New Game+

Chapter 510 Do We Really Have A Choice?

Chapter 510 Do We Really Have A Choice?

Seeker had intended to alter the story of the Lost Primordial and paint the fact that all his allies were long-time enemies and were all plotting against each other.

The greatest advantage that Seeker and the Unlocked army had was that they improved their technology at such an insane amount of speed.

Seeker only had the technology of the Pangean Government at the start. But they quickly grew in power and tech in several months. This made it difficult for the Presiders to trace the very source of the Unlocked armies. They cannot believe that in a span of a few months, Earth would develop a means to gain the same power that can challenge these Presiders.

Seeker himself, who had just revealed a portion of his power, appeared to have technology that needed to be cultivated since World War 3. Not one of them, even the Top Tiers, assumed that the Progenitor and the ones masquerading as the Lost Primordial only grew to the level of Presiders in a few months.josei

With this advantage, Seeker harnessed the power of lying to deceive everyone. But he knew, in this place where the Zone would clash, the chances that his lies would be believed was small. Nevertheless, many would harbor doubts and will surely investigate it.

But then Garenjazz spoke. Garenjazz's words didn't just make everyone conclude regarding the death of Crostfree. Instead, it led everyone to believe that everything that Seeker had said was true!

The Presiders all began to speak up and talk about the unusual events and how Seeker's words made sense.

"Was that Zone? No... if it were, the Anti-Zone that I have been trying to release through Vender's Paths would cause a hiccup! But how did his words move smoothly? What is his power?" Seeker pondered.

He then used his memory to replay every detail of how Garenjazz appeared.

"No matter how I think about it, he just used basic teleportation! But his timing was perfect..." The kid thought.

"Does he have a power like mine?" The Adult wondered.

"Maybe he's just lucky and tried to show off. He looks like a weird guy." Zeraphine offered her suggestions as she pretended to be one of the personalities in Seeker's head.

The Adult and the Child suddenly turned to 'Zoe.'

"...Luck? Could it be?" The Adult wondered.

"It is possible. Luck could be Zone. His movements are uninformed. Alean's Zone sometimes gives her this gut feeling, and at times it lets her know why she needs to do what her Zone tells her to do! But for him, it's as if he's blindly moving and leaping into things!"

The Presiders all offered their accounts, each making sense of everything.

All the while, Seeker would steal a glance at Garenjazz, and all those times, he was smiling.

"This is dangerous..." The Adult thought in his head.

"Yes. Should we choose to fight him, it would be like fighting someone who knows all of our plans."

"Our choice is either to befriend or use Zeraphine..." Zeraphine spoke as Zoe.

"So the Lost Primordial's body is here, and you have been fighting everybody to hide the information of his body and are racing against the other experiments like you to get him, correct?"


"Then what was the plan of the Lost Primordial? Why did the Lost Primordial create all of you?" Myrth suddenly asked Seeker.

"He was planning to make Earth just like Aragar. Perhaps he hoped someone among us could conquer and help him lengthen his life. But as he aged, he kept losing more and more of his power, and soon, he even had to let several groups, my father included, protect him. Then came the first batch of Pioneers, which eventually led to World War 3."

"Then World War 3 had more secrets that even we didn't know..." Myrth frowned.

"Exactly. World War 3 was a chaotic time, and maybe the Presiders who were here knew the real underlying events and the battles that my father had during the chaos of the World War. We thought we won, but the Lost Primordial died at the end of the battle. And his body just vanished. Since then, all the seeds of the real Lost Primordial began to build up forces. The WGP is led by one of the experiments. Hence, I'm sure you know of the Throne Technology hidden in the World's Helm? That is where the one most loyal to the real Lost Primordial sat."

"So that's why the Rule, an imitation of Throne, is here on Earth..." Feyor was amazed.

"Since then, each of us was preparing and building forces and improving our techs knowing that you guys would arrive. And when your batch finally did, Andronze immediately chose Egypt, didn't she?"

"Now I remember. So that was her plan all along! So she knew something was under Egypt! Or rather, she was told by someone from the previous batch!"

"That's our conjecture as well. She knew the lost body of the Lost Primordial was under there all along. My father and the rest of his friends and enemies were getting restless. They knew time was running out. And so together, we worked together and even dragged Pridgeon and Shakstress into the chaos to steal the body back. We knew that a Principal was coming, which would lead to our certain defeat. So we placed everything on that and acted so united that the Lost Primordial would have been proud. But the Mid Tier Andronze won. Isn't that interesting?"

"Wait! Did she win? Was it not you or that Lost Primordial who defeated her?"

"Well, if you guys believe that, what can we do? My father said that there is no point in convincing you otherwise. But this is the truth. Andronze won. One of our allies was taken. She is probably also the reason why Lanterk willingly allied with her. One of the Lost Primordial's experiments is Thought Bestowal. It isn't creating an AI intelligence. Instead, it bestows one's thoughts on an object. And most importantly, it wouldn't cost Universe Energy!"

"Impossible!" Tiana frowned.

Suddenly, Seeker threw another comm device at the center, and it was instantly captured by the ship, and all details were projected on the room.

Videos of Guinevere were revealed and the Top Tiers, including Garenjazz, were amazed.

"Imagine if Shakstress had it! Imagine if Lanterk has it! In any case, the two Top Tiers are in alliance. So, I have no choice but to reveal this information to you. We need more people to attack. Because we know, like all of you, you would want these technologies for yourself! Because if not, you will all be devoured by the coming Principal!"

Zeraphine was silent the entire time. She kept glancing at Garenjazz and was waiting for him to speak.

Garenjazz saw and nodded.

"Then I am assuming the best time to attack Andronze is now. She and Lanterk went into an alliance, and with the power of Judgment Day, the two managed to delay all attacks. The Progenitor and the other experiments, including that lady known as the Tyrant Empress, are all poising for an attack. Then with a united front, Andronze and Lanterk will surely be stunned and would be unable to fend off all of us fighting at once." Garenjazz added.

"Agreed. We should all fight together." Feyor was the first to agree.

"I agree as well," Straviaa added.

Enderks nodded his head.

Zeraphine saw everyone's reaction and smiled.

"Unless..." Garenjazz then smiled again.

Zeraphine was confused and frowned at Garenjazz.

"Unless this is an enticing plot for the Progenitor and his friends to betray us all. Lead us to a battle and fight Andronze and Lanterk, and suddenly, you and your friends will swoop in from the back to kill us and rob us." Garenjazz added.

At that moment, the Presider all began to frown and glanced at Seeker.

Zeraphine was looking at Garenjazz, and she was extremely displeased.

"...My father has no intentions. This is because we are most likely to be attacked due to my father's powerful legacy in Phallic techs. But do we really have a choice now?" Seeker turned the question back. For some odd reason, even Seeker's Zone told him to go with Garenjazz's flow.

"...Well, that's a good point. If the Principal arrives here, and the very body of the Lost Primordial who even managed to challenge THE Primordial would mean a possible massacre of all Presiders here." Garenjazz chuckled.

Everyone's expression changed at those words.

"I can tell you that my father's forces cannot fight. We used too much in the fight against Lanterk. We are not as rich in resources as you."

"Then tell us, who would be their next target? Lanterk has shown Top-Tier capabilities. Who would be attacked by your peers?"

"Among all of you, they won't attack Garenjazz, not since he can resist the Tyrant Empress. Nor will they chase after Tiana for her unknown powers. Instead, the targets will most likely be the Mid-Tiers and Myrth. And, of course, the person who stands to be at the cross-hairs of the Tyrant Empress would be... Zeraphine." Seeker answered honestly.

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