New Game+

Chapter 504 Guinevere

Chapter 504 Guinevere

"You idiot!" Harker, Lowengren, and Gardo shouted as they smacked the devil out of Vender, sending him flying to the side.

Guinevere was confused and stood up as the group suddenly pounded Vender away.

"Guinevere Humphrey! I am Harker. We are here on a mission to save you on behalf of your brother and your father. Due to the very complicated nature of this war, we can't act freely." Harker quickly told the truth before Guinevere could react.

"Yes! That idiot is a teammate of Arthur. But he just hasn't met your father yet personally and only met various imitations. It's very difficult to explain." Lowengren added.

"That idiot is just weird and doesn't know how to read the damned room! But we are here because of your father and your brother. Right now, they are fighting outside to save you! If only someone can explain that without endangering our lives!" Gardo directed his last statements to Vender, who is recovering from the sudden beatings.josei

Guinevere chuckled as Gardo spoke.

"My dad... My brother... They saved me!" Guinevere began to weep as she felt a great relief.

"This is... real, right? I'm not... dead?" She asked between sobs.

"Of course not. Do you feel pain?" Harker approached.

"...All over my body..."

"That's proof your alive." Harker smiled.

Guinevere suddenly wept harder as memories of the constant pain she felt flooded her. It felt like she had been dreaming for years and years, and now, all the pain and the memories of things that she knew through the link with Andronze came crashing in.

"AHHH!" She began to shout.

Harker quickly approached and tried to calm her down.

Meanwhile, Lowengren began to access the controls and found the main controls of the serpent. There was a large seat with many computers.

"Let's move this thing down first. We can't stay here. The reaction of the Serpent may have drawn the attention of Andronze." Lowengren began to pilot the device while everyone else tried to calm Guinevere down.

Although they wanted to know if Andronze had learned of what had happened, they had no choice but to flee.

"We might end up fighting Andronze..." Gardo observed.

"Let's just hope the Dug Down Deep on her Throne is weaker than this ship!" Lowengren couldn't help but curse as he commanded the ship down. Then, he began to think of ways to counter a possible attack from Andronze.

Meanwhile... Above the land of Egypt, a terrifying storm had erupted on the east side of Egypt. It created massive thunderbolts that dug through the earth, and the Many Mansions flew over the clouds and continued to rain terror on the mobile and underground bases of Egypt. One base had already fallen.

Arthur watched from the window and couldn't help but sigh.

"This is the best we can do." Lennox appeared as lightning gathered and formed into a human.

"If we are planning to fight a Presider, then I have to save my energy."

"I know, father... I trust them. Even that Vender. I know that they can save Guinevere."

Lennox sat down and began to charge himself in a strange seat sparking a lot of electricity.

On the other side of Egypt, a massive round ship was now attacking the very base that deployed it.

Hermes sat on the seat where the Commander was. Numerous people around the area were gasping for breath. But the air had been taken from them.

"That was boring..." Alvin sighed.

"This is just the beginning. Remember our strategy. This battle is going to be a very chaotic one. We fight not only Aragarians but fellow Overcomers." Omricon answered.

"Remote link complete!" Austin reported.

"Our families back at our base are now controlling this ship. We can fight without worry." Austin accessed several parts of the armory, and several Exoskeletons began to move out.

"Oh? That pilot is quite skilled. Which one is piloting it?" Hermes asked as he noticed one Exoskeleton that managed to attack and kill several enemies with great ease.

"That's my younger brother. He's a gamer. To think that a twelve-year-old would have to dirty his hands like that. He's too good as a pilot to be ignored, though..." Austin sighed.

The other fronts of Egypt were also collapsing, and Andronze was so busy and was using the maximum capacity of her thinking process to deal with all these troubles that she didn't notice the weak link she had with her ship was unnoticed.

Back in the Serpent...

Harker, Vender, and Gardo continued to appease the trembling and weeping girl.

Her eyes were now opened as she looked around but continued to panic as her vision overlapped with numerous strange scenes from her memories.

Harker took his time and didn't rush the girl who started to see strange visions.

Vender suddenly rushed back and began to look around.

Finally, Vender couldn't take it. He had scanned the area and concluded there was none.

She approached the girl and gave her a light tap on the face.

"Erm... Sorry, kid. But where is the bathroom?" Vender asked.

Harker, who was doing his best to be patient with Guinevere's shocked state, finally exploded.


A powerful right hook was sent out, but this time Vender blocked it.

"Hey! What gives?! I was just asking for the bathroom!"

The scene was so stunning that even Guinevere had stopped from her weeping as she was surprised at their question and the reaction of Harker.

The visions suddenly began to align as a strange power stopped the momentum of these visions.

She calmed down and stopped shouting, and her thoughts and memories began to realign themselves in a more orderly manner. She felt a tremendous headache but could think and now knew many things.

"There... is no bathroom in this room. I'm sorry." She spoke softly.

"What?! That's terrible!"

"Vender!" Harker cursed but then realized that the girl was now calm.

"Are you alright now?" Harker immediately turned to ask Guinevere.

"Wow. Saved by off-rhythm again..." Gardo was amazed.

"...Yeah. I'm sorry. Something just felt so off."

"I guess I have to thank this idiot. Guinevere... Please listen to us. I know you are in shock, but we-"

​ "I think I have an idea of who you are. You were those guys who took part in the battle against... Presider Shakstree, right?"

At those words, Lowengren and Gardo rushed near her.

"Yes. Your connection to the Serpent should have given you the ability to be connected and informed of the news all around the world as well as the details of the battles. I am Lowengren. An ally of your father and brother." Lowengren introduced.

"Yes. I always hoped and believed that my brother and dad were among those battles. I'm glad I was right..." Guinevere finally smiled.

"Guinevere, we are in the middle of a war after all. But saving you is our top mission. But right now, I want to know if you can tell if our actions would cause Andronze to rush here."

Guinevere was silent and began to think.

"I... I think it should... That's weird." She then frowned.

"Her mind was... connected to mine in some way. The moment you disconnected it, it should have alerted her. But... if she was alerted, she should be here by now. The disconnection would have caused some form of psyching ping. We would have heard from her the moment you took it."

"The only explanation is that Arthur and the guys succeeded. They created so much chaos that Andronze is either busy fighting or is exerting her brain so much that this psychic ping was lost."

"I think that's it. Besides, when you connected with me and used your powers, I felt calm. So I think that also helped in minimizing the effect of this disconnection."

"Then that means we are safe for now." Lowengren was relieved, and he fell on his knees and lay on the floor."

The rest also heaved a relieved sigh.

"...Thank you." Guinevere smiled.

"We still have a lot to talk about." Harker smiled.

"Can you sit up?" Harker asked.

Guinevere nodded, and she slowly stood up.

"Can you tell me what this ship is? If you were linked to Andronze, it means you have an idea of what this ship is?"

Guinevere nodded.

"Andornze called this ship the Nile Serpent. And this entire ship is Andornze's attempt of creating the science of the legacy from the Lost Primordial."

"So this ship is the full legacy of the Lost Primordial?"

"No. This ship has its own secret. But the secret it has isn't that important. This ship is only something to hide the terrifying powers of this place called the heart. That place that you passed through just outside of this chamber is also part of the heart. Because of the strange power that caused this place to breach the dimension, Andronze hid it because she knew that all the other Presiders would try to chase after her. Andornze believed that this was something that could make her into something stronger."

"A Principal."

"That's right! That's the term! A Principal!"

"Then this explains this room. But there are a few more mysteries." Gardo pointed at the body.

"I want to know about this thing first. What or who is Seth?"

"The truth is, that's not Seth."


"It's not. The real identity of that corpse is someone known as the Lost Primordial."

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