New Game+

Chapter 218 - Faith From Science

Chapter 218 - Faith From Science

A stealth jet was approaching the Kraken. It was one of the greatest and most secret creations that the Americas created. If the world found out and proved this jet's existence, it would cause the WGP to punish the Americas thoroughly and even disrupt the Great Divide.

It flew directly over several countries, and yet it wasn't detected. This was because each nation had discovered another signal that came from a suspicious country and distracted it as the full efforts fell to identify the sudden signal. Silently, the Void Traveler moved without hindrance.

"First Australia and now this. What's next, I wonder? It looks like it won't be long until the Americas finally face off in another great war."

"I am tired of facing Canada anyway." Another soldier smirked.

"Alright, gentlemen. Our spies have just sent us the details of what's ahead. You wouldn't believe it. The technology that has been revealed is all strange and powerful. Each one of them is crazy enough to cause a Continental war. Bio human experiments, breaching of the Tech possibilities, and a rival tech even disrupted the WGP's technology. All of this surfaced in the Kraken. This is why our superiors risked using the Void Traveller once more. He is confident that with everything that has been revealed in the Kraken will not cause the Americas to suffer greatly." The Commander explained the mission.

"Looks like the world will be different tomorrow." One of the soldiers sighed.

"We perform just as we did in Australia. Our goal is to acquire as many technologies as we can. Either from the WGP or whoever is down there. Our exit point will be on the south end of the Kraken after thirty minutes from our arrival."

"Sir! We've just detected a large missile silo opening up on Phil-Pangea! An unknown rocket that's as big as a building is getting prepped for launch! Based on its current position, it seems to be aimed at the Kraken!" The pilot interrupted.

"What?" One of the commandos reacted.

"We continue." The Commander ordered.

"Sir?" Several soldiers reacted.

"If it's the size of a building, then we are safe. Why would any country launch a missile that's easy to hit? It's not a missile. It's a payload delivery rocket."

"Approaching the Kraken. The void mode will be disabled for a safe departure. Prepare to move in- Oh my God! What is that?!" The pilot exclaimed as they broke through the dark clouds and witnessed a strange scene.

Winged creatures and what looked like a red demonic being was clashing on a flying man with an eagle mask.

The Eagle-man was slowly retreating as it continued to move towards the Kraken.

The winged creatures chased down and kept shooting the eagle-man.

"Go down now! Look! Various jets are also attempting to land in the Kraken! Activate Void mode and deactivate it the moment we disembark!"

The pilot immediately followed the Commander's orders and dove down.

The air above the Kraken was chaotic. Various attacks rained down from the sky. But since most parts of the Kraken employed advanced Almetal plating, the terrifying attacks could not penetrate.

As all that was happening, Typical and Cliff were giving Gardo a strange look.

"He isn't a real werewolf. The information that we received from him indicates that he has something similar to my Master. If my Master has Cancer, this person has Rabies." Typical explained.

"Rabies?" Cliff wondered.

"That disease you get when bitten by certain animals. It's easily treated today." Typical explained.

"Then why does Amir Mann have rabies?"

"He cultivated it. Just like how my Master did."

"Well, if it's rabies, then all the more reason to chase after him!" Gardo cursed.josei

"Rabies is a virus! You get it from the saliva of a dog or a world, right?! What happens if a rabies virus of his level is infected to another?! We have to chase him, or we'd be fighting several of those werewolves!" Gardo ran out immediately.

"Blast! Trigger! Distract the WGP soldiers!" Typical used his boosters to chase the wolf.

Blast and Trigger immediately positioned themselves between the direction that Typical, Cliff, and Gardo was running. They immediately launched various attacks to draw attention from the enemies.

Typical flew with extreme speeds and no longer moved with caution. What would happen if Amir Mann bit another person? Would they transform? It sounded like a fantasy, but as he flew, the raging wolf's evidence didn't chase after them as it did with Cliff made Typical worry.

He then spotted a battlefield where several Exoskeletons had clear bit marks that penetrated through their armor. The pilots were alive and were moving in a berserk manner.

The pilots were squirming randomly. Many had even used their eject button to emerge out of the Exoskeleton quickly.

The pilots that managed to get out of their suits were all scratching and flailing.

"Get it out of me!" A soldier cried in pain. There was something visible moving within it.

"Damn!" Typical cursed and immediately followed the trail of bitten soldiers.

The soldiers that were previously attacking Typical had stopped and turned to the fallen and squirming soldiers and was rushing to save their lives. A cold chill ran down the spine of Cliff and Gardo as they hesitated.

"Don't attack them! We don't have time! Blast, Trigger! Dispose of all enemies in this area!" Typical ordered and rushed faster than before.

Immediately the two began to attack the screaming soldiers and the Exoskeletons that were nearby while Typical moved on ahead.

"Kill everyone nearby! Any enemy could be a potential werewolf!" Typical also sent several invisible needles that pierced through and killed various soldiers nearby.

Typical was now able to move faster. Cliff and Gardo appeared nearby.

Cliff was the first to sense him. The hatred that the man had for Cliff immediately caused Cliff's sensitive senses to react. Typical also noticed it.

"What a thick killing intent. His emotions of wanting to kill you are spilling forth without effort. What did you do?" Typical asked.

"After we fought, he chased me, and Lowengren took over and led him away."

"Oh… Then I feel sorry for him." Typical smirked.

A tall man with bulging muscles stood casually amidst the destruction. His only clothing was a synthetic like cloth that covered his groin region and several belts around his waist and legs. He was gasping for breath but his aura didn't show any weakness.

"You!" Amir Mann gazed at Cliff with a dark look that displayed his great hatred.

Cliff remained silent. He knew anything he would say would only make things worse. Cliff cursed Lowengren several times in his head.

"He's back to being a human? He should be easier to deal with, right?"

"No. He still retains a large percentage of his strength. The man before you far exceeds my capabilities." Typical warned.

Amir Mann continued to look coldly at the three and was focused on his breathing.

"Don't attack yet. He's analyzing us. This is also the best time to analyze him." Typical spoke at a speed that normal humans couldn't understand. Strangely enough, Typical didn't change the frequency of his words.

"He might transform into a wolf again!" Gardo complained.

"It would be better if he did. Didn't you two notice? When he was in his wolf form, he had the strength, but he moved out of instinct."

"So, right now, he can think straight? Oh great. Shouldn't we stop him from resting?" Gardo complained. 

Suddenly Amir Mann moved and caught something invisible with his bare hands.

Typical's expression grew serious.

"He caught it? I see… Molecular melding. Impressive. Not even Lennox has access to that technology." 

Amir Mann held on to one of Typical's invisible needles and immediately crushed it. His gaze towards Typical became angrier.

"What's molecular melding?" Cliff asked.

"A science exclusive to the East Caliphate nations. It compresses and adds densities to the molecules around a small area. It has very little war application because the radiation that it releases could kill humans. But it looks like he can take it because of his rabies. So that's how you could walk on water and air."

"Eh? Molecular melding? But how? That technology requires great energy advanced machinery! He doesn't have anything except that strange belt on his waist and legs! Where are the metals that emit the radiation?"

"It's in his bones. I don't know how, but his bones generate the energy that should have required all those technologies." Typical concluded.

"What a disgusting science."

"That is not a concern as of this moment. What interests me is the fact that he doesn't display the other traits of an Inhuman. He's perception is slow. He should be an Advent or Proficient of the Unbecoming stage! I only changed the speed of my words, yet he couldn't understand us. If he was Unlocked, he should have understood my words." 

"But he caught your attack!" Cliff argued. 

"Because he's a trained fighter. He reacted accordingly. But his time perception is very slow." Typical frowned. 

"You mean whatever science is in that body of his I can give him a body stronger than the Unlocking?" Cliff guessed. 

"Get ready. He's about to make his move." Typical suddenly ordered. 

Amir Mann suddenly vanished from sight. 

With extreme speeds, he appeared right next to Cliff and slashed downwards. The movements surpassed even the momentum he had when he was a wolf. The bones and muscles of Amir Mann were torn at the extreme movements he made. 

Cliff stabbed upwards as Typical created a thick layer of thorn that supported Cliff's sword. 

The sword stabbed on the open palm, which had devastatingly sharp fangs. 

Cliff accurately positioned his sword to ensure that the force applied would be concentrated on the sword and not sway to the side. And just as how two pressing fingers can't easily break a matchstick when pressing on both ends, the powerful impact of Cliff and the Wolf came to a stalemate before quickly pushing Cliff backward. 

Amir was stunned at how fast Cliff and Typical could react. Typical then pulled Cliff backward as he noticed Gardo's plan. 

Gardo's entire body was blazing red as he rushed towards Amir. His body temperature reached an extremely high level before exploding out as he extended his arms. 


A powerful explosion occurred that contained the full might of an Eradication bomb. 

The figure of Amir was thrown back. And Gardo also flew back because of the explosion. 

Amir Mann crashed on a nearby structure. 

"Tsk! That's some durable underwear!" Gardo frowned as he retreated. 

"He took on an Eradication bomb, and it didn't kill him!" 

"My guess was right. Our perception gave us the advantage in that clash. And look... His body is something beyond Inhuman! That durability is almost the theorized Ranked Heroes body!" Typical spoke with a speed only an Unlocked could understand. 

"Even now it just like it was back then. I could have killed all of you, but your teamwork was just too amazing. But right now… I'm not alone! Go ahead and make your plans. It will be your last!" Amir Mann laughed maliciously as he slowly stood up. The burn marks on his body rapidly healed themselves. 

"His body is like the Dragons! That regeneration! It's unfair!" Cliff cried. 

Several figures were moving around them. Growls and howls came out of their mouths as the group moved towards them. They were the bitten pilots, and they have turned into werewolves. Some of them still wore their Exoskeleton. But their madness could be seen in the yellow glow of their eyes.

Hair covered their entire body, and the nails on their hands had become claws.

"He's controlling them?!" Gardo was stunned.

"How is this possible? He wasn't like this back then!" Cliff almost shivered in fear. They were already spent in facing one werewolf. And now, nearly a dozen surrounded them. And who knows if there were more! 

"Relax. While Amir's body is tough, those werewolves around us ought to be easier to kill. The virus somehow forced their bodies to become Unlocked in terms of power and strength."

"All I hear you say is we're doomed!" Cliff cursed.

"Relax! Forcing the body to achieve Unbecoming has its price! We know it has to be the brain first! Remember the price of forcibly unlocking the brain without the coolant liquid! It should be the same as the body! These wolves are on their last stand! If we survive long enough, we win! And you!" Typical called Gardo.

"Seeker told me about this. That wolf is similar to you." Typical pointed to Gardo.

"That ability of yours to create explosions isn't your Path, correct? It is the application of science. Which means you still have room to grow. The science that became the foundation of your miraculous body can further evolve into a real Path. The creature before us had a science that enhanced his body just like you. But he had yet to merge with this werewolf science and only applied a small portion of it. Maybe because of his hatred with Lowengren, he finally crossed the threshold and made a Path out of it."

"He is like me?" Gardo's voice trailed off. He was so bewildered that he forgot to speak with the same speed that Typical used.

"You and that wolf are scientific experiments that became Unlocked. The science that made him that monster improved when he developed faith. It became a Path!" Typical declared.

Gardo was surprised at this revelation.

"His existence only proves that Seeker's call was correct. A science that birthed a Path is something that even the future Seeker couldn't understand. And we must acquire it now!"

"Could you stop with the motivational speech?! Answer me, if we get bitten or scratched, will we turn?!" Cliff shouted. 

"I don't know. Our Unlocking should provide resistance to the virus as our immune system is heightened. But it's better to remain unbitten. His claws shouldn't turn us, but avoid his bites at all costs!" Typical irritably replied. 

"How do I turn the science in my body into a Path?" Gardo asked Typical. The sage knowledge that Typical revealed opened an amazing door of insight for Gardo. 

"It takes faith. Find that Faith, that confidence to move the applied science in your body to become something else. With the world's strongest representatives here in this Kraken, this battle will cause many who were weak to rise as Overcomers. Will be among them?" Typical asked. 

Typical then spoke in a frequency that Gardo couldn't hear. 

"What's his name?" Typical urgently asked Cliff. 

"Gardo! Why are you even wasting time to encourage him?!" Cliff replied angrily but still did it in secret. 

"Will you be among them, Gardo?" Typical ignored Cliff's complaints. 

"Wow. You even knew my name!" Gardo was amazed. 

A total of thirteen wolves surrounded them. Amir Mann's wounds have all healed. 

"Let's see now if I can win this battle with a team of my own!" Amir howled as he charged.. The werewolves around them also leaped to attack.

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