New Game+

Chapter 551 The Tyrant Empress’s Weakness

Chapter 551 The Tyrant Empress’s Weakness

Ceasar's fist was the strongest force they had since in terms of pure, raw power.

His punches could blast through the strongest metals, and his current armor, built from the ship of Shackstress and improved through the union of power, allowed Ceasar to have the power of more than ten Unlocked.

His defenses were equally shocking as it was theorized that he could survive the Sword Like Lightning attack that the main body of Lennox could create!

The sudden betrayal came at the most inconvenient time for the Tyrant Empress. But she did not retreat.

Harnessing the power of her beauty, he bent the entire space around her to serve her.

Her realm that her Path had reached commanded the energies, and she gathered all the power towards herself. Time drastically slowed down as time was altered in obedience to her beauty.

She constantly attempted to fuse the power but felt a strange rejection and could not contain the power.

She abandoned her attempt as time was quickly rushing forward. Unfortunately, even her beauty could not produce the power of Unity.

She threw all the energy of the numerous powers towards Ceasar.

"Ceasar! I am your queen!" She shouted to remind Ceasar of his allegiance.

At the last second, the strength of Ceasar weakened, and the punch struck the incomplete power of the Tyrant Empress.


The two Overcomers were thrown back at the attack.

The Tyrant Empress managed to fly, but Ceasar received sound and wind repelling power, and he fell to the ground.

Richie and Hermes began to charge down.

"Attack now!" Richie commanded, and his Notes also moved and created massive sound attacks that rippled out and attacked the army.

"Kill them! The Tyrant Empress commanded and harnessed her Path.

Eden and Zulu rose back up and commanded their numerous forces to attack.

The army of Andronze that numbered thousands upon thousands all shot out and didn't care for a position or if they would hit allies. They were simply shooting in the direction where Richie and Hermes moved.

Zulu harnessed the power of the souls that the Tyrant Empress controlled. He let out the hundreds of souls he could contain, and they all gathered around the Empress.

"To those souls! Some dark magic does not bound you! That is the only science that breaks the dimensional laws! But He who the Son sets free is free indeed! Believe in the power of the truths you've witnessed! Souls! Get out of them!" Eagle rebuked and cast out the spirits that had taken over the undead.

The power tore a crack in the dimensions, and Zulu's soul magic, similar to Tiana's power, finally faltered.

The defensive lines fell as the souls retreated, and Zulu suffered a powerful backlash as the souls escaped his grasp.

"How... can they hear...?!" Zulu did not understand. These souls were contained through the special power that the Progenitor left them. And yet, they heeded the voice of Eagle!

"Akasha! Show them! Show them the power of shedding blood!" Eagle commanded.

The vampires of Akasha had all but been eliminated save for the core vampire team that she personally trained. These were not mere vampire thralls but powerful Unlocked that have survived numerous battles and could even fight against the Alpha Wolfs of Amir!

"Coven! Help me bear the power of blood!"

The group of vampires that remained harnessed the power, and through their servitude and blood bond, the power of Unity was once more activated.

It rippled out energy that surpassed the WGP's Origin power.

"All those marked with my blood! Die!" Akasha roared.

Throughout the battle, her vampires were using blood that took the form of weapons. But the blood was strong and hard that some powerful vampires could cleave an Exoskeleton clean.

But as they died, the blood in them would escape and explode. And this mist had surrounded the battlefield and affected many soldiers.

Suddenly, all who were covered with the blood of the fallen vampires began to suffer strange needle attacks as the blood had somehow seeped in through the cracks and killed the pilot.

"Gallium! Punish the Empress! That one called Jezebel and show her the reward to the overcomer!" Eagle ordered.josei

Gallium raced throughout the sky, with a jet-like mercury ship that formed around him. He commanded the liquid metal he had sent out as he followed the plan that Akasha laid out.

"My metal is weak! But now it will prove to be strong!" Gallium commanded as a large number of exoskeletons that were now under the control of the Empress changed direction and began to attack the allies of the Tyrant Empress.

The Tyrant Empress, who was always on the offensive and had to only deflect the attacks of Eagle, had suddenly shifted to defense.

Far away, in the Many Mansions, Arthur and his team watched the battle.

"This is it. The defeat of the Tyrant Empress. The plan that I and Seeker made has finally been accomplished." Arthur declared with certainty.

"So the Tyrant Empress cannot entice the world. But her power to attract others has its maximum limits." Lennox assessed.

"Yes. That was the secret that Seeker told me, Lowengren, Lioncourt, and Eagle when she was sealed. It's something that she doesn't even seem to realize. Her weakness is her vanity. She did not know that realm, soul cultivation, and the constant exposure to Eagle's truth had solidified a power to resist her attraction."

"And so, you plotted to have her fight in an environment where she would use her power to attract thousands and thousands, not realizing that the more she controlled others, the stability, and power that had chained those under her spell had weakened. But will this permanently resolve the issue of her being this manipulating, selfish creature?"

"That is yet to be determined. She is the only Overcomer that hadn't learned her lesson after being defeated. When Seeker fought against Richie, Meng, Lioncourt, and sent others to clash with Amir and the other Near-Overcomers, they instantly folded and wanted to follow Seeker. You knew that saving Guinevere would be through Seeker, so you instantly followed. But the Tyrant Empress was locked in her own pride. And now is her punishment." Arthur explained.

The voice of Eagle erupted to everyone in the battle as Richie allowed his voice to be transmitted.

"And so is fulfilled the word of God in the book of Revelation. And to the angel of the church in Thyatira write: 'The words of the Son of God, who has eyes like a flame of fire, and whose feet are like burnished bronze.

'I know your works, your love and faith and service and patient endurance, and that your latter works exceed the first. But I have this against you, that you tolerate that woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess and is teaching and seducing my servants to practice sexual immorality and to eat food sacrificed to idols. I gave her time to repent, but she refuses to repent of her sexual immorality. Behold, I will throw her onto a sickbed, and those who commit adultery with her I will throw into great tribulation, unless they repent of her works, and I will strike her children dead. And all the churches will know that I am he who searches mind and heart, and I will give to each of you according to your works." Eagle declared.

"You, oh members of the Unlocked, have done great things! But yet your heart is swayed by Jezebel. See now the judgment of the Lord as she will face the tribulation of her deeds! Tyrant Empress! Quera Sapphire! Repent!" Eagle charged her.

"Submit to the authority of the sent messiah who will foreshadow the true Messiah!"

The Tyrant Empress felt her heart tremble as the words poked yet another hole in her pride and built confidence. She had just found a way to overcome, yet now, she was being pushed into a far more terrifying state as she felt her power leaving her.

"Beauty is fleeting! Your attraction has its limits! But had you built more on your foundation, you would have had more faithful allies! If you truly want to be an empress, then you should learn how to serve! Watch as my power, the seeds planted in your team's hearts, bear its fruit! You snatched their wills with your beauty, but see how through the building Word that they have heard, again and again, they are slowly gaining the powers to resist you! Your shallow foundations have proven to be weaker than the trust and built unity of what true love is! And now, your followers abandon you! Accept your defeat, temptress!"

Ceasar stood up once more at the crater where he fell.

But as he stood up, he was extremely disappointed in himself.

"Tyrant Empress! Your reign ends now!" Caesar roared as he summoned the strength to jump the great distance to attack the Tyrant Empress from below.

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