian nations first. Lowengren has faced certain circumstances which could change the status of the nations in the Caliphates as well as Africa."

"Lowengren?" Rosa frowned as she gritted her teeth in anger.

Meng held Rosa's arm.

"If you don't want to lose your other sister to him, do not get angry. The more provoked you are, the stronger his Path becomes. I will remind you that that man has already taken several of the strongest weapons I developed. If he can swindle me, he can abuse you." Meng gently held on to Rosa's arm.

Rosa took a few deep breathes as Meng turned to Sting.

"What circumstances has he met that requires my aid?"

"Aid? Oh no, Master. It's not that he needs our help. Seeker approved of Lowengren's actions since recent events have forced him to move our plans quicker. Lowengren can fulfill the role of creating chaos in the south. The WGP has appeared and has contacted Lowengren."

"The WGP? There will be changes to our plans regarding them. At least, for some specific members or branches of the WGP. My father has information that should surprise even Seeker."

Sting was surprised.

"Are they our allies, master?"

"Not all of them. Did the WGP clash with Lowengren? How is it that my father has yet to receive such information?" Meng frowned.

"Master. An Atlantis Admiral blackmailed Lowengren and Alean."

Meng rubbed his forehead as he felt his head aching.

"Those idiots!" Meng cursed.

Rosa was silent. She knew that if ever Meng would act against Lowengren, it would be to instantly kill him. Otherwise, Lowengren's deception might come knocking on his doorsteps as it did a month ago…

"That Brat! If he causes a Continental war with his insanities, our plans will get affected! Why did Seeker allow this? What changed?" Meng hurriedly walked and followed Seeker. Rosa also followed.

Meanwhile, inside one of the most prestigious hotels in Africa…

The video surveillances that were shown were unclear, and others barely showed anything useful. But for each evidence that Lowengren presented, the expressions of the Commanders and the Fleet Admiral grew darker and darker.

Lowengren had been explaining the scenarios before him and all that has been happening in this country.

"Intrik had three things he used to blackmail over me. The least important is my adulterous relationship with the Lieutenant. Aside from this, Intrik also knew about how I have been using most of the military funds to research ways to cure my daughter. If I disobey him, he will rat me out to the African government. But these two are far less important than the first." Lowengren paused.

"What made me decide to work for him is that he claimed to be capable of healing my daughter. And with the fruitless efforts of the doctors and scientist who I have been paying… I could only agree." Lowengren then turned his attention to Magantae.

"Nevertheless, I followed through with everything that he needed. Including videotaping the erm… sessions me and the lieutenant had for his viewing. He was… forcing us to explore more. Of course, I will not deny that there was certain… excitement to it. He was not interfering in any way and even had some suggestions."

The Commander and the Fleet Admiral had an extremely terrorized look on their faces.



"Why would Intrik-?"

"Impossible! Intrik plans to betray the WGP?!" Magantae was so shocked that she wasn't unable to contain her voice.

The wineglass she held casually cracked at her grip. The Commanders around her had a myriad of expressions. Some were still stunned, others angry while others were in deep thought.

"Wh-what? Betray?! You mean… all of these… were parts of his plans in betraying the WGP?!" Lowengren was confused and exclaimed.

"Admiral… Could it be? The missing Rule is with him?"

The Commanders suddenly began discussing the probabilities and implications of all of Intrik's movements.

Lowengren started to match his frequency to those discussions and began talking with Alean.

"How do you like my plan? Isn't it glorious? With this, the WGP will be investigating people who belong to the Aragarian Elite apart from waging war with itself."

Alean was silent. Something strange was occurring. It was as if a hint of insight was forming. For almost a split second, Alean could see things from a different perspective. No longer were there physical dimensions of height, width, and length. But something far more strange.

In that second, the insights she gained made her heart tremble. A trembling of excitement.

"Lowengren. Do you trust me enough to change your plans?"

Lowengren physically reacted to the question as his face changed. The Admiral and the Commander were in the deep discussion that no one noticed it.

Lowengren gathered his bearings at the strangely intimate question and asked back.

"Of course. What's up?"

"I don't know what it was. But you have to use your deception to get them to go with us into the Arabian nations."


"I don't know why. But I'm confident that things will be advantageous for us if they do."

Lowengren gave her a curious look.

"I know this sounds crazy. But the only way I can explain it is this…"

Alean paused to take a deep breath. Even she was hesitant to say it…

"Lowengren… My Skill has become a Path."

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