New Game+

Chapter 80 - Re-Entering Australia

Chapter 80 - Re-Entering Australia

The continuing political battles against Australia continued. Yet another day has passed without any attacks.

Talks about releasing Australian citizens that came from other countries continued but were met with sharp rebuttals from Australia.

The World Governing Powers still held a strong stance against Cyber Abominations and the reuse of weapons of mass destruction.

"Wars have come and gone but the moment we allow ourselves to act on these depravities, then we can simply kiss the world goodbye. Australia, should you show any hint of cyber abominations against any foreigners be it from Pangea or other nations, we will allow nations to use weapons of mass destruction against you!"

The Supreme Judge declared righteously.

"But if any nation uses any forms of weapons of mass destruction, then the World Governing Powers have all agreed that that nations immunity towards weapons of mass destruction will be revoked. Australia or any other nations may use weapons of mass destruction against it!" The Judge continued.

A great clamor erupted in the room as several representatives argued on the immediate resolution.

Australian representatives all was silent. But they knew this was the best possible course of action. They could continue the war without fearing attacks utilizing weapons of Mass Destruction.

"Looks like the wars going to continue for a long time." Chris sighed.

Seated next to him was another couple. The tall man and woman stood nearby and kept looking at the doors at the far end of the wide room they were in.

"Where is my daughter? Why were we asked to wait here?" He spoke with a strict voice.

"Mr. Steveson Mikado, I know that you're getting impatient. But I'm sure your daughter's fine." Grace gave a kind remark as she urged this short and unhappy man back to her seat.

"I'm sorry… Is something wrong?" Grace then turned towards the wife of Steveson. Jade Mikado.

"You've been staring at me for quite some time."

"It's nothing. It's just. Were in this military base and you two seems so calm."

"Oh. That's because something impossible was shown to us. But this was all to our advantage so we're not worried." Chris gave a light smile but his melancholic eyes continued to look deeply towards Jade's.

"Buuuuut you still won't tell us what's going on?" A happy and playful voice spoke behind the couple who had intense gazes.

The two couples barely managed to hide their frown and turned towards the last couple with them.

Peters Indigo and his ever faithful, and somewhat deranged wife, Lynda Indigo.

"My my… what's with your gazes. You two should know that I am the one who should be the most… the concern in this troublesome situation." Peters laughed as he gave a meaningful glance at the two couples.

The two couples gave a surprised look as if something sparked as Peters spoke.

The atmosphere then became tense.

"Harker here," Harker spoke through the speakers.

"Thank you for waiting. I'm sure you must be wondering why I've asked you to wait in that large room. Now is the time to find out. You must have noticed the three crates just below the television? Please open it. The code is 5-7-3-1." Harker stopped speaking as the group went for the large crates. There were three crates prepared so each couple went over a crate.

They gave a careful glance at each other before they typed the codes together.

A clicking sound was heard and the three couples opened the boxes as if they were in synch.

Inside the crates were several guns. Sub-machine guns, rifles, handguns, and large knives.

The three were surprised at the sight.

The door at the far end of the empty room opened as three individuals walked in.

They wore a black mask and each held a particular weapon.

The man on the left carried a large ax that was probably longer than himself.

The woman at the center held a pair of handguns while the tall man at the right held an obscenely large gun.

The man at the right immediately aimed his gun at the couples.

"This is bad!" Chris immediately reacted and immediately took out a gun on the crate.

Grace did so likewise as well as the other couples.

Just when they had taken out a gun, the tall man immediately shot a single round using the big gun's grenade launcher.

The couples panicked and evaded the blast.

Peters was the first to react.

"Ah screw it!" He then opened fire and shot several rounds using the sub-machine gun he managed the acquire.

The tall man easily avoided all the attacks.

"Amazing! I couldn't believe it! Arthur was right!" A familiar voice sounded from the tall man.

"Lynd?" Peters spoke in shock.

Lynd shot the grenade launcher to explode a few meters from their location. But the quick reactions of his own father revealed the truth of Arthur's previous revelation.

Lynd took out his mask.

"Dad! You're really a former mercenary?!" Lynd had an awestruck look at his dad.

The other couples already held their weapons and were aiming at the enemy but then stopped at the sudden development.

"Lynd Peters?" Stevenson was shocked at the revelation.

"Hi, Uncle Steveson!" Lynd gave a happy greeting.

"I guess Arthur was right and you should be part of the East Asian Alliance Intelligence." Lynd smiled and then readied another round. But before he could shoot…


Chris shot several rounds on the ground just a few inches away from where the three stood.

"And finally, the worst of the lot." Alean smiled.

"Chris and Grace Carlean. Pangean Operatives. But the two of you are actually double-agent spies from the Americas right?" Alean then readied her gun.

"You know what to do. We're dealing with experts here. Vamp up the training and release the strongest pressure you have." Alean ordered as the trio continued to walk closer towards the group.

The group gave a wary look at each other. Although Stevenson knew of Chris and Grace's true identity, as well as the dark history of the feared mercenaries pair that wreaked havoc in SPU's history, he did not expect that his own cover was blown.

Facing such a complicated scenario, Steveson threw his gun on the ground.

"If you know our identities. Then I surrender. I'll tell you everything if you promise that my daughter is safe." Steveson gave a serious stare at Alean.


With two gunshots, the weapon that Steveson threw on the ground flew back up to him.

"Nice shot." Alean commended Lynd.

"Don't worry Uncle Steveson. Meryl's with Arthur. Unlike Zeek, Arthur's very careful and thoughtful. So you can be sure that she's not doing anything crazy. Sorry, Mom! Dad! I'll have to be a little rough on you." Lynd smiled as his pace started getting faster.

"Wait! Where's my daughter! I just want to know if she's safe!"

"Like I said Uncle, she's in good hands. Don't worry about her. I'm sure she's enjoying the ocean breeze right now. Worry about yourself." A tremendously strong pressure filled the room.

Meanwhile, on the dark depths of the ocean, a submarine slowly submerged.

"Alright, guys! Time to ride our rockets to Australia!" Meryl shouted happily. She had already adjusted herself from the pitch-black environment of the sea. The moon and stars shone poorly that night. Perfect for their operation.

"Arthy! Explain."

"The long-ranged misses have been modified in which we should be able to hang onto these parts. The rockets will be traveling at intense speeds so expect to withstand up to 8 G-Force. That's nothing that we can't handle though. At my signal, we are to abandon our missiles and glide towards the base. Our target is to disable the defense of the base. Kill everyone silently and disable whatever defense system you can. That is all."

The team walked out of the submerged submarine and waited for the countdown.

"It's still not too late to stop this crazy plan, Sire." Admiral Ramsden Audenvise gave a last plea.

"Stop calling me "sire" Ramsden. You're no longer our family butler."

"Be it as it may, Sire, I still find myself to be blamed for what happened to your sister. I cannot stand to see another one of Master's sons to be lost in meaningless combat."

"It's no longer meaningless, Ramsden. And don't worry. Dad's looking for my sister now. We should be able to get her safety. You have your orders."josei

"As you wish Sire."

"Admiral, launching will shortly begin. Please come back inside."

The Admiral slowly walked towards the entrance and gave one last look towards his young master.

"Fire the Lightning Rods!" Admiral ordered.

Further out from the borders of Australia's area of responsibility, the Floating Fortress Churchill acted.

Several long-ranged launchers aimed for Australia and fired several rounds of rockets.

The rockets flew high up on the atmosphere and slowly it aimed down. Up on the stratosphere, these rockets unloaded their package using magnetic technology.

Large bars of steel rods flew down to the earth from the great heights of heaven.

As it reached the Australian base, the Enigmatic Magnetic Field acted as bolts of lightning arced and struck these large rods.

But the rods weren't explosives and simply withstood the electric bolts and crashed on the base.


The earth shook as these megaton metals planted itself on the different parts of the base.

Admiral Ramsden Audenvise gazes at the video feeds and smirked.

"You think you're the only one who has grown since the last war, Australia? It's time to fight fire with fire."

Meryl and Arthur watched the feeds outside the submarine using a small square device.

"What's that metal? It didn't seem to do anything on the base except create a few holes." Meryl had a confused expression.

"Wait for it. While Australia utilized alien technology to reach this far, the other countries had also used the time to perfect their sciences. And a powerful nation such as New Great Britain isn't something to be ignored. They are probably the only nation who could dismantle Australia's EMF."

"You mean those metals will keep the EMF busy?"

"No. That's not it. It's ironic actually... This technology of theirs. After all these years and all their breakthrough, they went back to one science which they've been famous for in science fiction. Doctor Frankenstein's eccentric answer to awakening his monster. The Lightning Rod."

The pods which held and fired the large metal rods then started to spark an electric charge. The electric current raged out as these pods slowly fell towards the ground. Then it happened.

A large lightning blast arced from the sky and rocked these heavy metals.


A net of electric arcs filled the entire base.

Electric arcs continued to dance striking every form of metal and incinerating unguarded soldiers outside.

The war between the EMF reddish lightning fought against the blue lightning arcs from the lightning rod and resulted in chaos. Soon the reddish lightning arcs disappeared.

Another set of large metals fell unto the base. And a few seconds later, lightning strikes rained upon the base once more. The arcs of electricity were more chaotic as more Lightning rods protruded from the ground.

"The missions a go!" Arthur spoke as he readied to jump.

The EMF was no longer activated at the second volley of Lightning Rods.

The submarine-launched several torpedoes which then vaulted upwards and broke out of the water.

Arthur immediately jumped and positioned himself at the provided gaps and handles of the large rising rocket.

Soon the volley of rockets broke through the waters as the rest of the teams followed.

The submarine launched a total of twenty-three rockets which flew to the sky.

"WEHEW!" Meryl shouted excitedly as she was lifted high above the dark sea.

It wasn't long before the base was on sight.

Several anti-air turrets were still functional and shot several rounds towards the sky.

"You sure you got this Arthy?!" Meryl shouted loudly on her comm device.

Arthur did not answer but simply pulled out two rifles prepared for this anti-air opposition.

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