New Game+

Chapter 611 Dormin’s Offer

Chapter 611 Dormin’s Offer

Cecilia was once part of the Presider Team that served under Principal Dormin. She belonged to the Pig Five. They were a group of powerful Presiders that had the Devourer Suit. But unlike Presiders that served a Principal, the Pig Five were noted to be one that had 'very special treatment.'

While Principals could not attack Presiders and wage war against them, there were other means that they could interfere using the power to see the dimensions and even the future.

Presiders would even see themselves dying in death due to how Principals could simply plant seeds that would have dangerous manifestations in the future. In her life, Cecilia defeated two Mid-Tiers and devoured them thanks to the preparations that her former master had said.

But during the war, she realized they were bred for specific purposes. She, herself, was not among the ones that her master knew would arise and be strong. They were simply those who would go against someone who would soon become a Principal.

When Seeker told her that they were 'trying to get out of the Principal's control,' she scoffed at the thought. Even those who had reached the peak of the Top Tier could not easily free themselves from it. She had tried that all her life. She planned to ride the wave of the Principal and soon break free to become her own. But such simple plans were impossible to attain.

During the war, she saw the seeds of the Principal turn against her, and she nearly died. In fact, her state was supposed to be dead. But for some reason, she remained alive.

But now the Principal contacted her!

"Principal Dormin!"

"Are you even surprised that I know you still live?"

"...I am surprised you would contact me, my Prince!" She glanced at Seeker, who could hear the communication.

"I believe that you have some guest there who should have... retreated and taken away a Pioneer's family." Cecilia turned to Seeker and the rest who stood by. josei

Seeker smiled. If the Principal knew that they were there, he would tell him. But they remained.

Cecilia felt her heart stop. Before she was a living entity that managed to escape the grasp of a Principal!

"I... did have some guests. I'm still shocked at the broadcast. Why did you allow this?" Cecilia asked.

"Where are the ones that came here from Earth? Why did you allow them to come here? I am but a Pioneer at this stage. I am given over to death with no hope of a future! I try to live, I try to survive, but even now, you feed me to other wolves!" Cecilia spoke out her true frustrations. When she heard the broadcast and saw the commotion in her base, she knew those attacking her were Earthlings. Her voice and cry now were her frustration towards the Principal.

"You can only learn to rise if you have fallen. And look how low you have! But now, a choice is to be given to you. A chance to survive and rise even stronger!"

"What chance is this?" Cecilia asked.

"A Babelian legacy. A lineage that I procured, which I believe, is the very power that was the foundation for the Lost Primordial."

Cecilia was stunned. He turned to Seeker and the rest.

"And why would you give me such power?'

"Because I know that it is almost impossible to awaken this power. The chance is so minuscule that even I cannot use this power. And besides, it's too late for me. I can tell that the power to be a Lost Primordial is founded before one steps into the stages of a Principal. But you will not only receive the Lost Primordial's legacy, but you have here the opportunity to devour them!"

"But my Prince, while my Devouring power remains, all my former powers are lost. I only am alive by life-saving techs. I do not have the means to challenge them!"

"You will not challenge them. You will aid them."

"Aid them?" Cecilia was confused.

"I have foreseen a future from here to Earth. In this future, the deaths of these Earthlings are sure. If you are able to keep them as close as possible to this future, you may live and will find the chance to kill them."

"You want me to become their ally?"

"Yes. Right now, you have the heart for it, don't you? The curse of the Primordial is gone."

Cecilia was shocked. This was the same thing that Seeker just mentioned!


"A curse to Conquer. We Principals have long noticed this trend among those that die. What I'm offering to you is not a chance to conquer but to survive. Stay under the radar. Hide behind the earthlings. Lead them to the path that will pave, and when all is said and done, a new Principal will arise. Either from them or elsewhere. And I will devour them. Remain a Presider, and I won't have to kill you."

"How will I become their ally?'

"The target of these Earthlings is to entice chaos and deal with the Presiders. But the one that they will go after is Presider Marrho."


Seeker nodded in agreement. His team had many potential Presider to fight. But Marrho, who was a living clone of Crostfree and someone who was an incarnation of another Prime, was the perfect target.

"They will head towards the inner level of the Orbital. Seek for them there. As of now, I will show you the future and what paths they will take. Your goal is to keep them following that future! Do you agree?"

Cecilia turned to Seeker and gave him a meaningful look.

She wanted to survive and didn't want to be caught in the battle between Presiders and Principals. And Principal Dormin's offer would give her that protection. But, Seeker had surpassed Principal Dormin's power. Cecilia knew that she could ultimately play both sides. Seeker was already there and knew of the plan. If Seeker fails to defeat the Principal, then she will be spared.

"What happens if... they win?" Cecilia asked.

Principal Dormin laughed.

"Ah... So daring of you to be disrespectful. But considering what I have done to you, I guess you'd want revenge! If they win, then you will still live! Be an Earthling! That's not an issue for someone who is outside of the curse!"

"...I don't want to be a Conqueror." Cecilia answered.

When Seeker arrived, he told her of the Primordial's curse and who they were as descendants of the Lsot Primordial. They were not Conquerors but Overcomers.

"And you won't be. You will survive."

"...I accept."

"Good. I will show you the future."

At once, Cecilia's head was filled with thoughts and visions.

"Ahhh!" She shouted as her head was being forced with many memories of hundreds of years!

"These are some of the possible futures. I have given you many paths. Manipulate them and encourage them to follow this future. I will be watching. I won't blame you if you fail in many instances. But you have to keep them following the main path. If you do not, I will treat this as an act of betrayal, and by the laws set, I can kill you!"

"Ahhhhh!" Cecilia kept shouting as she felt pain, as if her head was splitting into two.

"And now... for my other promise. I will send you a finger. A relic of the past in the days of the Primordial. This is the Finger of Arpachshad. Do what you will to it. It is useless to me. Maybe, if you can study the bodies of these Earthlings in secret, you could find a way to harness that power you could grow stronger. I don't care since you have no desire to Conquer anyway."

A strange power began to resonate on her throne as a floating finger appeared.

The finger was perfectly preserved as if it was still living.

"Good luck. And try to survive." The voice disappeared.

Cecilia was still in pain for a while, but she quickly removed herself from the Throne.

As she left, her body began to quickly decay in weakness.

Seeker reached out to her and harnessed the power of Cold Fusion that, which stopped her decaying state, and held his hand out to send his cells into the body to heal him.

"A little something that I learned from Charles." Seeker chuckled as the area became warped with Realm and Sound.

Cecilia was panting.

"I may have no desire to Conquer, Principal Dormin said. But there is still rage in my heart. If I cannot Conquer, then I will Overcome!" She smiled.

Rai took the floating finger and handed it over to Seeker.

"...A finger? So this is where the Lost Primordial got his power..." Irvana glanced at the finger.

"If even a Principal can't, what hopes do we have?" Jake sighed.

"...I wouldn't be too sure. I've heard that name before." Seeker closed his eyes and began to scour through his memory. His control was great, but he could not imitate Cliff's ability of constantly being able to recall all memories at once.

And then, he found it.

In the deepest parts of his memories, Seeker saw the name that he read past by when he read the bible.

"Genesis 11 verse 10. These are the generations of Shem. When Shem was 100 years old, he fathered Arpachshad two years after the flood."

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