New Game+

Chapter 76 - The Aftermath

Chapter 76 - The Aftermath


The Jet known as the Void Traveler reached New Birth Fort and dropped its package. The package it dropped wasn't a bomb but the Special Commando Unit that existed in the shadows of American history.

"Amazing. Pangea really did a number huh?" An American soldier laughed as he landed from his drop.

"Looks like a suicide attack. Lowengren's Maneuver. I can't believe that kid had the balls to pull this off on an actual battlefield." Another soldier whistled as he landed.

"My sons' pretty good at that game. Does that mean he could be a good general?"

"Cut the chit-chat. We've got work to do. Eliminate any soldier. We only have a 10-minute window." The landing commander ordered.

"Sir? I believe that the other nations are arriving." The pilot of the Void Traveler reported as he detected several jets entering the atmosphere.

"Looks like our timetable just went down to five. Let's move!" The commander hastily ordered.

The world was moving to war. Nations were secretly sending their top spies and soldiers to New Birth Fort.

It all started when Harker received the secret transmission from New Birth Fort and sent it to the top leaders around the world. The various experiments and overview of Australian sciences ended with a video of Harker himself giving a gripping warning.

"My daughter died in this war. Australia is strong. I do not want their technology. I just want vengeance. My entire army has been disseminated and only a handful of soldiers remained. I have informed other world leaders about this technology that Australia has. In 500 hours, Pangean Standard Time, I will release the information of Australia's actions to the world. One way or another Australia will burn. Good luck in stealing the data."

All world leaders who managed to see this video immediately sprang into action.

Although all nations were secretly performing human modification experiments, the known world condemned it. With the revelation of Australia's inhumanities, it would only be expected that the Nations would all join together and condemn Australia for its actions.

Soon Harker once again took to the stage of national television and gave the summary of his "defeat."

The video feed taken from several of Pangean's Exoskeletons were shown.

The battle against the magnetic technology of the wall, the appearance of an advanced Jet Propelled Exoskeleton, and finally the invulnerable large golems that seemed immune to bombs and rockets.

"My soldiers were destined to be defeated. They faced monsters that were the result of human modification. The video they found has been released for the world to see. Lowengren who went on a rampage was granted control over the army at the brink of our defeat and he gave his life to perform a suicide attack using our Solarium technology. But they had to do it. They needed to send this message to the world! My army died, now I ask the world how will you respond to this breach of humanity!" Harker angrily screamed.

"Australia has been secretly trafficking humans all around the world for their experiments. They are your neighbors, your friends, your families! And this isn't just an organization that is behind kidnappings and human experimentation! Since the world began, has there been a nation who would do this?" Harker spoke with immense anger and the world followed with him.

What followed next was a series of extremely good acting. Harker's speech was the very excuse the other nations needed to immediately launch an attack.

New Birth Fort was opened and so the nations sent their very best to steal the data in this large fort. Australia was now a country that could easily be exploited. The existence of their sciences was very enticing to the world leaders.

Since the beginning of the war, Garland had refused aid from the surrounding military bases due to his fear that the attack may happen on other bases. His fear was that a full-scale Pangean invasion would occur and these bases would immediately be attacked. Soon, Garland managed to convince the other General's as he reported to be on the verge of winning.

But Garland died. Once the surrounding bases detected three large explosions in New Birth City, they immediately sent their reinforcements towards New Birth Fort.

As if it was some wicked coincidence, Harker's video was unveiled to the world. Australia was shocked that Pangea revealed the videos and immediately worked to disprove its authenticity. But by then, it was too late.

"The King of England and the Ruling Leaders of New Great Britain hold Australia's deeds in contempt. Among the people shown on the video, we have confirmed that Australia has been trafficking our citizens into their lands to further this demonic research. We will hold this as an act of war and will immediately appeal to the World Governing Powers for a declaration of war against Australia!"

Just as the news of King Lordenheign was made, a nearby British fleet that roamed the Pacific, immediately acted and waged war even before the World Governing Powers had approved of the appeal.

"General Audenvise of the 5th Fleet had immediately launched an attack on a military base of Australia. The World Governing Powers had yet to approve of New Great Britain's declaration of war when the fleet had started to engage with the forces of Australia." A reporter gave his report on national T.V.

"The Ruling Leaders have denied that they ordered the 5th Fleet to attack and maintained that General Audenvise has been acting independently. We have Kate Charity Live on- Wait." The reported immediately gave an alarmed expression.

"This just in, One China's Pacific fleet has also started to engage Australia's forces! It appears that One China has also attacked Australia and sank the entire fleet on the South Pacific disregarding the War Treaty of the World Governing Powers!"

News channels all over the world immediately highlighted the fact that several nations waged war against Australia without appealing to the World Governing Powers for war.

Several videos were immediately shown as these General's gave impassioned speeches about how they could not abandon their morality and save the lives of the poor experimented humans that Australia has. Following Harker's lead, they immediately acted independently to wage war with Australia without the approval of their superiors.

Of course, behind the scenes, these independent actions were actually ordered attacks.

Due to the suspicious natures of almost every World Power, naval fleets and mobile bases were deployed all over the vast oceans. As such, it was relatively easy for these nations fleets to immediately attack Australia with heavy aerial forces.

The moment Harker released the video, these nations were already poised to attack. Majority of attacks were on the Northern cities of Australia. New Birth City, which was formerly known as Darwin city had little or no forces capable of defending from the attacks now. Most of their soldiers were dead and the reinforcements from the nearby cities had yet to arrive.

One China was even bolder. Instead of sending their forces to New Birth, One China's massive fleet attacked two of the nearby bases. An all-out war immediately occurred. Of all the leading world powers, only South Pacific United was unable to join the fray to make preemptive strikes as information was withheld from them. Pangea also maintained its aggressive threats to ensure that the SPU's armies won't ever make its way in Pangean territory.

As such, they were the only superpower who was unable to send spies to retrieve whatever data was left in New Birth Fort.

Any Australian military base would most likely host a secret laboratory or contain the information for their research. As such, China went a step ahead. Rather than participating in a race against the battle to get the information in New Birth Fort, they opted to steal this information's from other bases.

The chain of events that China started caused rippled effects. United Soviet Russia waged an attack at Sydney with a full-scale army.

The 107th fleet of the Americas launched a specialized rocket to destroy the Light Breaker.

President Stark Norton of the Americas declared that the Light Breaker is confirmed to be armed with weapons of mass destruction and immediately launched a Sat-Breaker even without the approval from the World Governing Powers.

Of course, the real reason was so that their troops can infiltrate New Birth Fort and destroy any possible evidence that the Light Breaker could reveal.

Australia couldn't fight back. The emergence of sudden attacks across all of its sea-based military bases caused them to be unable to provide reinforcements as the number of the attacks they received were too plenty.

While the world was arming themselves to destroy Australia, a submarine was leaving the shores of New Birth City. It encountered a British fleet which protected it from a small detachment of Australian forces trailing at the back.

Soon, the Submarine docked inside the large British ship and several soldiers gave a military welcome to the submarine.

Arthur was the first to exit.

The Captain of the ship waited and gave a warm welcome to Arthur.

"Arthy! My oh my… you've grown into a fine man. And an even deadlier soldier. Your father would be proud." The Admiral smiled.

"Fleet Admiral Ramsden. Good to see you."

"Looks like you're following in the footsteps of your father... Oh my…. They're alive."

"They're dead Admiral." Arthur gave a commanding statement.

"Of course. They're dead. I'm very glad that Mister Lowengren is dead. Such a bold strategy. Clearly, he was an ace amongst Generals." Ramsden smiled. The Admiral had long since been acquainted with Lennox and was used with following suit with whatever the Humprhrey's did.

The Fleet Admiral was, of course, referring to Lowengren and Alean Cipril who Harker confirmed to be dead.

There were no words exchanged between the group. Ramsden led them towards the Bridge of the ship to witness the developing news first hand as well as see the results of their attacks towards New Birth Fort. Albert Hoross who had already escaped long before the war started immediately rushed and hugged Lowengren.

The members of Covenant also stood there immediately talking to Arthur and Kristine.

News of Australia's claims filled the news channels as it did it's best to appeal to the world. It tried to accuse Pangea of giving out false information but soon a video was released from the surviving Pangean forces. It held the interviews of the rescued individuals from Australia's experiments.

People who were lost for months and even over 5 years started to resurface. They came from different parts of the world and as the news from these countries confirmed that these people were actual people who disappeared, Australia's counter-accusations fell on deaf ears.

The World Governing Powers demanded Australia to surrender, but Australia refused and suddenly stopped communicating. This outrageous acts even spurred the world to be angrier than it was.

Arthur sighed and smiled.

"Australia doesn't have a choice. If they surrender, more of their experiments would come to light. All they could do now is fight. But this war isn't over. Australia won't fall so easily. Still, I can't believe that Seeker's reckless plan actually worked." Arthur sighed.

"So what now?" Lowengren asked.

"What else? The Game continues. Since Player One is still out, I still have to proxy for him in this war. Luckily, I have you to help me. How's our prisoner?" Arthur asked the Admiral.

"Still refusing to talk or eat. I believe he's planning to starve himself to death."

"Too bad. I guess it's time to interrogate him."

"Why is he alive?" Alean asked.

"Ask Lynd." Arthur said as he left the room.

The group turned towards Lynd.

"Well… it's just a conjecture. But I think he has the potential to be a Ranked Hero." Lynd shrugged.

The group was surprised at Lynd's words. But no one doubted Lynd. He had basically copied a portion of Seeker's skills and instinctive reactions. He could not shake the feeling that Lander was someone who had the potential.

"Interesting..." Charles smirked.

"Well… I guess that's expected. The question is, how can we make him one of us now that we've destroyed his country?" Alean wondered.

Arthur finally reached the room where the prisoner was kept and immediately entered.

"I kept you waiting. Lieutenant Lander.. The Hero of Helion's Tragedy."

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