New Game+

Chapter 432 - Epilogue Of Volume 5

Chapter 432 - Epilogue Of Volume 5

It was a massive ship. More massive than the hidden Orbital behind Mars.

The ship's technology and how it traveled were unique as it utilized dimensional movement that allowed it to move through great distances in a short time.

While Earth was millions of lightyears away, the journey would soon be over in two months.

"Finally, we are traveling." A Presider seated on his throne appeared and took its place in a massive hall with many locations that perfectly fit a Presider's Throne.

"After all those delays! And what's with the trip's schedule?! Three Presiders missed the flight because of the announcement!"

"I barely made it on time as well." Another Presider warped in place.

The doors opened at the deep bottom of the halls, and several Presiders also began to join the group.

"This trip is not only kept secret to most Presiders. Even Primes were kept off the loop." One of the arriving Presider explained.

"The theory that a Prime is assisting Babylos is stupid. Why would our race ever aid those?" Another beautiful Presider emerged and smiled.

"Out of the thousands of Presiders, you guys were picked?" A sad question was posed. But despite the arrogant question, everyone no one answered back because they knew whose voice the question belonged to.

A bolt of lightning appeared as it passed through the dimensions and appeared manifesting into metal and becoming alive. Then, every piece of that metal was alive, and soon, the figure of a person seated on the radiant, blue, electrifying throne appeared.

Everyone was shocked as he appeared. Although he was a Presider, he had yet to lose against another and was one of the most feared names within the Presiders. It was rumored that even Principals respect him.

Some of the women in the group smiled and cheered at the sight of the man.

"Presider Marrho..." The first Presider to arrive and speak was shocked.

"Presider Marrho. I'm quite surprised that you will be joining this trip." One of the Presiders frowned.

"Ah, the Presiders of that idiot..." Marrho laughed.

Despite the arrogant and direct insult, the Presider could only grit his teeth and ignore his remarks.

"If you must know, I am here to investigate the rumors of a Devourer appearing on Earth."

"A Devourer?!" Another shouted as she arrived.

"Now, now... Presider Marrho, please keep silent as to your respective missions and don't pass out those rumors as if they were true." A laugh appeared.

Five massive Thrones that had a mixture of several metals appeared.

"The Pig Five. Or should I say, the Devourer Five?" Marrho smiled.

There were whispers in the hall as they heard the word Devourer. Many were horrified at the title. Marrho had openly called them Devourer, and the members of the Pig Five did not even deny it.

"I wonder when the five of you will agree to my challenge?" Marrho sneered.

"Please. Don't think we don't know about you, Marrho. Why should we fight you?" One of the Five was a slim man with a strange face covered in liquid metal. There were no holes in his face but only a smooth covering that made it look like he was wearing a thick layer of glass on his face.

"Because you guys are cheats? Why did the Primes allow you to succeed in these cheats?"

"What else? Why were you allowed to become a Presider? It's already an open secret among those higher echelons about who you are? It is, of course, to spur growth among Presiders. There will be no growth without motivation, envy, and greed. So us Devourer Five, as you put it, have been granted Devourer Suits because of that." A fat man at the side added.

"All for the glory of growth!" The only woman among the five laughed. She had a voluptuous figure and a dangerous beauty that was very different from the moniker of the group she belonged to.

"I never expected you five to openly admit it. Hmm... Will there be a Presider War on Earth?" Marrho asked.

"Ah, as expected of you! Yes! There will be!" The thin man of the Five laughed.

Suddenly, the Presiders nearby were all horrified.


"Presider war?!" 

The cries and complaints echoed out as they heard the five admit it.

"What?! Why?! Our Principal was not informed of this!"

"Oh? They weren't or, they refused to tell you? The Prime Wars draw near. So unless you, too, can Conquer, you are not worth being spent on. Either your Principal wants you to grow or is abandoning you." The woman of the Five laughed.

"So if that's the case, you just got marked by us five! Be careful! Oh. And if anyone helps us, we can give you some of the techs that man has." The fat man added.

"I need his body. He seems good enough for me to have fun for a while. And I need more pilots for my supremes." The woman reminded her four allies.

"Why?" A cold voice echoed out throughout the hall.

Everyone was silent, and even the five had to contain their arrogant faces.

Marrho turned and saw one of the most mysterious Presiders.

"Ah... Finally! Some challenge!" Marrho smiled as he saw the speaker.

"Presider Render... You are... surprisingly not on the list of Presiders that were supposed to come here." The thin man of the five had a wary expression.

"Why a Presider War? What's in Earth that is forcing everyone to invest more resources and men there?" Presider Render ignored the thin man and asked once more.

"Since the Presider War in this ship will almost immediately start anyway... might as well say it." Marrho laughed.

"Immediately start?! What do you mean?" A Presider complained.

Some of the Presiders shook their heads and looked with cold eyes to the Presider that complained as if they were looking at the dead man.

"Another food for us devourers." The fat man licked his lips.

"Even now, the ones that are weak are showing themselves. Careless statements. Those who had shared the same sentiments of that Presider who claimed that their Principal did not know will be the first one to die. And those that can't read the flow of the battle are clearly the weakest Presiders who only attained power through purchases and not by cunning and killing." The thin man laughed.

"Then fine. Since Marrho had revealed more food for us devourers, then we shall say why a Presider War. It's because the legacy of the Lost Primordial could be on Earth."

Only Marrho and Render's expressions changed. The rest were careful not to reveal curiosity, shock, or fear in case they would utter something stupid that would reveal their weakness and possible helplessness.

"The Lost Primordial's legacy? Then why are not Principals or Primes involved?" Render asked.

"It's been a thousand years since that battle, and no Primes have risen to the occasion, and our progress towards reaching the Final Heaven has not increased. Since the Lost Primordial is clearly dead, the Primordial decided that instead of seizing whatever techs that the Lost Primordial has, why not let it be and give others the chance to rise up? Who knows? We might gain progress and give rise to an exceptional Prime that can help us on our mission!"

"How certain are you that the Lost Primordial's Legacy is down there?"

"We don't know. What we do know is that a Prophet was born. It would most likely be linked to the Lost Primordial if one were born. We don't know why that is the assumption when the entire universe could hide the Lost Primordial..." The man with the metal face answered.

"It's simple. While there have been Principals and Presiders who have fled from the wars that we Aragarians will soon fight, they can't be Prophets. Those who flee can never be Conquerors. The Primes allowed them to exist and killed those who broke the laws to help us in gathering Universe Energy. But these cowards can never give birth to Prophets. But the Lost Primordial can. So when the Primes sensed the birth of the Prophet, Earth became one of the suspected locations." Marrho explained.

"Ah... Thank you, Presider Marrho, for answering those mysteries. As you can see, our goal remains the same. It is only bad luck for those Presiders who were sent here to die and abandoned by their Principals. The rest of you understand it, right? To us, the Presider War starts now. Those that are strong will arrive on earth and continue the game. Who knows how many Presiders we will have to face on Earth? Will they be devoured, or will we be? From here on out, anyone that isn't Conquerors will only die!" The man with the metallic face laughed. 

"All for the glory of growth." The woman laughed once more.

Back on Earth...

Alean opened her eyes and glanced upwards to the sky.

She had a sad expression as she felt the horrifying powers approaching.josei

"So...even with my Zone... I can only see that far, huh? And my, my... what deaths. It looks like I have to do my best to save as many as I can."

Next to her were several Unlocked, all of which were trained to be spies.

"General?" Jane asked.

Alean smiled and turned back to the team of spies, who were all seated down and were meditating.

"Let's continue. The fact that you didn't sense what I sensed proves you still need more training. Unless you guys can awaken Zone all the time, you won't stand a chance in the chaotic wars that demand your skills.." Alean explained.

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