New Game+

Chapter 84 - Those At The Peak

Chapter 84 - Those At The Peak

A young wounded boy followed the various soldiers who were leading the people away from the war.

The sudden attacks of New Great Britain had threatened the nearby city. The war slowly dragged towards the city and New Great Britain's forces had finally conquered the base.

Ever since the Third World War, and the emergence of Cyber Abominations, strict war etiquette was observed during the war.

Once a base is officially occupied, the "region" in which that base covers then fall into a ceasefire as the civilians would be escorted out. The civilians had the choice to either flee to a nearby city or allow the conquerors to capture them. A strict screening procedure is involved on assigning whether or not a civilian may move to the next city or will be taken by the invaders.

Both the invading and the defending country may not attack each other during this time.

Any country who does not follow this procedure will face the World Governing Power's wrath. This involves the authorization for any country to launch weapons of mass destruction towards the offending country.

When New Great Britain managed to conquer the base, the ceasefire came to effect.

The evacuation occurred immediately and the soldiers were escorting the civilians out.

A parade of civilians was walking towards the screening area.

"Next!" A soldier coldly announced.

A small boy walked in slowly.

"Name and birth?"

"Jeffrey Davison."

"Your names not found in the system. Please walk towards New Great Britain's deport bay."

"Please, sir! I'm homeless! I don't have any paperwork or proofs! I wouldn't appear in the system! Don't send me out there! Please! I've heard they beat Australian's and torture them! I don't want to die!' The boy wept.

The soldier had long experienced scenes such as this. His cold heart wouldn't budge and immediately call security to escort these civilians out.

But this time, he could not help but sympathize with the boy's plight.

"Please send all of us in! Me and my friends and family! We can't bear to be a part of one another! This is our home and this is all that we've known!"

The soldier hesitated. His numb heart was moved.

"Listen, kid, I'm sorry. It's just that…"

"Let them in." The supervisor overseeing the checkpoint sighed.

"Al-Alright sir!" The soldier immediately followed.

"How many are you with?" The supervisor asked.

"There are twelve of us." The young boy spoke. His eyes pleaded.

"Please… let us all in. I know it's too much to ask."

"Let them in." The supervisor smiled.

"Thank you!" The boy broke down and cried as he hugged the soldier. With grateful smiles, he beamed at the group around them.

All twelve managed to move past the checkpoint.

"Which region do you want to go?" The soldier asked.

"We don't know. We've been in this city all our lives."

"I think it's safe if you head to the central cities. Avoid the coastlines." The soldier smiled.

"Thank you, sir!" The young boy smiled once more.

The twelve walked out of the checkpoint offering their thanks to everyone.

The young boy continued to wipe his tears but then his eyes went blank.

"You did it." The tall man pretending to be his father laughed.

"These are soldiers who have seen death and wouldn't care about other people's feelings. They place their duty above their emotions. They are cold, detached, and would simply follow their objectives. But compared to the evil scientist who experimented on me every day… they would look at me like they did to their firstborn baby. How do you think I managed to avoid being thrown out of the lab by being a useless experiment?" The boy answered with a blank expression.

"Whatever kid! Just remember your targets! You have the most important roles to play after all!" The man laughed.

"I will."

"This is where we part ways, Disciples." The tall men addressed his team.

"Let's go."

The Twelve Disciples parted ways. Each headed towards their respective checkpoint exits and would journey to their assigned cities.

Harker and Lu stood at the loading bay of One China's port.

"What are all those large crates for? You could fit a car in there!" Lu wondered.

"You know how the Eastern Alliance are. They don't trust others. They use their technology."

Lu laughed at this comment.

"And I'm guessing the SPU loaded a lot of high-grade weapons?"

"Yes. I prohibited the use of biological weapons. But anything else is fine."

"So we have the Eastern Alliances high-tech computer gears, SPU's barrage of terrible weapons and America's Miscellaneous technology?"

"What could go wrong right? But it's Meng. I won't be surprised that all of them die." Harker spoke softly.

Lu was silent. He has heard of Meng's terrible reputation.

"Interesting. Don't panic. But it seems that there are assassins who managed to sneak in your crew. Meng's personal group if I'm not mistaken." Harker was bemused as he noticed two particular soldiers aiding in the loading.


"Relax. I don't think this is serious. It may have been a coincidence. Perhaps the Australian techs have tempted him out of his cave. He might have dropped several spies in this base and is using this gathering as a method of spreading his spies on each attacking nation. I'm just telling you this so you can keep an eye on them."

"What should we do?"

"Nothing. We don't want to arouse their suspicion, do we? If they sense something wrong then it could ruin this mission. My team won't do anything suspicious. So they won't be found out."

"There's a lot of risk in this, Harker. What if he's here?"

"If he is, then it's good. Our mission should easily be completed. But I doubt it. Meng… is hard to hide. I'm sure you know of this."

"A tiger may learn how to crouch, but a dragon can never crouch like a tiger." Lu nodded.

"Exactly. So I'm sure he won't risk it. Especially since half of the world is here. Just ignore it. They have their mission and I'm sure they're focused on accomplishing it. So they won't have time to take notice of these minor hindrances."

"If what you say is true, then your team just has to pretend like nothing is going on. Delegates always hitch rides in meetings like this. But they have to remain inconspicuous. They will be sharing the same flight after all." General Lu warned.

Harker laughed.

"Relax! I'm sure they won't do anything suspicious. Those three countries picked them because they believe in their potential. Put yourself in the shoes of these three countries! If they fail, Meng will retaliate. And with his deep connections here in China and in the Underworld, who knows what you would face! Who would you send if you were in their position?"

"The best of the best. The strongest of the strong. The pros among the professionals. The Elite." Lu responded without hesitation. If they were to take such a risk, the person whom they would send would be a god among men.

"Indeed. Paragons in their industry. Those unchallenged of this world and detached from all forms of carnal desires. They stay focused on their mission. To say it in your terms, unhindered in the heavens. The mountain beyond the mountain. Just like the Chinese Cultivators of old. Unblemished… Pure… Created solely to fulfill their task." Harker nodded as a fierce gaze exuding deep respect flashed in his eyes.

"Sir. The six guests are now on board. We did as they requested and provided six high-end gaming laptops and installed Piercing:Bullet. The six are now happily gaming inside the plane. It's quite a scene. Six grown individuals cursing and shouting." A soldier laughingly reported.

"CARLEAN! CHOKE ON THESE BALLS!" Peters loud voice was heard even at the bottom of the plane.

The soldier slowly walked away.

Lu's expression painted a silly expression. He turned to Harker for an explanation.

Harker's gaze stared straight to the heavens as if pondering the miracles of the men he just sent.

"Behold, Lu! True professionals! When they are assassins, they are invisible. When they are politicians, they are corrupt. When they are undercover, they are rowdy and rascals! Total immersion in who they are. Don't be fooled! This is what it means to be at the peak!" Harker slowly walked away as he continued to ponder the unparalleled might of these individuals.

Lu sighed. For a moment he doubted these six individuals.

"The peak, huh?" Lu wondered and walked away.

Harker was cursing on the inside.

"Why the hell are they playing Piercing:Bullet!?"

The six said agents were paired up with their spouses and were busy moving their mouse and typing away on their keyboards.

If someone would look at the game that these six were playing, they'd be shocked. It has reached a level that pro-gamers could only manage.

A triple-threat team melee was underway as each coupled was paired and busily fought against their enemies.

The match was amazing. Everyone was easily evading and blocking each other's attack.

The game had already progressed for more than ten minutes but not one of them has received damage.

"Getting used to it, honey?" Time for our counterattack!" Chris spoke excitedly.

"I'll lead. You're too reckless." Grace laughed as she controlled her avatar towards the center of the map.

"Now!" Grace ordered.josei

The timing of Chris and Grace's attacks were precise. The moment the enemy evaded, the small millisecond which the player would be unable to evade an incoming attack was exploited.


The first damage was made.

Jade had taken the first hit.

"Damn you, Carlean! Messing with my wife!" Steveson roared and attacked.

In the large hangar of the plane, several large crates that could fit several people were finally loaded.

"Are you sure it's OK?" Kristine wondered.

Inside this crate was Kristine, Arthur, and Meryl. They sat on the floor. The entire crate was empty but it had a cooling system which kept them comfortable.

"Yes. They barely have enough time to train. This could be the best training for them."

"Playing Piercing:Bullet?" Meryl wondered.

"Yes. Why do you think Seeker made you play these games? It helps you get used to the speed. And not only to see in the midst of this speed but to react as well. Not to mention the limited scope of the screen will help them calculate and move accordingly."

"No wonder you allowed those twelve to play that game on their free time." Kristine realized.

"Yes. I have already a plan on how to use this game as a training ground for my team."

"Your team?" Meryl was surprised.

"Of course. That's why Seeker assigned you as the trainer of this team. This is your team. I'll be making my own team soon. I suspect the Covenant's to have high potential in reaching the later stages of Inhuman. Once Lowengren completes this training, he will also set out to make his own team."

"I see. It's more effective this way." Kristine sighed.

"I wonder how those twelve are doing?"

"Don't worry about them. They'll be facing humans while we'll be facing those who stand at the Peak in this world. Of course... Right now, we too stand at the Peak. This is a battle that cannot compare to our previous fights. We face Unbecomings." Arthur spoke with a serious expression.

Somewhere in One China's famous "City of Fantasy," Nanjing...

A dangerous meeting was also taking place.

Twelve assassins were standing in the main hallway. This organization had over eight thousand employees worldwide, and they were affiliated with thousands of businesses, politicians, and other organization.

But in this large organization, it only had twelve titled assassins.

This was the organization that was the King of the Underworld in the East.

He slowly walked in.

The stones and steel that was used to build this place were modified. Its density and strength allowed it to withstand Pangean Eradication technology.

But this wasn't for protection.

He walked in and none of the twelves deadliest assassin dared look at him.

"Let me see your growth."

None were even looking at him, but many of the assassins started having wounds in their body.

Of all of Seeker's miscalculations, this was the worst. He underestimated the Overcomer who currently stood at the Peak.


Author, dated April 24/2021:

Check out Ascension of the Nephilim which is my entry to the Spirity Awards! Please leave a review to AotN story so that a rating will appear. (Also do leave a review here if you haven't yet)

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