New Game+

Chapter 36 - The Taste Of Dying

Chapter 36 - The Taste Of Dying

Seeker was dripping with sweat. There were several gun holes around the area. Tables were overturned, windows shattered, and many swords, knives, and even axes were scattered throughout the area.

"I guess we should call it a day. I need to eat a lot of food before we start today's stream." Seeker finally said as he removed the blindfolds.

His companions weren't as well of as Seeker was.

Lynd and Meryl lay unconscious on the floor. This time Alean was conscious as she was gripping a handgun tightly. She dared not let it go. Though it had been empty for about 10 minutes, the continuous fear just made her grip it and pulled the trigger relentlessly.

Charles and Cliff were lying directly in front of Seeker. Cliff carried an assault rifle while Charles had a handgun and a large knife on hand. Both of them continued to shiver.

Seeker hadn't been using his aura, but after what was 4 hours of continuous fighting, the fear never seemed to leave them.

Seeker relaxed and started to clean up the mess that they had left. The place clearly looked like it went through a war zone.

After ten minutes, Alean finally rose and slowly crept towards Seeker. Her steps were very unstable, like a newborn baby who just learned how to walk. Cliff and Charles did not make any effort to move. They just laid there as if they knew death was imminent.

"Who are you?!" Alean cried out. She was turning hysterical. She had quite a lot of dangerous moments considering her job dealt with the military and her father's business. But those moments were nothing to the four-hour fighting she had just experienced again and again.

Their training encompassed several "sessions." Each session began with a time limit of 10 minutes. But Seeker kept continuously increasing the time after several sessions. The last sessions were 30 minutes long. Each subsequent session brought more satisfactory results. At first, Lynd and Meryl would just pass out or run away at the first attacks, but they could later fight back.

"You should ask Charles when he's alright." Seeker answered casually as he continued to pick up the weapons.

Charles slowly stood up and was walking towards Lynd and Meryl. It was his job to check on the psychological and mental states of each other.

As he approached the two, to his surprise, they were already awake. Lynd just continued to close his eyes to calm himself. Meryl, however, was looking directly at the bright sun. It didn't seem to bother her.

"They look alright," Charles concluded. He turned back to Cliff and observed him.

Cliff just gave a sad nod.

"Did you manage to see it?" Seeker finally asked.

"You could have asked that question the first time. I saw it at that moment you tried to stab me. Your blade seemed slower. I could think faster, and I was able to recall events that even I have forgotten." Charles spoke.

"But you could only see it, right? You haven't developed a way to make your mind move your body. Time has slowed down, but your body can't keep up. It means you broke through up to the twelfth percent. What we need is 13 in order to be considered at the Unbecoming. Hopefully, you'd be able to emulate it after a few more sessions. Perhaps another set of sessions will allow you to control it. Be here on Sunday."

"So I get a day off because you have to stream, huh? Lucky me." Charles sighed as he sat down on the ground. His clothes were already a mess, so it didn't bother him.

"Why do I need to be here, anyway? Shouldn't I work on my research?"

"If you reach the first Unlocked state, then you should progress at least two times faster in your research. The mental state that an Advent Unbecoming allows you to stay at your mental peak. Regardless if you are sleepy, tired, or bent out of shape, your mind will function as if it was at its optimum state."

Charles stared in greed. If he could manage that state, then he wouldn't need to drink all those coffees and could stay awake longer to finish his research!


"Yes. Each stage of the Unlocking is further divided into three ranks. Advent, Proficient, and Surmounting. Advent is at a minimum, 13 percent with a 15 percent max reach. Proficient in at 15 minimum, and 18 maximum. Surmounting requires a minimum of 18 and 23 at max. As you can see, the time you increase in rank is when your maximum becomes the minimum. "

"How far are you at again?" Charles asked.

"I would guess that I could reach twenty-six at my maximum state. But my minimum should be around ten or eleven." Seeker shrugged.

"That doesn't make sense."

"I know. I guess this is the effect of my memories. I assume that my real state should barely touch the Proficient rank. But Advance Recall seems to be allowing me to reach higher ranks. Truth be told, I don't know the maximum state I can reach. But if I push myself, I would probably die." Seeker laughed.

"CAN ANYONE TELL ME WHAT THE HELL YOU TWO ARE TALKING ABOUT?!" Alean screamed after being ignored for too long.

Everyone except Seeker jolted at the sudden scream.

"Charles, I guess it's time to let these two into what's been going on. Don't worry. We can trust Alean. I have the keys to her heart. I'll talk to my two friends for a bit." Seeker smiled and walked off.

Charles sighed and motioned for Alean and Cliff to follow him. He decided to change venues as he could tell what Seeker intended based on his serious expressions.

Seeker approached his two friends, who gave him a curious look. They were still lying down on the ground lifelessly. They seemed to have no intention of moving.

"So, how were the near-death experiences?" Seeker smiled.

The two gave an angry gaze at Seeker.

"You promised that you wouldn't get us involved in anything dangerous." Lynd breathed in anger.

"I never promised that. I just told you that you could quit being my helpers." Seeker smiled.

The two were silent at Seeker's response.

Meryl started to cry again.

"I don't want this." Meryl sobbed.josei

"You don't want what? The training? Or the fact that you almost died?" Seeker asked again with a smiling expression.

"Because if it's the first one, I can stop. If it's the second one, you will encounter it sooner or later. Things are just going to get downhill from here, Meryl. People will die left and right. Heck, even World Champions died."

"We have you don't we?" Meryl argued.

A strange gripping sensation once again enveloped the two. Seeker's expression took a drastic turn. Seeker's angry look caused the two to shudder.

"You think that just because I've gotten a hold of a set of awesome memories that we are all set, right? You're wrong. Were pressed with time. So far, what we have are weapons and funding. But let me tell you right here and then, that wouldn't mean anything! You think these weapons can damage the technology the Aragarians will deploy?" Seeker held the rifle in his hands.

"These were nothing! Their metal is unbreakable, their weapons, unimaginable, and their numbers, uncountable. What can these puny weapons do in the face of their onslaught?"

Seeker threw the weapons towards the lying two in anger.

"What we really need are Unlocked individuals. And we don't have the time to wait for Charles. We were dying! I died! Me, a Ranked Hero! And you two just want to ride along with my wave and think you'll be safe? That's stupid!"

"I never asked to be a part of this!" Lynd erupted in anger.

"We aren't fighters! We told you! We aren't like you, Royals! If we die, then we die! We've long accepted it! We are fine with dying!" Lynd shouted.


Seeker buried his foot in Lynd's stomach. He raised his foot, ready to strike again.

"Then, let me kill you now!" Seeker shouted back.

Lynd shivered in fear and didn't even react to the pain. The amount of fear he felt surpassed any of his previous moments during the training. He started to crawl away. The only thing in his mind was to escape Seeker.


Seeker jumped on the path that Lynd was headed and stomped on Lynd's back. Lynd's face was buried in the ground.

Seeker withdrew his aura.

Lynd couldn't move as Seeker pressed hard on his foot. Meryl had a shocked expression on her face. She, too, felt the same fear that Seeker gave.

"You think death is such a simple thing? Look at you. When I tried to kill you, you ran away. It isn't that easy, Lynd. Dying isn't an easy escape. If you die, then parents could die, your friends could die. Even Alean could die. Who knows? Meryl might die right in front of you, and you will just gnash your teeth and weep because you are weak." Seeker stomped once more.

Lynd was struggling to get up, but Seeker's stomp anchored him.

"I hope you see Meryl's brains splattered right in front of you so you would know how it felt for me to see you died the first time!"

Seeker turned to Meryl, who continued crying.

"You too. You think that you get a pass at these things right because you're a small little girl. Well, I hope that excuse would be useful once you carry your mom and dad's arms and fingers, not knowing what happened to the rest!"

Seeker jumped over and kicked Meryl in the stomach.

She clutched her stomach in pain, but her tears were continued pouring like a fountain. Of course, she wasn't crying about the pain.

"I already told you of my fears about the future. We aren't any closer to winning even with all this New Game advantage. Especially now, with the Dragon looming on my horizon. I'm good as dead if I face him on my own. The people under him are as strong as those in the Unbecoming stage. I might not even make it trying to meet the Dragon!"

Seeker took Lynd by the hair and threw him towards Meryl.

"Get up, you worthless giant!"

Lynd's eyes were red. Red is anger and in tears. He gazed at Seeker with an angry expression.

"Why are you angry? I'm supposed to be the one that's angry! I have to face off with one of the most dangerous criminals this world has produced with his team of assassins and killers, and what do I have? Two weak friends who would rather die. Are you still using your Regular status as an excuse? It doesn't matter if your Regular, Rising, or Royal! You will all die!"

Seeker spoke harshly.

Lynd continued to glare while Meryl continued to sob.

"Maybe now that you've gotten a taste of what it feels like to die, you would understand. Dying is not an escape. It is not a release. It doesn't take away all the worries you had of this world. It actually accomplishes the very thing you are worried about. Because you won't be there to stop it!" Seeker punched Lynd on the face. A strong smack was heard.

"And those who you leave behind will suffer." Seeker met Lynd's glare. He then grabbed on Lynd's collar and lifted Lynd towards himself.

"So is this how you repay my good graces in trying to turn you into warriors? Wishing you were dead? Then if that's what you want, cut off our friendship, so I wouldn't care when you die! Make me hate you so much that when you die, I'd smile and laugh it off. I've suffered enough when I saw you two die! I'd rather kill myself now than see you two die again!" Seeker shouted angrily. Tears were falling from his eyes.

As Lynd stared at Seeker's eyes, he could see the pain that his friend felt. This wasn't Seeker being inconsiderate. This was Seeker being scared.

Meryl continued to cry at Seeker's painful remarks. But the sight of the unmovable Seeker crying made her clutch her heart in pain.

Seeker gazed at Lynd's softening expression and at Meryl's controlled hysteria.

"I need you guys to succeed in the Unlocking. I can't do the next missions alone. Someone has to keep the Dragon's men busy while I face that monster. Can I count on you?" Seeker asked calmly.

The two were silent at first. But then Meryl and Lynd slowly nodded.

Lynd sighed.

"I'm sorry for being such a useless friend, Zeek. I'll do my best to meet your expectations." Lynd mumbled softly.

Meryl simply nodded. If she tried to speak, she would simply just cry and make unintelligible cries.

Seeker smiled at his two friends. His plans worked. The exposure to fear managed to shake his friends into a good and trainable state. Seeker gave them a moment of silence to get their emotions in order.

"Have either of you experienced any of those Unlocked sensations during our training?" Seeker asked after a long pause.

Meryl nodded while Lynd shook his head.

Seeker gave a peculiar look at Lynd.

Lynd looked away as he was embarrassed at the outcome.

Seeker just sighed and turned to Meryl.

"Meryl, you always boasted about how you can tolerate bright light. Has it improved?"

Meryl gave a curious look. She stared at the sun for a while.

Seeker continued to observe Meryl.

Meryl was shocked.

"It's strange. The sun's brightness doesn't seem to hurt anymore."

Seeker smiled.. Things were advancing smoothly.

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