New Game+

Chapter 205 - Breaching The Force Field

Chapter 205 - Breaching The Force Field

The Covenant was in trouble. Dara's Exoskeleton remained shattered on the floor as the Clown moved to find the main pieces which would have contained the pilot.

"Did she die in the explosion?" The Clown pondered. The explosion was quite powerful as it harnessed the Origin energy around them.

Gazing at the distance, he could see the Lumberjack had just delivered a powerful kick on the face of the hammer-wielding Exoskeleton.


"Ouch. That's smarts!" The Clown laughed.

On the other side, the Businessman had finally changed its form and assumed a staggered-proof form.

The lance-like form caused the Businessman to move unhindered. The shots of the sniping Exoskeleton could no longer cause the Businessman to change its fast course.


A green wave rushed throughout the area and made the Golems laughed. Victory was assured!

"The Empress used Origin Wave?" The Clown pondered as he waited expectantly for the sniper to be stabbed through by the lance.

Suddenly, something extremely fast smashed on to the Businessman.

The Golem pierced on the ground below, making a large hole. The lance-like body was buried underground while his humanoid feet could be seen.

The object that smashed through it was the hammer-wielding Exoskeleton!

"What?!" The Clown was stunned.

"Don't doze off in the middle of the battle!" The Lumberjack complained. The moment he knee-strike the connected, he noticed that his enemy was thrown away at an unusually high speed.

As the Elites who piloted the Golem, they could not feel the impact that they made. If a pilot were in the Golem, they would know that there was something off with how the strike connected.

Indeed, at the last second of the knee-strike, when the Lumberjack revealed more arms and grappled the twirling Danny, a voice shouted at Danny in a frequency that humans could not hear. 

"Careful! It's creating more arms!" The voice warned.

Danny immediately issued a command on the lightning energy that guided the extreme movements of his Exoskeleton.

He was a pro-player and was known as the greatest hustle player in Piercing. The way he adapted and countered surprise attacks was legendary that very few assassins or scouts pro-players would dare attack Danny in close-range.

Danny's advantage in how he perceived things only heightened his already indwelling skill. He rushed forth and used a strange technique that several of the Dragon's Fangs decided to teach Danny.

Force and One trained with Danny during the time in the Tatsulok Aguinaldo. Force extended his stay to train the Covenant for various skills in the stead of Meng.

Danny had considered himself to be Force's disciple.

When the impending knee of the Golem drew closer, Danny urged his non-hammer arm to push against the knee. With that, he forced his body away from the knee. His hammer-formed arm then slammed down. The sudden change of direction placed immense pressure that would have injured a human being. But Danny's unique constitution allowed him to bear the pain.

The Hammer struck the knee just above where Danny's other hand was pushing his body away. Danny used the remaining force of the knee strike to send him away as if an impact occurred.

The Golem could not sense, nor did he see the speedy actions of Danny and thought that he smashed the head of the Exoskeleton. The Golem's other arms had already released Danny during the last second of the impact, considering the strike would send it crashing away.

Danny's figure did fly out. But the strange thing was it did not stop. It landed expertly and continued to rush off towards the flying Lance-Golem.

The Lumberjack tried to warn the Clown as the bent leg of his had yet to reform.


A powerful explosion suddenly jolted the Lumberjack after he warned the Clown. The blast happened on where the Clown was.

The Clown was once more sent flying as a terrifying punch created a deep dent was made on its metallic head.

The petite woman was standing behind the Clown, and the scattered pieces of the Exoskeleton gathered together once more.

It did not waste any time as it rushed towards the Lumberjack.

Dara had known that an Explosion was going to happen. Titan had warned her secretly. 

Titan had the most meticulous task as he always roamed around the area and alerted his allies of anything that he saw or heard was of danger. It was Titan who warned Danny that another arm appeared on the Lumberjack's sides. And while the difference of when Titan alerted Danny and when the arm caught Danny's Exoskeleton was only about a second, it was enough for Danny to make the necessary preparation.

Titan had noticed that the strange fluctuations in his vision that primarily detected heat. The changes in the Golems body could be seen as their temperature increased.

Dara heard Titan's warning and employed the technique that Meng taught.

One of her many requests was to have an ability to that various Tanks in Piercing had. All Tanks could get in and out of battle. Each Tank would employ multiple means such as shrouding, deception, forceful retreat, and powerful attacks, that allowed the escape. And so, as the Clown grappled Dara, she already used the trick that Meng gave him. The Exoskeleton that the Clown held was only a hollow shell. josei

Dara was already outside by then. One of the pieces flew and blocked the view of the Golem, and in that quick second, Dara rode one of the metals which shot out swiftly. Dara rushed to the area at the back of the Golem.

When the explosions occurred, the Exoskeleton armor simply allowed itself to scatter. The sight of the wreckage fooled the Clown, but in truth, Dara's Exoskeleton was not even damaged in the slightest.

Dara used a simplified version of Hybrid-Almetal. It was weaker than the usual metal, but this was strong enough to resist it. An explosion of that magnitude would have destroyed the circuits and energy sources that allowed the Exoskeleton to function. Only something made of Almetal, such as Meng's armor, would be strong enough to withstand it.

But everyone in the Covenant had no circuits in their suit. For this reason, the WGP didn't secure the weapons since it was basically a blank and empty suit. But in reality, these suits had technologies that would shock the WGP. Lennox's lightning powered the suit. The suit would harness and create more energy through heat, friction, and even impact. 

Benteriallyon metal was attached on several slots of the Exoskeleton to absorb and add more energy to fuel the Exoskeleton. But the primary source that triggers and empowers the Exoskeleton and awakes the lightning is the Unlocking itself. The cells of the team were altered and had specific changes in the mitochondria. No longer was it limited to being the powerhouse of the cell as it would awaken the Lightning energy in their Exoskeleton. 

The heat and kinetic energy that the Benteriallyon absorbed could also generate more fuel for the Lightning energy once an Unlocked piloted it.

Dara's fist glowed as the parts of her Exoskeleton returned to transfer the kinetic power to her.

The Clown saw how Danny smashed the Businessman and readied to move.

"Now!" Titan alerted.

Dara rushed fort and punched the back of the Clown just as it was about to move. Danny struck the distasteful figure of the Businessman on the groin and sent it flying as well.

The Lumberjack immediately rushed off as its back transformed into a strange jet propelling device and blasted off as the Origin energy around became the fuel that created the burst.

But Titan was waiting. He immediately jumped over the Lumberjack and struck it with a sword. The sword slashed and sliced off one of the wings, causing the flight of the Lumberjack to spin out of control.

John was waiting and began a series of attacks that forced the direction of the Lumberjack spin.

Asterisxxx wasn't an extraordinary Sniper in the Pro-team. He required more time to make an accurate shot. In fact, most of the Piercing pro snipers had a higher accuracy rate than Asterisxxx. 

But despite the low accuracy rate of Asterisxxx, Arthur considered Asterisxxx to be a true sniper. In the fast-paced world of Piercing, speed in shooting was indeed essential. But Arthur valued accuracy more. He knew that unlike other snipers, the more time John Octavion III would spend in aiming, the higher the chances of shooting. 

None of the Covenant made a big deal about Asterisxxx accuracy stats. Only they knew the real stats that mattered. Of all the attacks that Arthur deemed essential or necessary, Asterisxxx had a 100% accuracy rate.

Now, with the Unlocking, the time perception gave Asterisxxx the speed he lacked.

 The precise timing of the shots caused the Lumberjack's chaotic spins to move towards the intended direction.

The Businessman and the Clown smashed against each other from the respective attacks of Danny and Dara. And then the Lumberjack crashed unto them.


The three had a pitiful appearance as the liquid metal was so damaged that the three figures seemed to be meld together.

Titan threw a small flask of liquid towards the Golems. The WGP studied it and determined it was some form of gas or energy fluid they presumed to power up the obsolete Exoskeletons. So, it did not perform any other measures and locked it along with the rest. Titan was worried that this flask would be stored elsewhere, but the utter mundane techs of everything their weapons had made the WGP lax.

As the flask reached the area directly above the three figures, Danny and Dara raised their right arm and generated lightning energy that arced towards the container. Upon impact, a small electric power struck the area below it creating a large net of electricity wrapped around the three Golems.

"I can't move!" The Clown cursed.

The lightning energy stunned the three Golems, making it difficult for the Golems to move.

John had dashed towards the three Golems after his last attack. He was now crouched down nearby the three Golems and raised his large rifle towards flask that continued to release strange lightning energy. He drew close to aim as high as he possibly can in that position.

John was ready to shoot again. Upon aiming, his Exoskeleton drew energy from his own body and activated the hidden lightning bolt in his gun.


A fast electric beam shot through the flask and pierced towards the sky. A portion of the strange energy that the container released when it was exposed to the electricity generated by Danny and Dara, combined with John's charged attack.

The beam raced through the sky. The Origin, powered force field, functioned just like a force field that the EAA developed. It allowed objects from within to leave the area without much resistance. As the beam passed through the sky, another weapon that Lennox had secretly developed through the years came into play.

After the battle in One China, Seeker had inquired about the extent and control that Lennox had over New Great Britain.

"You could say I control nothing, but I also control everything. I can bend things to my will, but not initiate it." Lennox explained.

"Bend things? Can you control their weather technology?"

"No. But if they launch it, regardless of whether it's a thunderstorm or simply a regular storm, I can use the clouds they generate to fire lightning strikes." Lennox revealed a flask of water.

"This is a Liquified Cloud Charger. I create a few of this for battle, but no, It looks like I have to hurry up in creating these. One bolt is strong enough to destroy an entire building." Lennox explained.

Seeker was silent.

"No wonder New Great Britain faired better than the Americas in my timeline." Seeker mumbled.

"How long does it take to create one?"

��Three flasks ever month. Faster if you want a lesser version. I also need a substantial amount of energy to create one."

"How much food do you need?" Lynd wondered. He knew that the Unlock generally uses the calories in their body to create it. 

"He doesn't need food. This guy is basically a human charger. Most of the weapons that the Unlock used utilize the lightning energy he created. He can get energy not only from food but from everything else. Just plug this guy to a powerplant, and he can be full."

"So, you don't need to eat?"

"It is still easier for me to eat and let my body do the conversion from food to vitamins and minerals. So I still eat." Lennox explained.

"Anyway, can you create smaller versions of these things? It would be beneficial for the battles to come."

"It only works for the clouds that New Great Britain creates for their storms."

"Do you control the weapons development science team of New Great Britain?" Harker was shocked and decided to clarify.

"No. I was secretly the head scientist who made this technology. I devised it from the sciences that my family has been researching. That's why my lightning can cause clouds over New Great Britain to attack my command."

"Great. Create a few flasks. It's alright if it's weaker. But we need at least five of these every month. New Great Britain will be launching a storm over Australia soon." Seeker smirked.

The attack that Seeker mentioned was the long-planned attack on the Kraken.

With the technologies prepared for this attack, the Windy Cloud category of the storm that New Great Britain sent would become a Lightning Tempest.

Every time something from within the force field would exit it from the inside, an opening by which the object has passed through would remain for a few milliseconds before the force field reforms to cover that gap. This even applied to the smallest forms of attack that the Kraken would employ. Bullets and even energy shots would swiftly pass by as the molecules of the force field were designed to allow passage from within. 

Since the attack that John sent out was a continuous stream of energy, the small hole remained open.

As the energy emerged from the force field, the stormy clouds over the Kraken detected the power, so it reacted by sending one thunderbolt.

The bolt arced and ran through the energy attack. It followed the line of attack and went for the flask and descended on the three Golems.


A terrifying thunder erupted. The bolt of lighting faced the resistance of the force field as it tried to close the hole. But the effect was like water rushing out of a dam; the exposed opening could not withstand the bolt's power and pressure. A large hole was made, and the force field tried to recover the breach. But before it could quickly cover up the hole, a strange power stopped it. It was as if a large cork was placed on it.

The Emperor detected the breach and frowned.

He immediately rushed towards the hole in the sky and found a large jet.

The Emperor readied an attack, but then, something invisible struck the Rule.

The Rule was once more sent flying from the attack. Cracks appeared on the area where it was struck. Several alerts reported the damage on the Rule.

"What?!" The Emperor couldn't believe it. Something managed to damage the Rule.m

Grant Hermes appeared nearby and glanced at the sky. The Large jet transformed into a massive Armor with a simple post-modern design.

"I knew you guys wouldn't die so easily." Hermes laughed.

A figure emerged behind the newly transformed robot.

A man walked on air and glanced at Grant.

"Just what I needed. An Overcomer.." The man laughed excitedly.

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